• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 7,838 Views, 6,677 Comments

Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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99 - A Thrilling Rescue

Samantha's device began to chirp in a new way and a smile overtook her face. "We're close!"

"Who goes there?" A lunar guard stepped from the darkness ahead. "Neither of you are permitted here."

The solar guard recoiled for the briefest moment. He didn't deal with lunar guards very often. "I'm a guard too." Surely that was obvious. He wore the golden armor of Celestia. It was hard to miss. "I have--"

"You are not permitted here." The lunar guard tapped his spear on the ground. "Princess Luna's orders."

Samantha advanced, blind to any threat the spear presented. "My test subject is here. Excuse me." She moved to just walk past him.

The lunar guard did not approve. He thrust his spear as she walked and she crashed to the ground as her legs collided with the weapon. "This is your last warning. Further attempts to pass this point will be taken as an assault."

The solar guard hurried forward and helped Samantha up. "We should go."

"But my patient!"

"She'll still be there." He glanced at the angry lunar guard. "We will be reporting this."

"As you wish." The lunar guard took a stiff and unmoving posture.

As the solar guard escorted Samantha away, she would not go quietly. "If he hurts a hair on my precious subject... Have you seen her? She's a magnificent specimen, far better than that brute that stood in our way..."

Elsewhere, Celestia knocked softly on the Watches' door. "Silver, are you in? I wanted to apologize, if you thought my invitation went against our agreement." She knocked once more, and the door opened a crack. She looked left and right, but there were few in the hallway, and most had the sense to not stare at her. Quietly, she brushed the door aside and went inside.

What she found stole her breath from her.

Down below, Night nuzzled slowly at Silver's muzzle and neck. "Please wake up..."


The noise made Night's heart begin to pound. "Yes, Silver, yes, come back to me. I know it hurts, but you're a brave pony, aren't you?"

His eyes opened in the dark and he lifted his neck, but he still couldn't see anything. "Am I blind or is it dark?"

Night drew his head back down. "Shhh. I'm here... It's dark, how do you feel, and keep it down."

Silver gave a weak nod in her grasp. "Not one of my better executed plans..."

Night wrinkled her nose. "I didn't do much better. They didn't kick me, at least."

"Oh thank god for that." Silver gave her chest a little nuzzle. "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" She flashed a little smile. "Stupid stallion, you're the hurt one."

"Where are we?"

Night put her head on Silver's. "Jails, lunar side. They're almost never used these days." A soft snort escaped her. "We're special."

Silver gave a little smile in the dark. "Yay," he weakly said. "Don't suppose you have my slime by any chance?"

She didn't. All she had was herself. Her gentle embrace would have to do.

Celestia emerged from their room with a delicate frown, and a book tucked under a wing. With a casual flick of magic, she closed the door behind herself. She strode with purpose through the halls.

Raven appeared at her side, her secretary. "Did you need me, Your Majesty?"

Celestia raised a brow. Raven had a sense for these things, and could appear anywhere at a moment's notice. She was one of her best secretaries in many years. "Raven, it's good to see you. Is there legal precedent for gross abuse of power by an alicorn on a non-alicorn?"

Raven raised a brow. "That's a serious subject." She leaned in closer as they walked, barely whispering, "Is it the new princess? Fast, or maybe Twilight?"

Celestia froze up a moment. "No... Neither of those." She regarded Raven a moment. "I want to be fair."

Raven was caught up short. Her eyes widened. "You? Impossible!" The mere idea that Celestia would abuse her powers just didn't fit in her world view.

Celestia raised a hoof. "Not me, but somepony close to me. Please answer the question, Raven."

Raven shook her head quickly. "The last time a princess abused their powers they were... banished to the moon."

Celestia drew a sharp little breath. She wouldn't do that. She couldn't... Not again... "Find an alternative."

Raven bowed and galloped off in a hurry, leaving a mildly shaken Celestia behind.

She leaned against a wall a moment, regaining her breath. "Sister... What have you done?"

In her dark room, Luna arranged candles precisely around herself in specific points of an intricate magical circle she had prepared. "You want my love... You shall have it, and leave me be." She stomped a hoof on the ground as she stormed to fetch a book. "My mistake was doing it too quickly before. This time I'll do it right. You can take my love and go away, forever." Luna scowled even as she trembled. "Leave me alone... and miserable..."

Samantha stomped through the hallways, furious and confused. "Why would they keep me away from her..."

"Hmm? I don't think I've seen a pony with a look quite like that before." Nefertari emerged from a side hallway. "And that spark... There's something in you, mare. Something that I like..."

Samantha looked Nefertari over quickly, then brightened mercurialy. "Are you an anubite? Oh you simply must let me examine you! I've never seen one in person." She rushed up to Nefertari, giggling a little along the way. "The advancements we could make!"

Nefertari raised a finger. "Let us begin with you, my little pony. What caused such a fury in you?"

Samantha flipped back to fury like a lightswitch. "They stole my prize subject! They took her away and they won't let me go to her! She's pregnant, Celestia blast it. She needs constant supervision and care and monitoring. This is completely unacceptable!"

"And who, or what, is this subject? Some kind of rare animal perhaps?" Nefer raised a brow at the manic doctor. "You aren't going to accept this slight, are you?"

Samantha froze in place, then shook her head quickly. "No! No I won't! I'm going to right back down there and give a piece of my mind to that guard!"

Nefertari smiled. The fire of the mare amused her, to say nothing of its fickle nature. "I will do you a favor."

"Oh, you will?!" Samantha clopped her hooves. "You'll let me examine you then?"

"Maybe later." Nefertari reached for Samantha, cupping her snout. "Show me where to go, and I will give your enemy a piece of your mind for you, and ensure your subject is safe and secure."

"You'd do that?" Samantha sat on her haunches and smiled up at Nefertari. "You're already breaking everything I've ever heard about anubites. I have to write this down." A paper appeared with a quill and began writing furiously. "I accept your offer. Make sure he understands how much he's impeding the cause of science."

She showed Nefertari to the stairs that led to the dungeons, then trotted off, mumbling excitedly about the book she would write. Nefer shook her head at Samantha's backside. "Fascinating mare..." A broad smile spread over her snout. "Now let's scare some sense into someone, hmm..."

Elsewhere, a lunar guard scowled into the darkness. "I see you. You are not permitted here."

"Pity I don't obey the words of any save Celestia." Nefertari exposed her sharp claws. "She said I had free reign of the castle."

The guard raised his spear towards the interloper. "Regardless, you are not permitted here. Turn away or face--" His words cut off. She wasn't there. She was beside him, and her claws were at his throat.

"Oh, do go on," she invited with an almost sultry purr, her tail swaying slowly. "Everyone deserves some final words."

"You... You wouldn't..." The lunar guard swallowed heavily, her claws dragging against his throat in the motion. "I'm doing my job, ma'am. This is murder."

She gave a soft tsk and released him. "You are correct, of course. I'll be going now."

He slid to the ground, terrified and shaken beyond standing. He offered no further resistance to her as she moved past him with deliberate slowness, as if taunting him to try and stop her.

Author's Note:

I still love writing Samantha.

Things are going on! The typos are coming out into the light of day, and the princess of the day is displeased.

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