• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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232 - Meeting Interesting People

Silver was at his desk, going over what he would need for the coronation, when he felt a presence. He looked up to see Nefartari leaning forward on his desk. Without asking, his eyes took in the fact that her breasts were displayed at that angle. No matter how long he had been a horse, the sight still tickled at his human sensibilities.

She smiled at him noticing her. "I've locked the door. We have privacy for the moment. Do you have time to and are you interested in speaking, potential husband?"

He softly coughed and nodded. "Sure, of course." He tilted his head a little. "If you don't mind my asking, why?"

"You are inherently weak," she said as if it were just observation, not insult or praise. "Despite this, you are very stubborn, and you surround yourself with power, myself included." She circled that desk, eyes never leaving him. "You are no naive innocent. Even now your baser parts wish to pounce on me and do as males do."

Silver swallowed heavily. Some part of him did, but he'd never do that. "I wouldn't rape a person, whoever they are."

"Of course you wouldn't." She leaned close, almost nose-to-nose. "I imagine you only struck at me in the confines of a declared battle." She reached for him and he tensed, but her paws brought no harm. She petted slowly through his fur, stroking his shoulders and up over his neck. "You have gained power, even for yourself. You've only become stronger since I met you, even if you refuse to use it. I have written about you, to home."

"Good things?" Silver was largely still, unsure what to do. Returning the affection seemed out and retreating from it would be an insult, so he took it, reacting as any stallion might with the obvious interest of a female. Her soft pets made him anything but soft. "Look, back to my question, why?"

"You fascinate me, and many others." She flashed a smile of dangerous teeth. "If you don't become mine, and release me as gently as I imagine you would, others will come, of higher station and even more distant sensibilities. I know what ponies like, even if I disagree. Should one of our war chieftanesses arrive, they will accept nothing but yes, or war, planning to take your broken form from the battlefield as one trophy among many. If you turn me away roughly, then war will be declared immediately. It doesn't take much to provide a good reason for it." She leaned forward. "There are Anubians already in Equestria, awaiting word and ready to strike. They predict peace will be fleeting between our people."

"And... your thoughts?" It didn't help that her hands kept getting closer and closer to his distraction. Silver was certain if he just leaned back, she would casually break his vows for him. He shuddered with forced emotions and snorted at her as his horn flared to life, pushing her back a few precious inches to give him some space. "I want your opinions."

"Very well." She did not test his shield, hands crossing just under her chest. "I think ponies are inherently weak and docile creatures, protected by stalwart guardians, you among their number. If it involves a pony in danger, your timid nature is peeled away to reveal a cold and calculating warrior for a time." Her tail wagged slowly as she shook her head. "I think my people would benefit from such guardians."

"Marrying me doesn't get them instantly." Silver sat up straight, ears perking. "Or even at all, with them living over--"

"We live where we must. Equestria is a large place..." Nefertari ran two fingers together slowly. "I doubt any of the nations will complain if we leave their presence."

Silver blinked. "Even if it's, you know, a crummy place, it's still your place. I can't imagine everyone's ready to go."

"Oh, there will be holdouts, but they hardly matter." She waggled a few fingers at his shield. "Is this how I will know my husband?"

He dismissed the shield with a pop. "I'm not your husband yet. Why don't they matter?"

"We are a very... traditional people. We have legends, and you and yours fulfill one nicely." She advanced and reached for him again, violating his personal space to give him soft belly rubs. That she brushed other things on the way was a happy side-effect. "If you claim me and lead us to a green place of our own, most will follow without objection."

"They'll become Eq--" He paused to inhale sharply. Her touches and feels were getting to him. "Equestrians?"

"Of course not." She snorted softly. "They will remain Anubians, but close at hand. If they are offered paradise, the need to raid will ebb... Perhaps it will even fade entirely, given a generation or three. You will be doing a great service to your foreign allies and forging new ones. The risk of war from our nation will fade to a smoldering speck, fading with every passing year, and the world will be that much more peaceful." Her hand moved, grabbing him where he would feel it most and squeezing. "Is that not what you want, pony?"

Silver shuddered at the rough attention. His desire to return these affections grew even as his wariness did, torn between the two as the shapely jackal did her work. "I..." He wanted to say he wouldn't marry for politics alone, but there was more at stake. "Will you at least try to get along with my family?"

"I think Celestia has power beyond measure. Her one defeat was simply due to her not wishing to destroy the city in her fury. Unfortunate, but I know she could have brought down the fury of the sun itself." She flicked her tongue forward, making Silver jump at the sensation. "Luna is mistress of dreams and the moon, no, I have no complaints about being tied to either of them. In fact... Luna has a temperament I find pleasing. She understands the cold harshness of reality. Of the two sisters, I like her more. Really, there is only one wife of yours I do not agree with."

He couldn't stand it anymore and suddenly shoved forward. He knocked her over, but he got the impression she had let herself be knocked over. He was on top of her, one hoof on either breast and his wings flared out, but the fury was already fading. He wouldn't claim anyone that way... "Night Watch," he sighed out, envisioning his least, but first, wife. She had a high title, but she was still the only one not a Princess. She was also the only one violently opposed to it, literally. "Do you hate her?"

"Hate her?" Nefer raised a brow from the floor, relaxing under Silver's pinning weight. "That would imply I give her that power. She is blinded by her own hate. I won't follow in her example. Should she apologize, I will put it aside. There are more important things to worry about than hurt feelings."

Silver stepped carefully free of her, and she rose. He nodded at her. "When we are properly bound, I will have you, gently and lovingly."

Nefer broke into a sudden laughter. "You just offered weak and timid sex while making it sound like a dire threat. You are interesting..." She reached forward, running a finger down from his chest. "You have a spirit worth considering hiding in there. Does this mean we will be bound then?"

Silver clopped the floor. "I'm not saying no." The decision, politically, seemed clear. He would learn to love Nefertari and hopefully tame her hard-cut soul to something a bit gentler, but none of that settled things with his First Wife, who he didn't want to give up but seemed so strongly opposed to even the idea. "You heard of this from Blueblood, right?"

"I did... One from every race you've conquered with love and understanding." She put a hand on her chest. "Marrying me and convincing my people to follow you to paradise would qualify. It surprises me that you have not gone hunting among the shadow creatures you freed. You already have a changeling worked out."

He flushed at the thought of an umbrum wife. "I don't really hang out with them much."

"That is a mistake."

Silver frowned, but didn't argue it. "I'll get back to you, promise."

"As you wish." She smiled as she vanished. Only the sound of the door unlocking betrayed how she had left.

Entering that unlocked door was Celestia, who blinked and laughed her merry little laugh. "Did I come at an awkward time?"

Silver blinked before he realized that he was still worked up quite a bit from Nefertari's attention. "N-no! Please, come in."

"I know better than to accept that offer from stallions looking like that." She entered despite her words and closed the door behind her. "On a more serious note, but related to this... I have been thinking, about the world you saw and the words you committed to journal."

Celestia approached the confused Silver. "It seems more is coming to fruition than what you gave credit for. You almost missed it. If Night Watch had accepted your proposal and married you alone, you would have avoided it." She leaned in at him even as he cringed in fear. "You are Silver Watch, Ambassador and Stud of the Land."

Silver felt a pressure around his heart as he winced. He wanted to argue it, to argue it a thousand ways, but he realized he was running again. So... "A... lot of people, ponies and humans alike, would want that position."

"Perhaps," agreed Celestia with a musing tone. "But do you? With so many wives around you, they will take up quite a bit of your time. Mares have needs too, and they will insist you fulfill them. Ambassador Nerfertari puts all the blame on you, but I am certain she tires of living in chastity." She leveled a hoof at Silver. "I will want my turn, as will Luna, and Fast at least three times over."

Was this really what Celestia came to speak of? This wasn't-- "Don't look at me that way, Silver. I agreed to this for you to see me as a pony, not a perfect princess. Will you deny me this? Will I continue to find satisfaction only in my dreams?"

Silver realized he was being wrong. Celestia did live, and wanted to be loved, emotionally and physically. "I'll do my best."

Celestia leaned in and touched nose-to-nose. "You always do. I'm not tossing you to the wolves, per se. I'm here for you, my future stallion, but you have to understand what you're agreeing to."

She turned away and her tail flicked in a very specific way, letting him see what would normally be denied. She would be his mare, for all the good and work that came with it. His work seemed busier than it had an hour before.

He let her leave, then rose to his own hooves. He had to face Night Watch. They had to become a team again, to face this future, together. He only hoped she would want to stand with him.

Author's Note:

A very charged typo. The blatant innuendo may cause typos as our transcribers get distracted.

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