• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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34 - Sudden Departure

Eventually everypony there fell to slumber in a comfortable-enough pile. Their rest was interrupted an uncertain time later by a soft whisper.

"We have arrived."

Bleary eyes opened and heads craned, trying to find the source of it. A pony stepped away from the wall, suddenly not concealed against it. It was Yin. "We've secured an exit route. Be ready to move in exactly two minutes."

Yin's sudden surprise was a good way to get their blood moving, and soon they were upright and ready. Night nodded at Yin, "Should we be expecting anything?"

Yin shook her head, "Negative. We found a clean way through. It's almost as if they left a path for us. We've checked and double-checked for traps, looks clear." She quickly moved to the exit, rearing up and poking with her hooves a moment before her horn glowed. The door slid open quietly. "Operation begins."

They followed closely on Yin's heels, moving through narrow tunnels and corridors on their way through the changeling hive. The route Yin took was far less direct than their stroll through the center. She had them climbing ladders and crawling through tight places, all while hushing them if they began making any amount of noise. The route was clear of changelings, however, and forever and a moment later, they emerged out of a tiny hole into the darkness of the Badlands' evening.

Nightwing emerged from behind a rock nearby, "Everything went smoothly? Cake walk."

Yin smiled gently, some of her professional appearance washing away, "I wouldn't object to cake." From behind the rescued group, Yang suddenly appeared, "I will take some cake as well."

Silver raised a hoof, "Thanks for the save, but I've made things more complicated."

Nightwing scowled at Silver, "That appears to be your specialty. You sure you didn't get your cutie mark wrong?"

Purple Quill called out from above on a small rocky bluff, "Are we leaving?"

Silver shook his head, "A considerable portion of the changeling leadership is ready to defect. I promised them refugee status and escort to Equestria. They're tired of being Chrysalis' disposable shock troops for badly designed plans."

Yin looked perplexed, "Can he do that?"

Yang nodded, "Technically. He is a diplomat. A good one, if he secured that."

Trixie shook her head with amazement, "Trixie's colt is doing amazing things." She leaned over and whispered something in Rough's ear, making him go deep red.

Nightwing nodded, "Alright, what's the plan? What happened while you were in there?"

Fast advanced to explain that, "We were taken to the Queen, and she laughed right in poor Silver's face when he offered peace, but at least one of her leaders liked the sound of peace over the flank-kicking that they face every other time they deal with Equestria. She mentioned there were others, and they were supposed to meet us once we got out." She glanced around a little, "Not sure how long they'll take to get here.

Night squinted through her broken glasses, "I hear something."

Nightwing perked an ear, "Quiet." The group fell silent. The faint sound of buzzing was getting louder. She led the group swiftly under cover of the bluff and they waited. The sky became even darker as a worrying cloud of changelings moved into the area above the exit.

Queen Chrysalis landed lightly with a haughty expression, "Come on out. This little game is over."

None of them moved from their hiding places.

She frowned and gestured. Six changelings were dropped roughly to the ground, bound in the green goo and looking roughed up beside. "Your traitorous friends sang your plan as soon as sufficient... leverage... was applied. The game is up. As if Equestria would abide changelings, pheh."

Silver whispered to Nightwing, "Those six we have to rescue."

The sky suddenly lit up as a very familiar-looking fireball exploded in the center of the cloud, roasting many of the ready swarm. Silver blinked in surprise. When did anyone but him learn his fireball? There was little time to ponder this, as the swarm dispersed, many heading in the direction of the rocky bluff above where Purple Quill likely tossed it from, while others charged their hiding place. "Hard way it is," said the Queen, "I like the hard way."

Nightwing threw herself over the boulder that served as cover and spread her wings wide, "Come and get me, little bugs. I'll show you how I treat insects."

Yin and Yang simply faded away. Trixie popped up and let loose with a fantastic spray of fireworks and light, illuminating the battlefield and confusing some of the changelings in the process.

To Silver's dismay, Fast suddenly assumed the form of a changeling queen. He was relieved to see, at least, she had no holes. She strode from her cover confidently, "Swarm, to me! We will feast tonight as welcome guests of Equestria."

The drones' confusion was deep as they looked between the two available queens. Queen Chrysalis bared her fangs, "Imposter! Get her!" She pointed at Fast Change.

Fast Change pointed back, "I am whole and well-fed, clearly I am more fit to rule. Take that low-grade imposter away!"

The simple logic was agreeable to the drones, and they swarmed over Chrysalis, trying to secure her.

Nightwing didn't have any drones to fight. On one level, this disappointed her, on the other... She rushed forward and shattered the green binding circle on the six captives, "Time to go."

Purple Quill fell from above, landing beside the group. With a spell Silver could barely see, let alone grasp, the entire group vanished, Nightwing included. He realized there were no warlocks left in sight. "Uh, I think it's time to run!"

Chrysalis exploded in a shockwave of hostile green magic, sending the drones flying in all directions, "Fools! Half rations for the lot of you. They're getting away!"

Night spread her wings and grabbed Trixie, taking off with her.

Rough grabbed Silver in his mouth, tossing him up onto Rough's back and galloping off at full speed. Silver craned his neck to keep Fast in sight. She lifted from the ground on her insectoid wings, quickly catching up with much of the swarm following her.

Chrysalis, to put it mildly, was displeased. She pursued with rage boiling in her eyes, firing wildly with deadly green bolts of magic. Fast bobbed left, right, up and down, narrowly avoiding the shots. They were slowing, as was Chrysalis. The Queen sagged to the ground, weary and drained.

Fast flew up beside Rough and Silver, "She ain't so tough without a big dose of royal love, is she?"

Silver perked an ear, "I suppose not, or maybe it's the fact that you kind of took her swarm from her."

Rough didn't reply, focused on running away and huffing for breath.

Night swooped down from above, joining the group with Trixie held tightly in her hooves. Night smiled broadly, "That was amazing!"

Trixie nodded in agreement, "Spectacular, but you do not need to remain a changeling any longer, do you?"

Fast glanced up at the swarm overhead, "I think it'd be wise, until we get them somewhere safe, with some of those co-leaders."

They eventually slowed their retreat, with fatigue if no other reason. With Fast to guide them, the drones landed, and they managed a quick few hours of rest before they were up and moving again, headed north to safety.

As they emerged from the Badlands and approached Dodge City, the populace entered full panic mode. A swarm of changelings was not something to be taken lightly, and the good ponies of Dodge City ran about in a confused mess. Their panic only mildly lessened when the swarm arrived, but didn't attack. Fast ordered them to land, and soon there was an uneasy silence.

The sheriff trotted forward nervously, glancing between the swarm, the changeling queen, and the other ponies that had arrived with them.

Silver decided to take charge and play his part, trotting up to meet him, "Good stallion. I am Ambassador Silver Lining. These are refugees under my direct care. We're bringing them to Canterlot."

The sheriff looked down at the pint-sized diplomat, blinking, "Ah reckon ah have no idea what's going on anymore. How do I know you're not a bug too?"

Silver shrugged softly, "Going to have to take my word on that, but I'm very well spoken for a bug."

Trixie held out a hoof and suddenly she was bleeding slightly, red blood falling to the sandy ground, "We are not bugs. Allow the Great and Powerful Trixie past. We have business in Canterlot that cannot be delayed."

The display was another small shock to the already confused populace. Several ponies fell over. The sheriff was still standing, and pointed to the train station, "Best be on your way then, have a nice day."

Fast waved forward, "You guys take the train. No way will they let a swarm on board. Besides, we can fly." She pointed to the well, "Everyone, get a drink!" The swarm lined up and began to hydrate themselves. "We'll be out of your hairs in a bit. We'll fly to Canterlot."

Silver was hesitant about leaving Fast behind, but Night nudged him along, and soon they were on board the locomotive, chuggling along back to Canterlot.

About halfway there, napping, Silver was visited.

In his dream, Luna appeared, banishing his previous dreamscape harshly and plunging him into a simple dark field. "Silver! There is a changeling swarm at our gates, and they claim you sent them. What is the meaning of this?"

Silver reeled a little from the abrupt nature of Luna's appearance, "Huh? Oh... yeah. They're refugees."

Luna's wings shot wide, "All of them?! There is a queen with them, and the warlock has six more leaders."

So they did make it? "The queen is Fast Change, and yes, all of them. They're ready for peace."

Luna shook her head, "How can there be peace? They are predators, and we are their prey! Celestia will not agree to be feasted on by them, nor will I."

Silver reared up, holding up his hooves placatingly, "Just because they were bad under Queen Chrysalis' rule... They are sentient creatures, Luna, they can be taught. They can learn, and love, and feel. As you said yourself not long ago, are you so eager to destroy what makes you uncomfortable?"

Luna sagged, "I did say that. I did not think it would be used to explain an entire swarm in Canterlot!" Her wings folded against her back as she looked at him evenly.

Silver nodded slowly, "Well think of it this way. Every drone you see is one drone not under Chrysalis' control. Dodge City just got a lot safer, to say nothing of Equestria as a whole."

Luna advanced, touching noses with Silver, "Strange alien. What changes do you bring?" She vanished, and Silver woke up.

Silver looked out his window, seeing Canterlot slowly approaching as the train ascended the vast mountain that it was built on. Soon he'd have to face the music, and his gambit would come to a close, for good or ill.

Author's Note:

Our heroes bust free and bring change to Canterlot, but is it for the better?

Some of the changelings were actually typos in disguise!

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