More Blog Posts582

  • 441 weeks

    Oh man I've been buuuuuuuuuuuusy. Like, so much so. Just moved town and had to get everything situated in a new house. Plus, I've finally adopted a kiddo, so I got that going for me, which is great. More difficult than I ever thought it would, but the wife and I managed to get everything down pat (for now at least).

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    28 comments · 3,601 views
  • 449 weeks
    Update And Junk

    Hey, it's that time of year again. With the colder weather and changing leaves. Or more along the lines of Florida terms, absolutely no difference whatsoever! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!


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    18 comments · 1,519 views
  • 454 weeks
    I Believe A Proper Explanation Is In Order


    Oh yeah, right. My bad.

    Well, uh, people... yeah, it's been rough. On me at least. You guys on the other hand could still be having a rad time. Or something. I'm not trying to put you down here. Just trying to be... real? I guess.

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    51 comments · 1,307 views
  • 455 weeks
    Dear God

    I forgot to mention it was my birthday like two days ago. Damn, I've been busier than I thought.

    Oh, also, writing a novel. Because I'm a neeeeeeerd.

    32 comments · 1,528 views
  • 460 weeks
    Whelp I Guess I Should Mention My Vacation Thingy

    Lemme tells ya, trying to find a decent internet reception in Miami sucks balls. But on the bright side they have incredibly fruity drinks over here, which is rad.

    Also holy fuck so much shit in my feed message. Haven't checked Skype in a long time. So many things. So little time.


    Eh. So how are you guys doing?

    14 comments · 1,433 views

General Update Of All Things Celestia · 11:21pm Aug 17th, 2014

To start things off, yes, updates will return in normal abundance... soonish. Might even do four updates a week on this baby if I need to, because hot damn are the ideas rolling in. In fact, I am announcing for the first time ever the newly annual Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website Fan Art Contest!

Wait, no, that doesn't have enough pizazz...

There we go! Starting now, Sunday 08/17/14 up to Wednesday 09/17/14 at exactly 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time shall be the contest length. You shall draw like you've never drawn before, and create the best damn fan art for the story you could possibly think of!

Now, I bet you're wondering what YOU'LL get of this. Well, it's quite simple, really. First place prize shall be a custom story made by me for you upon a prompt/scenario/characters of your suggestion, a free promotion of any story you have in a blog post to all my followers, along with ANY character you can think of for Celestia to date (yes, and by ANY I mean even non-immortal characters). Second place prize is just the blog promotion and dating suggestion, and third place prize is just the dating suggestion. Pretty sweet prizes, am I right?

At least I'm not a pink piece of shit like you, Patrick!

Now, the qualifications of fan art can be pretty much anything. Your favorite scene from the story, Celestia being miserable, your favorite date hanging out with Celestia, Celestia and Luna acting all goofy, Celestia being miserable, you can even have a fan art of Solaire and Deadpool playing beerpong with Luna, Celestia being miserable, and did I mention Celestia being miserable? Really, anything works, just have fun with it. And don't forget to PM the fan art once it's done so I can compile it together.

So yeah, other than the competition running now, dating chapters will continue to be released in the future, and current side stories shall be completed as soon as possible. And speaking of side stories...

Dating Of A Timely-Wimely Variety has been deleted. After viewing Torchwood: Children of Earth recently I realized I couldn't write Captain Jack Harkness anymore. Well, at least not for now or in longer bursts. I don't know exactly what it is about the show I didn't like, but it greatly turned me off from Torchwood altogether, Jack included. Sorry folks, but I couldn't bear to see the fic hanging like that. Though I do assure you that if I do another side story in the future it SHALL stick to a rigorous updating schedule upon my own specifications. Once again, I am sorry, and I hope we can all move past this.

Now, to uplift the mood a little, here's some excellent youtube readings of chapters 3 & 4! Don't forget to visit the reader's page and give him a big thanks for doing them!

Hot diggity damn, more readings!

Hell, I'm really impressed now.

Comments ( 17 )

I'd kill for your muse, Bob :ajsleepy:

The best fan art should definitely be picked by you. You know how to write Deadpool well. :raritywink:

I got an idea already...

I think this piece perfectly epitomizes my favorite scene from the story, when Celestia was taken on a date by the 4th Doctor. I expect to win this competition in a landslide, so don't even bother entering, anyone who reads this.

Just end the competition now, Bobby, and declare me winner. It would save so much time.

Well then, I may have to doodle something here...

I don't draw, but just a suggestion: For how this possibly non-immortal being (if the winner picks that) has a page, just say they hacked the website. Or, you could say something like: Nobody knows if this person/pony/Deadpool is actually immortal or not (*cough*Twilight Sparkle*cough*).

2378116 OMFG... I think I'm crying tears of joy. That would explain the sparks. Shit! There goes that essay!

Aw, that sucks about the Captain Jack sidestory getting hosed, but I understand what you mean. My wife and I started watching Torchwood after getting caught up to Dr. Who and we were far from impressed; the style and themes just didn't jive with what we had come to expect from Mr. Harkness and it was kind of a let-down, :applejackunsure:

So...that means the other Jack has a shot, savy?

So I have decided, right now, to just finish what I'm currently working and make an entire ASAP, because nothing else matters anymore.

Hey, pre-movie Patrick was respectable.
Post-movie Pat-prick is the devil's spawn.
Or rather, the devil's muse for inspiration.

Let the slaughterfest begin... :3

I'll deffinitly make some fan art for it! :D

At least I'm not a pink piece of shit like you, Patrick!

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