• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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166 - Wrath of Anugypt

Night gazed in a mirror with a scowl. That blasted mark was still there. Parting her fur seemed to show the same mark was on her skin, so even shaving wouldn't remove it. She scowled at her scowl. She'd been scowling too much recently. "Let's get this over with..."

"Get what over with?" asked Samantha, trotting over. "Are you alright, my alpha? You seem agitated."

Night felt the hot urge to tell her to go away, but fought it. Samantha was being a perfectly doting wife, and she wanted her attention, even if part of her wanted to run and hide. "Samantha? Have you ever done something you regret?"

"Oh, plenty of times." Samantha waved it off. "Science requires mistakes, or you're not really doing much science." She tilted her head. "You never did explain how you came to have that. Was it really NefNef's mark of affection?"

Night sagged a little. "No... It's about as close to the opposite of that as it could be. I'm going to talk to her now. Where's Silver?"

Samantha pointed off. "He's with the foals, but he has to go meet some important ponies soon."

Night raised her head. "Samantha, you're on foal-watching duty." Her voice raised to shout, "Silver, good luck. I'll be out a bit, hopefully it won't take long."

"Alright," came the reply from the nursery.

Samantha suddenly grabbed Night and pulled her into a warm hug for a brief moment. "You take care of that, but don't forget I'm with you one hundred and ten percent."

Night wriggled her nose and adjusted her glasses. "You can't do that."

"Watch me." Samantha smiled. "That can be my next experiment. Go ahead, I just wanted you to know I'm with you."


"Sorta?" Samantha tilted her head. "I'll know if you need more of me."

Night clopped her face, remembering she was thoroughly tracked by the scientist she knew as wife. "I'll be back." She left the room with a soft snort and moved across the hall and one door down to reach Nefertari's room.

With a resigned sigh, she knocked with a soft clopping.

"Yes?" The door opened a crack, but nopony was there. "Ah, you... Perhaps there is some integrity in you after all. One moment." The door closed and faint voices could be heard before Nefertari pulled the door open wide, smiling down at her.

Night forced a return smile. "Good evening, Nefertari. How are you?"

Nefertari reached down, brushing that tattooed fur. "Not nearly as busy as you, I see. Come in."

Night advanced past Nefertari. "I was looking for my husband."

"And you thought to find him here?" Nefertari closed the door silently and shook her head at Night Watch slowly. "I trust you did not find him, here at least."

Night bristled. "You know I didn't. Look, whatever this mark is--" She pointed at the bright pigment with a hoof. "--get rid of it!"

"Not even curious what it means? Or are you more clever than I thought and learned our language?" Nefertari had her arms crossed and seemed smugly satisfied rather than angry.

Night let out a slow sigh. "Go ahead and tell me, since you look eager to do so."

Nefer reached for Night, brushing the pattern as she read it. "It's a complicated word, but basically it means Thief, with a subcontext of one who is untrustworthy"

Night raised a brow. "Are there trustworthy thieves?"

"Oh, certainly." Nefertari snorted softly. "Raiders who may steal, but they do it as warriors, not as shadows in the night."

Night sat. "Well, what will it take to have it removed?"

Nefertari raised a brow at Night. "I suppose I could make some grandiose request, but I won't."

Night was mildly surprised. "Does that mean you'll make a small request?"

"Word travels swiftly from one pony's mouth to the next pony's ears. Your husband, Silver Watch, has closed the path to me." She flexed her fingers lightly. "I make this one request." She extended one lone finger. "Spar with me. You are a warrior, train at my side. I feel you wish to be honed, and I can offer that."

Night tilted her head slowly, unsure of what to make of the offer, or was it a request? "What do you get out of it?"

"You may have wronged me, but that is because you view me as a threat." She circled around Night slowly, looking at the hanging Anugyptian artifacts as she went. "I would have an ally that knows the true meaning of battle. At least thrice a week, we will put claw to hoof, fang to fang. We will clash as a rock to a blade, and both emerge sharper for it."

Night considered this a moment. "How do I know this isn't another angle to get closer to our herd?"

Nefertari raised a brow at that. "Did I not tell you? Yes or no, I needed a reply, and it has been given. It is a no, and so I am free, if humbled for my error. Will you accept this?"

Night licked her lips softly. "Your magic, it doesn't require a horn." She thrust a hoof up at Nefertari's brow, which was smooth and furry with no such protuberances.

Nefer burst into laughter. "You would learn such sacred arts? You hardly know of what you ask for. You would have to face your ancestors first, and you have never so much as looked at them before. Most who try become broken inside, or I wouldn't be as well-regarded as I am."

Night spread her hooves. "Then let me try and fail. Will you help me?"

Nefertari's laughter died. "You're serious, yes... Your eyes shine with the fire of a warrior challenged. Very well, but know that this will hurt. Your very mind will be battered, and you very well may shatter with the effort, but... should you withstand it, learn, and rise, you will have earned my respect. More importantly, you will earn their respect."

"You would teach her?! She's a thief and a skulker! She's a pony! Look at her, little prey animal. What are you thinking?" scolded a voice very much like Nefertari's from the air.

"You are here to guard, not lecture me. Begone until next I call you." Nefer made a soft gesture, and the air grew silent. "Do you accept this risk, and me as your mistress until you give up or are broken?"

Night considered the angles a moment. "If you break me, he'll hold it against you, so try to avoid that, hmm?" She sat up tall. "Besides that, I accept. We will train one another, by sparring and learning, and you'll show me your ways." She put a hoof to her chest. "I promise to treat it with the seriousness you've suggested it deserves. Perhaps we should begin with the culture of it, so that I approach it with the right mindset."

"Ah... That relieves me greatly. Perhaps you will treat this properly afterall..." She snapped two fingers and Night's face tingled softly as the mark vanished from it. "Thief you are no longer. Now instead you are a student. An adult student, which is a disadvantage at times. We begin to think we've learned all we must learn as we grow, but you will have to learn that you know nothing, and accept that."

Night shook her head. "I already know I know... nothing, when it comes to magic. Please, teach me."

Nefertari reached as if to pet Night, but caught herself. "None of that. Even a student of this art demands some level of respect. This is not a magic given by merit of birth, unlike unicorns. You will either succeed, or fail, and it is entirely up to you. I will guide you, but it is by your hooves that you will move, not mine."

An uneasy smile spread across Night's face. "Can we begin now?"

"I have had a long day... But tonight is as good as any. A warning, the first lessons will feel useless, but you will endure them. They prepare you for the real work ahead and if you can't handle them, then we're done." Nefertari's nose wrinkled faintly. "Now come here." She fetched a bowl of water and placed it before Night.

"Gaze into this. Do not blink, even if your eyes scream with torment. If you blink, we start over. When dealing with the forces of the other side, sometimes you must gaze into their eyes in challenge, and to blink is often to lose, and you do not wish to lose to them."

Night shivered softly, imagining losing to some fell and terrible spirit and her imagination ran wild with what might occur as a result. Determined to not allow that, she looked down into the water and began to stare at her reflection. It was a one-pony staring contest. By definition, she had to lose eventually, but she was determined to defeat the odds.

Author's Note:

Night goes to pay the piper, and finds something far from what she expected.

Will she fill the hole in her insecure heart here, or invite one huge typo of a catastrophe?

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