• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023


the wankstain formerly known as Chromosome

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Updates and Polls! Oh My! · 1:29am Sep 14th, 2013

How's it do, folks and folk-ettes? It's been a while. Again. I'm really not good at this whole "regular" thing. But then again, if you were really interested in a writer who could stick to his dates, I guess you wouldn't be reading these! And I guess I probably shouldn't be spending so much time rewatching Avatar, eh?

In case I haven't really done it already, I do want to thank you guys again for the success that Bezithan has experienced, and I'm proud to report that the next chapter is well underway and should be going into editing soon. Expect to see it hopefully sometime next week. After realising, much to my dismay, that "slice of life" wasn't going to be a momentary genre, but a prevalent one (albeit for a strange life), I went ahead and tweaked that as well. For those worried about the potential lack of adventure, worry not. I've got quite a few oddities and bizarrities cooked up that I can't wait to throw at you guys.

But wouldn't you know it, I've got more than one thing on my mind. While planning out Bezithan, it was contesting with a few different things I could/should potentially be writing instead. Truth be told, I still want to write them, even as I'm working on Bezithan. Here's the trouble, though: I honestly don't know which one to pick first. So I came up with a sneaky idea... Instead of making a decision for myself like a responsible human being, I decided to leave the choice up to you guys! Because hey! If Bezithan isn't your cup of tea, maybe I can work on something that is! Ladies and gents, your choices are:

A. An epilogue to Air (which I said I'd do and I still feel bad for not doing it)
B. A sequel to a story I've already written (this one is the largest time investment, and I also won't tell you which story!)
C. An artsy-fartsy, character exploring one-shot
D. A type of story that I'd never thought I'd do but I'm still interested in and you'll most likely despise me for it (like to the grave)

Either way, the choice is up to all y'alls, so just poll in the comments or something, I suppose. Your input would be really appreciated, and it'll help me get off my arse and get to workin' on something that'll cleanse my palate after so much Bezithan.

May the Roseluck be with you.

Report chrumsum · 938 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

Well, as long as you write something... I'm happy with it.


(AIR sequel, please)

~Skeeter The Lurker

D's clop, isn't it? Either way, B's my pick.

I choose D for Damnation.

Roseluck stop being adorable pls

Doddamn, that Roseluck pic is adorables. :applecry:

Also, I want the D so bad! :heart:

B. A sequel to a story I've already written (this one is the largest time investment, and I also won't tell you which story!)

White Box 3: The Reboxening

C. please

D, please. This I gotta see

A. An epilogue to Air (which I said I'd do and I still feel bad for not doing it)

Just do the knock-off porn sequel. That's what we'd all rather see.

B. A sequel to a story I've already written (this one is the largest time investment, and I also won't tell you which story!)

Well, you've already done White Box: True Colors, so I have to assume this is porn too.

C. An artsy-fartsy, character exploring one-shot

darf-style porn.

D. A type of story that I'd never thought I'd do but I'm still interested in and you'll most likely despise me for it (like to the grave)

Definitely porn.

I choose B on the off-chance that it's for Anno Domini.

All of them seem interesting, but my vote is for the Air epilogue. Just think of it this way: Once you write it, "Air" will officially be done for good (I assume), and then it won't be hanging over your head anymore. You'll be able to move on to fresh stories, unburdened.

Damnit all, how do you figure out these things.

I vote D, just to see how you'll handle it. I'm guessing it's either porn, HiE, or a self insert.

I have to go with B.

Put me as half a vote for B and half a vote for D. I'm morbidly curious to see what D is, and I'm definitely hoping B is a sequel to Anno Domini.

Which was awesome.

Awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

I vote for A, because "A" is for Air.

A. Air epilogue

Hey hey! Good luck for the Panel - hope it goes well!

D. Terrible ideas are the best ideas.

Stupid Skype... dropped you guys like 4 times

i want the D
no wait....

A, i'll take A.

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