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Proper Noun

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When I'm lied to about rape... · 11:25pm Jun 9th, 2014

I'm immediately torn between "I'd prefer it if they're being honest," because lying about rape is bad, and "I'd prefer it if they were lying," because indirectly hoping for rape through honesty is kind of bad as well. It's a no-win.

Things are different in real life, of course. In real life, I will open all the doors and lay down everything for a friend who tells me he or she was sexually assaulted in any way. It'll probably involve a bit of "mama bear"ing, too, because I get very angry when someone hurts people who are close to me. But on the internet, it's different. On the internet, the only way you expose yourself as a liar is being clumsy about it.

Enter the case of xNightflashx, professed victim of rape (who, I am told, also says she lost her brother last week). Or, skip to the end of this blog for a more important message.

Yesterday was an ordinary blogday, and xNightflashx logged in to tell everyone this:

Well, that's terrible. As you can see from the top comment, not only has this young woman been violated horribly, but it comes on the heels of losing her brother (I couldn't quickly find a relevant blog for that; I'm guessing there was one but it was deleted. You'll understand why later).

And then she posted six more blogs about the same thing. Well, not exactly, but the comments stayed on the first one's topic. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Lol all of the rape-related blogs are deleted now.

Seems a little suspicious. Normally, people violated by rapists are too afraid and (wrongly) ashamed to tell anyone. Because she says she was raped by a whole group of people who are in a gang and know where she works, I'd expect a little less noise about it. I looked into things further, and immediately found some things... off.

One of the first things that caught my eye was her timeline. Allegedly, she was "sexually assaulted more then once" (typo hers) two days ago, June 7th. She posted (according to the date of the oldest post) 1 day, 15 hours ago - very early Sunday morning. Then, this happened:

Now she's confirmed pregnant with a rapist's child, and that's terrible!
...waaaaaiiit a second...

Pretty much any gynecologist will tell you this: you can't detect a pregnancy in just under two days after sex. Pregnancy has only begun if a fertilized egg takes its damn sweet time to get all the way to the uterus and successfully implants in the uterine lining (as opposed to failing to implant, thus being washed away during the next flow week - approximately 50-70% of conceptions never become pregnancies because of this) - so pregnancy pretty much can't have actually begun yet, the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy can't have started yet, and you're not going to get a positive test.

It gets more fun, because apparently she's 20 and 23 at the same time.

Sure, her bio could be out of date by three years--


Goddamnit. The red flags don't even stop there. She also posts that she's going out for a pregnancy test and then sits at the computer blogging for another 3 hours or so (sorry, no timestamped images for this one due to blog deletion while I was on the wrong page of comments).

Then there's this:

Because of this:

And because that all wasn't blatant enough, she followed up with a blog about how many followers she'd gained:

To top it off, I've just been told she steals the art she posts on her blog and passes off as her own. For example, the art on this blog (edit: see here) is an image link to a deviantart piece by this person, who is very obviously not her. In fact, I couldn't quickly find a single instance of art on her blog that couldn't be traced to someone else on another site.
This one: 1 1a 2
This one: 1 1a 2 3
This one: 1 1a 2
(the list goes on)
Edit: New links (marked with "a") because the mods took down her images and confirmed them as stolen.

Edit: Apparently someone has watched too many action movies. Lone guys chase down packs of gangers and slam them into the ground by their necks, yo.

Now, this all only shows a lack of knowledge about pregnancy, and besides showing a willingness to lie, it does nothing to disprove anything else, not exactly. Maybe she was raped, maybe she did lose her brother (although since she's deleted all blogs concerning the rape and her brother). I kind of doubt it, in the wake of the TgTfProductions fiasco and her own lies concerning a number of other topics, but maybe. But I have a message for those who do lie about rape - whether it's here, on Facebook and Tumblr, or anywhere else that false claims run rampant:

By lying that you were raped, you help silence people who were actually raped. You show yourself off as a star example for the misogynist jerks who blow off rape claims as "just another desperate idiot pleading for attention," and who say that most/all claims of rape are lies.

So if you think it might be productive to gain some followers by lying that you were raped or whatever, shut the fuck up. You're hurting more honest people.
Also, art thieves suck, don't be one.

Report Proper Noun · 1,942 views ·
Comments ( 151 )
Comment posted by Music the Looping Traceu deleted Jun 11th, 2014

She's been proven to have lied.

Also, all those art pieces she's been posting? They come from a good dozen different artists on deviantart. She's been taking the art of other people and claiming it as their own.

She has been lying for months, and the evidence is right there in front of you.

2192603 um
the evidence is right there pally
some things are bitter truths you can't avoid

not again...... *facepalm*

and did you have to use me in the examples?


I just posted an extensive list of evidence that she does, in fact, lie. A lot.

I'm sorry you don't like it (and were possibly the person who unfollowed me immediately afterwards).

2192617 Quit being in denial.

2192634 It seems like your denying that she never was raped. Am I wrong?

Thank god I didn't even bother with this one.

Thank you for blocking me :twilightsmile:

Instead of commenting on your blog about her leaving, I'll say it here, then.

Don't let the door hit them on the way out.

I have no sympathy for people who pretend to be rape victims for attention. Good riddance.

That butthurt.
Pun intended.

Then why did she?



To this liar...


Internet fame ain't a thang, kiddies.

2192690 She's my friend... fuck it.
I'm done trying to help others

2192697 :fluttercry: I DON'T KNOW!!! I JUST...FEEL SO HURT AND...AND ALONE!!!


fuck it.

Poor choice of words there mate.

Man. It's like this is a Summer type of thing. In fact the summer didn't even begin and this is happening! When the hell Knighty is going to get into this?

Drama sure has become a common theme on here :\
maybe /v/-senpai was right
maybe summer really is when the cancer happens

2192711 summer is when all the kiddies get off for summer break and think they can pull the wool over the eyes of those they've deemed easily fooled

He did. Or at least his pets mods did.
They banned the cancer guy.

2192710 I'm done trying to help anyone

Comment posted by Lady Froey deleted Jun 10th, 2014


Internet fame ain't a thang, kiddies.

Infamy is more fun any way.


Better reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. :moustache:

*processing* Isn't it people like Night who bring down society in general?

*the void
Potatosithism is true religion. :twistnerd:

I-I don't know anymore...

I'm pretty sure there's a special place in hell for people like her.

Boy, this is an ordeal.
Even if it was true, (the rape, the pregnancy, etc.) why go to the internet about it? Honestly, why? An horrible event like this is something you get through with your real friends and family.

They're going to be the ones to help you endure the thick of it, not a bunch of fools on the internet.

2192960 maybe we ARE her real friends?

Lol I honestly just laugh at all this. Sure I might seem like a dick, but at least I won't feel shitty for believing every persons sob story on the internet.

2192960 Sadly enough - some people don't have someone to turn to in their real life, so they turn to their internet friends for that. But, yeah.

Ordeals are fun like this.

Yes, yes... the ball is in motion.

Thank you, somebadauthor, for pointing out who the next person I will follow will most likely be. (After you, that is.) :rainbowkiss:

Also, art thieves suck, don't be one.

Oh c'mon... Does it count if I cross two sprites from a video game and color it so it looks like a guy in a coat/hoodie? :applecry: P-Please say it doesn't...

2193084 It does. You sick, twisted human you...


It's crap like this that gives Feminism AND Men's Rights a bad rep.

2192603 You're a fucking moron.

2192617 Yes. I feel sorry for you though, unlike this guy^. You seemed like you genuinely cared (albeit white-knightedly) and were just another victim in cunt-face's ass-faggotry.

2192622 See reply #1, you fucking moron.

2192710 Or best choice, amirite?

2192739 So amazing! You're the best artists! I can't wait for a commish. I pay u gud money!

2192923 I can understand the mentality despite not caring about what anybody says happened to them over the internet, but a word of advice for you in the future. This is the internet. If they're on the internet telling people that they've been raped, or have cancer, or anything like that, they're probably lying for attention. Especially if they aren't a well-known person. You can continue to believe them if you want, but don't flip your shit at people who doubt.

2193030 Love that pic so much.

2193003 OMG can I commish u 2?

2193022 Even if that was the case, she wouldn't have been on the internet looking for support mere hours after being raped. Considering she 'reported it' somewhere, the first place she would have ACTUALLY gone would have been the police. Otherwise, it would have never come up and "she'd" be bottling up her feelings and the event like so many others.

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