• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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225 - Royal Visitor

* Warning! This chapter, it's a bit steamy. You may want to avoid it if such offends *

Luna prowled through the plane of dreams like the sleek predator she was. It was fitting that the dreamscape was a jungle, every dream a ripe fruit or scurrying animal that lived there. She found his, a little creature that darted from view when she looked at it. It tried to avoid her with an uncanny skill that confused her mildly.

Still, one spell… A nimbus of her magic formed around the dream, arresting it, but a web sprang up around it, throwing off her magic. She scowled at it. In her irritation, she attacked the web directly. It would certainly be enough to ward her casual entry, but as she growled at it, the physical charm that bound the magic began to smolder and burn under her focused ire.

Though it left her tired and panting, the dreamcatcher burst into flame and quietly reduced to ash, its magic gone. "Let's see what we have before us." She prowled towards the suddenly slowed dream and was inside of it.

The world that sprang up before her was dull and gray. The people shuffled silently underneath a featureless sky, moving from building to building. Her target was there among them, the only person with any color, and even then it was still muted and drab. Trudging down a street, he moved into a large building, settling down in a windowless office and moving papers around.

Luna entered the room, not as an alicorn princess, but as a shapely human female dredged from Silver's dreams. She held a clipboard in front of her and approached with a nod. "I'm here to conduct your examination." What examination? She didn't say, but trusted dream logic to pave the way forward.

He looked up at her, blinking for a moment, as though surprised that someone had spoken to him. Then his eyes darted between her waist and her chest, managing to rise to meet her gaze just before it would have become rude. “Ah…” he paused, as though unsure what to say, before rooting around in his desk.

“Here you are.” He handed her a small stack of papers, his expression sinking back into a look of resigned apathy. It was clear that he found no joy whatsoever in what he was doing. “The reports have all been filed, and the statements have been indexed against this month’s expenses. Everything is accounted for.” His coloration faded further as he spoke, becoming slightly more gray.

Not even going to try? This reminded her somewhat of Silver. Stallions sometimes needed a mare to bash them over the head to remind them they had a chance. She accepted the papers though, nodding. "Very well done." She leaned forward. "I know it's against company policy, but maybe we could… talk later?"

“What?” Again a look of surprise crossed his features, and he regained a little color. It seemed that his hue was directly related to his state of mind. “I mean...I...yeah, sure…” Slowly, a smile crossed his face, showing a mixture of eagerness and relief. His eyes ran over her body again, though this time he made more of an effort to be circumspect about it.

Not that it escaped Luna's notice, but she turned and left, as the dream demanded it, allowing time to be as subjective as it need be and skipping to where he would expect her to meet him. She would get answers, or at least a feel for the disharmonious soul.

The dream shifted, and now he was outside waiting for her in what looked like a park. A moment later the location changed, and it was in a restaurant. That lasted for a few seconds before instead becoming outside near a large fountain. Like that, the surroundings kept changing, reflecting his uncertainty as to where he’d meet the pretty girl that had shown interest in him. The only constant in each one was himself, waiting for her.

She approached him as the world shaped and wobbled with increasing uncertainty around them. Her presence might settle things, but them being there rated most highly. "I'm so glad you found the time to meet with me." She flashed a gentle smile. "It's so difficult to approach you at work."

“Is it? I didn’t know.” He smiled back at her, a mixture of reservation and eagerness obvious in his expression. It was clear that he wanted to be here like this, but at the same time was guarded and trying not to show it. “So what did you want to talk about?”

She plucked a roll from a tray that was only there for a moment, but her chewing on it made things more stable. Why would she be chewing on a roll if they weren't somewhere a roll could be? "You, mostly. You work so hard, day after day, but I never get to see the man behind the man. Do you do something outside work?" She wobbled a hand. "I must sound so prying, but you make me so curious." Honest, if a bit skewed.

“Really?” For a moment his guard dropped completely, and his coloration was that of a normal person as his smile became warm and inviting. Blushing a little, he looked at his menu - they were now seated across from each other at a nice restaurant - to give himself time to collect his thoughts. “I’m pretty boring, actually. At the end of each day I just go home, watch some TV or some anime over dinner, and then play some video games or read a novel before bed.” He glanced up at her, looking slightly shamefaced at his admission.

"What is your favored game?" asked Luna as she dove into the memories she shared with Silver. "I'm partial to Fall Out." She said it as two words, but it was a subtle thing, easily missed in the flowing dream. She pouted at her menu. "I'll take what you're having. I'm sure it will be good."

That was all it took, her admission of a shared interest opening a floodgate from him. He went on at length about the games he liked, which quickly turned into his favorite movies, books, and shows. He was invested now, clearly pleased to not only be able to talk about his hobbies, but with such a beautiful woman. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at her, and it was becoming quite clear that he was moving beyond merely being interested in her and becoming smitten.

That fell well within her goals, but was dangerous. Her goal was not to hurt the man's heart, after all. She pushed a paper towards him. "I read a fascinating tale, about a man, quite like you, fallen into a new world. That sounds exciting, perhaps a little scary. What do you think of such a thing?" She leaned forward. "I'm not sure what I'd do if it were me."

“Oh, that old trope?” He grinned as he glanced at the paper, and this time it was full of confidence, completely in his element now. “It really depends on the world in question, and the circumstances you find yourself in. Sometimes going there gives you a lot of power as a byproduct of the transfer, but other times you’re thrown into the deep end of the pool with nothing but your wits to get you through.”

Being a dream, it had writing, but not the sort that could be read directly, just giving the impression that it was writing. "But you'd be all alone." She tapped at her lips with that roll she hadn't finished. "Would you look for other hu--people?"

“No.” He lifted his eyes to hers as he slowly shook his head. “What I’d do in that situation is to figure out what I want most,” his voice was softer now, and he slowly reached out a hand to caress her cheek. “And then I’d figure out how to take it.” Suddenly weren’t in a restaurant anymore, but in his bedroom, and as the transition happened he leaned forward and kissed her deeply.

That was not what Luna had planned at all! Her push had found the wall brittle and weak, and now she had fallen in. Human kisses were odd compared to pony ones, but she tried to part gently rather than shoving him away. "Easy there, my stallion." A slip on her part, but one that sounded human enough.

He acquiesced only enough to change his line of attack, moving his lips down to her neck to nuzzle her, even as the hand on her cheek slid down to rub her chest, fingers caressing her as his other hand moved to her hip. He slowly leaned more of his weight on her, insistent but not aggressive, wanting her to lie down under him.

She took a sharp turn in her own tactic, obeying his urgings, but he began changing as he moved her, starting with being hung as a horse in the most literal sense in his pants, bit by bit, swelling as he moved in over her. She half-lidded her eyes and put her hands at his side. "My stallion…" she whispered gently, new meaning added as she adjusted her partner.

He either didn’t notice the initial alterations or didn’t mind them, focusing instead on touching her as he slowly peeled her out of her clothes. Taking her acceptance as permission, he gave her another loving look before he kissed her again, opening her blouse, clearly eager for more but still taking the time to enjoy her body before they got to the actual act.

As dreams tend to go, the details become a bit blurred as they moved together. Luna guided him along as he claimed her, but lost 'himself' in the process. He would be a stallion, her stallion, literally. She did as he urged, curious to see if and how he reacted as things went on, though playing along, even if it meant letting the human have her in his dreams.

He struggled against the changes, but his attention was divided, focusing more on her than himself. Even as he became more equine, her body became more and more human underneath him, her breasts and hips increasing slightly in size even as her waist contracted accordingly. Even then, he demanded more of her, caressing her and causing a cry to spill from her lips.

She didn't ask to cry out, but dreams will have their sway, and this was not her dream. Her will was focused on him, not herself, which let her soft cries escape. Despite herself, there were feelings involved, and they weren't necessarily bad ones, even if she didn't like the person involved. "You are a wild beast in bed," she crooned, becoming the ideal woman for him even as he became a unicorn above her.

His only reply was an affirmative grunt, focused completely on claiming her in the most intimate way that he could. There was a possessive edge to his actions, holding her down gently but firmly even as he took her. He had stopped fighting his own transformation, intent only on the gorgeous human woman beneath him.

And the peak came to them, and Luna took a firm grip of the dream. Even as his world swam, it did so in another way as they appeared in a field of grass. The woman was still beneath him, but he was within sight of Canterlot, clearly in Equestria, not Earth.

For a short while, he didn’t notice, just basking in the afterglow of what they’d shared. He nuzzled her again, whispering sweet nothings, until he caught sight of the background and stopped in confusion, looking around them. “This is...what…?”

She trailed a few fingers along his barrel. "You're not alone," she murmured. "There are so many that wish to know more, but will you give them the chance you gave me?"

His sense of self was returning, and with it came more confusion that was starting to become alarm. He gasped as he followed the sight of her fingers and realized what had happened to his body. “What did…? No, this isn’t me…! I don’t…” It was clearly becoming too much, and he separated from her. He stumbled immediately, not used to walking on four legs, and he shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he did.

“NOOO!!!” It was impossible to tell if his cry was in response to the situation or her question. Immediately, the dream ended, signifying that he’d woken up.

Author's Note:

The infamous John Smith, much more vulnerable in his dreams as Luna picks and pries at him. There's a friendship lesson to be learned for sure.

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