• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2022


Q(^_^Q). The friendliest misanthrope you'll ever meet.

  • TDash of Humanity
    Have you ever woken up as a vegan cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix it
    Kaidan · 94k words  ·  4,121  160 · 50k views

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  • 94 weeks
    Everfree Northwest

    Quick update. I'm at efnw this weekend if anyone wants to try and say hello. You can leave a message here, but discord would be best to send a dm. You can also keep an eye out for my metal gear solid / time traveling Twilight shirt. (I used to have a Twilight's dollhouse shirt but I can't find it and this is. The. Worst. Possible. Thing.)

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  • 103 weeks
    June Update (6/19)


    • Writing Exercise
    • Everfree Northwest
    • Back to work on all the other stuff

    New One-Shot

    Hey all! It's been awhile. Apparently time flies, and the smoldering dumpster fire that is this tiny blue speck amongst the stars can be a bit distracting at times. Which is why I figured a little Escapism is in order!

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  • 111 weeks
    24-04-22 Update

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    • I got a story!
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    • Everfree Northwest

    Starscribe Story

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    3-27-2022 Update

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    2-12-2022 update


    • Delaying next DoH3 chapter 1-2 days
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The curse of 100k Words. (Dash of Humanity) · 5:19pm Dec 2nd, 2013

"You've never written a story over 100k words." - Selbi

*checks stories*


So close on Dollhouse, but so far... and now, Dash of Humanity is set to end by 90k words! Foiled again! Why do my outlines always wind up having about eighteen five-thousand word chapters, always falling just short?

I don't know, but it keeps me up at night. In fact, I just wrote ____ __ _________ __ chapter one because it was keeping me up at night. Seeing as how that story is ending soon, perhaps its next iteration will hit 100k words... or perhaps, I am in fact, cursed to never write a story over 100k words in length.

Go ahead, Kaidan, break the curse and write 100,001 words. I'll be waiting.

p.s. Also this is a test of the recently re-added "Tag Story" feature. If you get this and are favoriting Dash of Humanity, but not a follower, please say so below so i know it works.

p.p.s. The "Tagged Story" is displayed as the sole story to the right of the blog, neato! Now, if only it sent a message to everyone who "favorited" it.

Report Kaidan · 603 views · Story: Dash of Humanity ·
Comments ( 23 )

It works!


~Skeeter The Lurker

I don't recall ever saying that. However, I definitely thought it. :moustache:

You could always write a 1k (eh 10k) epilogue...

I got this because I was following you. I haven't seen Dash of Humanity, although...

*Read Later*
... I will fix that!

*Read Later (73)*
... eventually. :twilightsheepish:


Have you counted the side stories? Because if so, you should hit that mark easily.

I didn't follow you.

So, yes, this works.

It works! I'm not following you!

It works, but I am not following you, so don't spam me.

Not following, but I got this, so it works.

Yay, tag stories work. :rainbowkiss:

Myth confirmed.

Thank you all for confirming the tag story functionality. I Pinkie Promise not to abuse my new-found powers.

Now I can tag Dash of Humanity when the top-secret sequel comes out. :twilightsmile:

Now I have to read that.
But wait I have others I simply must read.
Arg, why must I choose! :raritydespair:

Yea, but you don't have a story with 200k+ words yet, why worry about 100k when you REALLY need 200k :scootangel:

Oh, so they actually got the story tag feature working? Sweet! Now I can bother all those guys who favorited my stories like everyone else. :twilightsmile:

Oh, never commented on your story, so hi and all that. Dash of Humanity is a good read.

Newfound powers have great responsibility. Now all we need is a new rule regarding spamming that will ensue if you favorites a story with an annoying author (if they haven't already, that is).

So yeah, mobile tested, mobile working.

It worked. I'm not following you and I got a notification.

That's why the tagged story shows up on the right hand side. If someone blogs and uses a story tag, a quick glance to the right reveals if the blog is relevant to said story, thus allowing people to report spammers. I suppose Knighty thought of everything this time.

Yes, he has thought of everything this time. Too perfect... I'll be watching him closely for now on.

1564779 At least you only have 73. I've got 400-something.

1564962 Now to w8 and find out if the tagging of sequels shows up in my feed.

So you got dash of humanity 2 started, nice

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