The Future of Gravity · 3:05am Feb 27th, 2015
(Posted this on the Displaced group as well, but I felt my entire audience should see this too)
Okay, this is a little treat to all those who have been a fan of my first Displaced story: Gravity of the Situation. Everyone is probably wondering where this story is going with the upcoming sequel so I thought I'd take some time to tell you all about my plans.
First up is to give you a better update on when the sequel is coming out. Right now, the plan is for a release in late May of this year. I'll be using that time to write up the first few chapters as well as work on my other stories that I've been neglecting for so long. (Seriously, I haven't updated some in almost a year).
The overall plot of the sequel, without revealing too much, is for Kat to return to her normal state. That's about as much as I can say without spoiling, so to those naysayers out there (no, I'm not doing the pun, it's been overused) it's not a permanent change. There will be many things that happen over the course of Gravity 2, such as Kat coming to terms with what she has done as well as attempting to master full control over her now fully advanced powers. This story will span roughly five years of Kat's life and run for at least 2 seasons (planing for three at the moment, but there could be more. Depends on how many ideas I come up with).
But what does this have to do with the Displaced? NOTHING!
That's right, Kat will be unavailable for crossovers during Gravity 2. So once I release the story, don't ask. I'll be putting all of my effort into this one, so I need full concentration.
In the meantime, while you all wait, Kat will be participating in several different stories, all of which take place after Gravity 2, so read at your own risk for spoilers. Confirmed stories at the moment are as follows:
- I Will Hunt You Down by -TGM-
- And Then There Were 10... Er... 67 by shagohad12
- Land of Friendship and Magic by Archmage Ansrit
- Gong Yi Tem Ponies by TrombonePlayingPony
- A Murder of Crows by Jsyrin
- Ten Against One by yours truly
- Too Epic For Arrogance by NetherWalker (still in talks)
- A Farmers Tools by Imperium Bedlam
- Der Azurblaue Ritter des BetrĂ¼gers by SwimmingDalek98
- Son of Invention by Zman537 (still in talks)
- I Got 682 Problems, But a Lizard Ain't One by Jsyrin
And those are just the beginning for now. More are sure to come. There are still spots open for those willing to help Kat with her mission if you want to.
Now for the most recent and unexpected news that has come up from one of these crossovers: The First Displaced Shipping.
You read that right. Kat Shifter has become the first Displaced to start a legitimate relationship with another Displaced. And who is this lucky guy/gal? Why, it's Archmage Ansrit's own Typhon, the star of Land of Magic and Friendship! So, congratulations are in order for the lucky couple! (I dare someone to fanart this, I freakin' dare you to!)
And one last little treat for everyone before I go: there will be a Gravity 3.
Yep, this is a trilogy story! So go ahead and theorize away what will happen as I'm not spilling a single word. You'll just have to find out for yourselves.
Thank you all to those that have been patient with me on this and I hope to see you all again real soon.
like I sad I have an idea for a displaced story I was hoping to get some advice other wise I have anther story not pony related so when you can respond pleas.

I'm willing to help Kat if she wants I think I might be her most versatile helper.
2834310 Dude, What's your problem? Do you dislike my Displaced for some reason?
2834275 If you're willing to be another successful world for her mission, I'm all for it
2834357 Well, alright.
2834382 Well alright!! This is gonna be fun. Cheers.
2834403 Just send me a PM whenever you want to get started.
Now this looks interesting. Can't wait to see more of Kat's adventures in the future!