• Member Since 18th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Just a fan who likes to share his ideas through stories that people seem to like.

More Blog Posts44

  • 267 weeks

    Well, it's been quite a while since I've spoken on here and... I really am sorry for that. Over this past year, I've been trying to push forward in my life, throwing a lot of time into my work to try and afford a home of my own (which I almost had, but at the last moment, the numbers just fell through so I had to let it go). I haven't really kept up on my writing at all outside of some friendly

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    18 comments · 912 views
  • 392 weeks
    Moving Forward...

    So... it's been a while since I've actually done anything on this site other than piss off mods and read stories (occasionally). And, I'm really getting tired of that. I really plan on making myself better now that I am getting financially stable and having a bright future with a new job. I took quite a hit when several of my stories were pulled/cancelled due site mods cracking down on musical

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    7 comments · 1,310 views
  • 401 weeks
    Stories gone.

    As some of you may or may not have noticed, several of my stories have recently disappeared from the site. Well, I want you all to know that this was not my doing, but was done by a staff member of FimFiction. The reasoning behind this was that they're cracking down on the use of song lyrics in stories and I certainly don't have the time to go back to remove the songs that helped my stories

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    20 comments · 1,314 views
  • 422 weeks
    Baby steps

    Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know what was going on recently as my writing instantly fell off when my Halloween story fell through. Well, to be honest I've been fighting a steep loss in motivation to write out these stories, despite many different ideas coming into my mind. Thankfully, though, now that I've made a new employment change, some inspiration has been coming back to me so

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    2 comments · 589 views
  • 432 weeks

    So, I made my decision: I'm pulling PARANORMAL down for now and we'll refocus on another story for the month of Halloween. I'll try again next Halloween with it to see if I can pull more of a following. So, for the rest of the month, I will shift my focus to another story that fits the theme of Halloween: The Ultimate Enemy. Prepare yourself for the some ghostly action in the coming days and

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    2 comments · 492 views

Baby steps · 12:15am Dec 11th, 2016

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know what was going on recently as my writing instantly fell off when my Halloween story fell through. Well, to be honest I've been fighting a steep loss in motivation to write out these stories, despite many different ideas coming into my mind. Thankfully, though, now that I've made a new employment change, some inspiration has been coming back to me so I've been trying to get myself back into the swing of things. As such, I've begun working on the next chapter of Living My Life with Ponies!?; it's slow going but hopefully i'll have it out soon. In other news, a fresh start is beginning for Where do the Nobodies Go? as they hype for Kingdom Hearts 2.8 has been building and the idea of Kingdom Hearts 3 getting closer. Shagohad and I are working fresh on the story to make it a better story all around and take out some of the old cliches and poor jokes from the first. Hopefully you'll see it soon and I thank you all for still being with me to this date. Stay brony, everyone.

Report DJSkywalker · 589 views · Story: Where Do The Nothings Go? ·
Comments ( 2 )

Awesome news to hear! I usually unfollow any story that stops writing after six months without explanation, but I've been patiently waiting on you because I'm very excited to see your stories(and writing) unfold and constantly improve!

Speaking of which, I should get started on the side story for fluttershysone YuGiOh parody! I've been neglecting that for ages now...

Anyways, can't wait to see what you come up withgottagobyegoodluckwithyourwriting!

:derpyderp1: :twilightsheepish:

Glad you're back

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