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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"

  • EFoundations
    A big change is coming. For Scootaloo, it's a sign that all the good things in her life are about to go away. Everypony says she's looking at it in the wrong way, yet the only pony who can ease her mind is the one she can't talk to.
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Frequency is Almost Over and EqD Wants More · 10:14pm Mar 5th, 2015

I've got a busy day ahead of me, so I'll try to keep this one short. Let me take this opportunity to note that I find it mildly annoying that I can't tag more than one story with these blogs. Oh well, let the tyrannical internet overlords have their rules and nobody gets hurt. Except for the jerks who make it so those rules are required in the first place, but who cares about them, right?

News on Frequency and some Equestria Daily stuffses after the jump.

First, the awesome: Foundations has been accepted to Equestria Daily! This marks my fourth story to achieve that honor, and my first short story to do so. My thanks to pre-reader AugieDog for the acceptance.

So now I face the question of what to submit next. Right now I'm leaning towards either Ordinary World (a personal favorite that I think deserves far more attention than it has) or Of Angels (which has even less attention, but might not fly with the use of colored text and all), but I'm conflicted. So, those 60 or so of you that actually go through the trouble of reading these blogs of mine, what do you think?

Come on, speak up! This might be your only chance for that inconsequential little opinion of yours to matter! Feel the powah!

Alright then, on to Frequency. As those of you reading the story may be aware, there's only one chapter left, and it's set to release a week from today.

"Le gasp! Does this mean Paul's gonna start a new epic story?!"


And no.

I do indeed have a story concept in the works that I intend to work on soon, but unfortunately, it is an original fiction. Unlike my usual efforts involving original fiction, this one won't be widely shared online. Instead, I'm going to work on this one with the intention of actual, real-world publication. I've never succeeded at this before, but I've been through the rigamarole a couple times and know it's not easy. I'm treating this story as one of my ongoing three for the purposes of FIMFiction, which means I'll be limiting myself to just two FIMfiction stories until it's done.

Alright, I know what a whole, whopping 1% of you want to ask: what is this story and what will it be about? The answer is as simple as it could be complex. Simply put, I'm taking the basic concept of Lightning's Bolt and applying it to a science fiction setting. In the arena of the complex, I'll be changing around character roles, combining some characters into one, sweeping away entire side elements and substituting entirely new ones. The goal is to have something shorter than Lightning's Bolt and – more importantly – more streamlined in plot flow. With any luck, it'll catch some publisher's attention. If worse comes to worse, I can always self-publish (although that strikes me as the road to obscurity).

Oh, and at the moment I'm calling it 'Little Sparkle.'

So anywho, that's what's up. If at times it seems like I'm moving a bit slower than usual with my updating of stories, this is the reason.

Now have some random, unrelated art. Because I want pretty pictures in my blogs, dammit! Also, my current reading project demands some happy princesses to make things more pleasant.

Update Schedule

The Gentle Nights: Audience of One: March 7 or 8

Frequency: Thursday, March 12 FINAL CHAPTER!

Reddux the Tyrant: March 14 or 15

Total Word Count: 1,163,00 (+19,000) over 25 stories
Follower Rank: 433rd (+11)
Overall Ratings Average: 94.95% (+0.15%)
Highest-Rated Story (Not Counting Stories at 100%): The Gentle Nights @ 99.09% (+.01%, 14 Weeks)
Story with the Most Votes: Tyrant @ 1890/52 (14 Weeks)
Story with the Fewest Votes:
Peach Fuzz @ 21/1 (7 Weeks)
Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night @ 21/1 (4 Weeks)
Longest Story: Trixie vs. Equestria @ 144,000

Report PaulAsaran · 485 views · Story: Foundations ·
Comments ( 17 )

I liked Ordinary World myself. But it needs background from other storys to make sense.

By Luna's beard, I forgot about Frequency and that I was proof-reading it before certain things happened. My gosh I'm so sorry for that.

Site Blogger

Not really. As long as you can accept that Rarity and Golden Harvest are in a relationship, the story is perfectly capable of standing on its own.

It's alright, things are coming out smoothly anyway. As long as I have at least two pre-readers/editors, things usually go okay.

I'll keep you in mind for my next set of stories, though. :raritywink:

I told you, man! The Beans knows these things.

I would send in Angels if only because it's an easy story to love. EQD doesn't care much for colored text stories, and OW is a little more obtuse.

Site Blogger

I wonder if there are many Angel-related stories on EqD? It may warrant extra attention just based on him being the central character.

I know there's a story wherin Fluttershy transforms into a rabbit. I believe it's called Fluttershy's Bad Hare Day. But other than that, I know of none such stories.

Actually I was talking about Fleur being a secret agent. That kind of comes out of left field.

Site Blogger

I don't think that would be too shocking, honestly. I'm not he first to use the idea, and it's introduced in a simple way that isn't awkward or flashy.

I would say submit the oldest one first. I really like Ordinary World, but The Weed should come first there. Do they let you mark sequels on EqD? I guess the whole point is to get readers over to Fimfiction where they will see the marked sequel anyways.

Go for Ordinary world.

Come on, speak up! This might be your only chance for that inconsequential little opinion of yours to matter! Feel the powah!

Ouch. :rainbowwild:

As for the next story to EqD, I'd go for Of Angels. I'm not sure what they'd say to the colored text, but I definitely liked it more than Ordinary World. I'm also not sure EqD would take something marked as a sequel without having the sequel first, the pre-readers seem to like to get kinda anal about details like that.

Also, good luck with the publication/book!

Congrats on the 4th story accepted into EqD.
My vote also goes to Of Angels over Ordinary World.

Site Blogger

I did some inspection, and by now I realize that there are only two ways Ordinary World is getting in: either I cut all its visible ties to its prequels and hope the pre-readers don't throw a conniption fit when I re-attach the stories after acceptance, or I get The Weed accepted first. As much as I enjoy sneakiness, I definitely don't want to do option #1; there's too much risk of things like bans and whatnot. Option #2 is feasible, but only if I go in and do some major editing, because I'm confident The Weed won't pass inspection as it is.

I may go ahead and submit Of Angels, and while that's in the process of being examined take a look at The Weed and try to gussy it up.

2853779 Sounds like a good compromise there, I'd go ahead and do it.

I'm going to opt out of this particular vote, if only because I still need to get around to reading Ordinary World (oh 2000 strong RIL list, why do you mock me so?). Of Angels was spectacular though.


Best of luck! We'll eagerly await an update. :pinkiehappy:

Congratulations on your fourth story in EqD!

I think you should put in Of Angels. It was really unique, and it seems that everyone who read it enjoyed it (except for those two downvotes, and you have to admit that it was probably either the colored text or the fact that Angel was the character).

Good luck with the book! While I'm sad that Frequency is almost done, I definitely need to find time to read Lightning's Bolt, the whole No Heroes series, and pretty much anything of yours that I haven't read yet, because I'm just creepy like that.

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