• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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223 - Lunar Aid

The reception hall was filled with ponies, their fine clothes marking them as the elite of Canterlot society. Caterers slipped through the crowd, offering drinks and hors d’oeuvres to any that wanted them. Off to the side, a small quartet of ponies played instruments, lending a gentle atmosphere to the proceedings.

“Attention! Your attention please,” called a stallion in servant’s clothes, causing the music to come to an end. “Our sponsor for tonight’s event would like to say a few words.” When the crowd quieted down, the serving pony stepped aside.

A moment later, John Smith emerged from the back of the hall.

He wore a different suit this time, a dark grey ensemble with pinstripes, complemented with a blue tie. Looking out over the assemblage, he gave them all a smile so casual it could only have been the result of a great deal of practice. “Fillies and gentlecolts, thank you for attending. You know, ever since I came to Equestria, there’s an expression that I’ve heard: that culture comes from Canterlot. Looking at this collection of dignitaries, I can see why everypony says that.”

The crowd chuckled in self-satisfaction at the flattery. With the ice broken, their host stepped forward. “My name is John Smith, and for those of you who haven’t read about me in this morning’s paper, I’m the one who broke the news about the AmNeigh scandal.”

His eyes swept out over the crowd, pausing for a fraction of an instant as he spied Silver, before moving on. “I’m sure some of you have also heard the rumors that Filthy Rich is spreading, saying that I was the one who came up with that horrible scheme, as though that makes any sense at all. If I really was some sort of evil mastermind, why would I expose my own operation?” He chuckled at that, the very picture of amused derision, and several of the ponies in the crowd followed suit.

John continued. “No, these allegations are the work of an unscrupulous stallion desperate to shift the blame for his own actions onto someone else. But the reason I’ve asked all of you here tonight isn’t to talk about Filthy Rich, and it’s not to talk about me. Rather, it’s about the ponies who’ve been hurt the most by what he’s done.”

His comfortable smile was gone now, and instead he addressed the crowd with a grave look. “While I was looking into AmNeigh, I found out something terrible: that almost two-thirds of its victims were lunar pegasi. Can you imagine that? That the ponies who have the least are the ones who suffered the most.” He paused to close his eyes and shake his head, apparently overcome with sadness at the thought.

After a moment, he continued. “But this made me wonder, why is it that the lunar ponies are so disadvantaged? They’re not any less smart or work less hard than anypony else, so how come they make up such an overwhelming portion of the poorest ponies in Canterlot? Even here in this room…” he made another pass over the crowd with his eyes, “we have not a single lunar pony among Canterlot’s elite. Not one. Why is that?”

An uncomfortable murmur spread through the assembled ponies. It was clear that John was touching on a sore spot. More than a few seemed to be unhappy with where this was going.

As if sensing that, John held up a hand. “Now, I know what you’re thinking. You think I’m going to say that what’s happened to the lunar ponies is somehow all your fault. That the reason you all have done better than they have is because you’ve benefited from some nebulous and ill-defined set of advantages – ‘solar privilege,’ if you will – that they never had.”

His visage now stern, John continued. “I want to make it clear in no uncertain terms that that idea is false!” The crowd fell silent under his sudden pronouncement, and he looked around as though daring anyone to challenge what he’d said. “When I look around this room, I see smart and diligent ponies who worked hard to get what they have! Each and every one of you struggled to follow your heart, overcome adversity, and earn what you have, and nopony has the right to tell you that you should be ashamed of that!”

The crowd’s earlier discontent was completely gone now, replaced by smiles and nods of agreement. Several erupted into spontaneous cheers, stomping or clopping their hooves.

John smiled and waited for the applause to die down, the fire he’d just displayed now gone. Once things had quieted down, he continued. “But that still doesn’t answer the question: why are the lunar ponies so bad off? If it’s not your fault, and not their fault, then whose fault is it?” He stopped, as though still pondering the answer, and a pregnant pause filled the room, everypony now hanging on his words.

“I thought about that for a long time, and eventually the answer came to me: it’s the princesses’ fault.”

Gasps rang out at his words, with much of the crowd going wide-eyed, apparently scandalized at the idea. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the cause of something so awful? That just couldn’t be true!

John nodded his head, sympathetic again. “I know. It was hard for me to accept too, but it’s important to remember: I’m not accusing the princesses of any sort of malicious intent. Quite the contrary, I believe that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are good ponies with good hearts, and that we owe them a debt of gratitude for all that they’ve done for Equestria…but I’m sure that, if they were here right now, they’d admit that they’re not perfect, and that they’ve made mistakes.”

He paused again, and put on a look of sad resignation. “The thing is, as princesses, their mistakes can have tragic consequences for innocent ponies, and if you stop and think about it, that’s what’s happened to the lunar pegasi. After all, how could they be expected to prosper when Princess Luna, their progenitor, was sealed away in the moon for a thousand years?”

A few ponies looked like they wanted to protest, but John plunged ahead. “Now, I know what some of you are thinking: that that wasn’t Princess Celestia’s fault, that she had no choice but to seal her sister away when she became Nightmare Moon. But let me ask you this…” he again trailed off, letting the tension build before he spoke again.

“If six ordinary mares from Ponyville could use the Elements of Harmony to change Princess Luna back from being Nightmare Moon, then how is it that Princess Celestia, the most powerful pony of them all, couldn’t use them to do the same thing? Why did she seal her little sister away instead of saving her right there and then?”

The silence that fell over the collected ponies was total, as looks of horrified realization crossed many faces. It was clear that most of them had never thought to ask that question before.

“And even when she came back,” John continued, dragging all attention back to him, “what has Princess Luna been doing? I know you all have heard the rumors, about how she’s been indulging herself in tawdry pastimes with certain ponies,” he paused just long enough to look at Silver again, “rather than taking care of the ponies that she created.”

Another murmur of discontent came from the crowd, but this time it wasn’t directed at John. He let it build for a moment before he continued his speech. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are good ponies,” he repeated. “But they make mistakes, and when they do, it’s the rest of Equestria that suffers, just like the lunar ponies are suffering right now.”

By now the assembled ponies were nodding to each other, swayed by what they were hearing.

“Well I for one can’t stand to see that happen any longer.” John’s voice grew louder as he continued, a look of resolve on his face. “And that brings me to the reason I’ve invited all of you here tonight. If the princesses won’t take action to alleviate the suffering of their people, then it falls to us to do so! And so it is with pride and purpose that I’m announcing the creation of the Lunar Benefit Fund!”

On cue, a pair of pegasi flew towards the ceiling, carrying with them a banner that spelled out “LUNAR BENEFIT FUND” in large letters. John kept speaking as they affixed it to the ceiling.

“The Lunar Benefit Fund is a new charitable organization designed to provide short-term financial support for at-risk lunar pony families. By stepping in to provide funding for food, shelter, and unemployment relief to those who need it the most, we can help the poorest lunar ponies to help themselves! And we won’t do it alone!”

He was clearly reaching the climax of his speech, his voice rising as he continued. “They say that culture begins in Canterlot! So tonight, we’re going to create a new culture, one where each and every one of us can be an Element of Harmony! With your kindness, and your generous donation, we can show our loyalty to the least among us! Your honest feelings will help bring laughter back to those ponies that need it the most!”

John was yelling now, as the crowd was beginning to cheer wildly, swept up in what he was saying. “When you give to the Lunar Benefit Fund, you’re helping to lift up those who’ve been forgotten! Together, we can bring the lunar ponies into the light! Together we can fix the princesses’ mistakes! And together,” he paused, grinning widely, “we can make Equestria great again!”

The applause was so thunderous it shook the hall. Flashbulbs went off as ponies rushed forward to surround John, offering their congratulations and checkbooks as they did so.

Author's Note:

Back from the con, fixed my computer, and posted this chapter written by Alzrius. That means all typos are his fault, of course.

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