• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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35 - Diplomatic Responsibilities

When they arrived in Canterlot, the city seemed paralyzed. Ponies moved timidly through the streets, eyeing the drones that stared back at them impassively. Trixie pulled Silver in for a parting kiss, "Before those hooligans dared to touch Trixie, we were planning to move to Rough Draft's home. They prevented us from telling you, as you may well imagine. You've gotten yourself in quite a position."

Rough Draft smiled, "And you'll get yourself right back out. We have faith in you."

They squeezed him between each other, then got back on the train to head down again. There was no time for tears, but that didn't stop them from falling anyway. Silver hated goodbyes. Silver turned back to Night Watch, "We'd better get to the castle before things get worse."

She reached forward with her wings and softly brushed away Silver's tears, "It's OK to cry."

"Don't say that," complained Silver as the tears got thicker, "There's no time for that right now."

Night gently wrapped Silver in her wings and hefted him up. Her strength continued to amaze Silver even as she trotted off with him. He accepted the gift she was giving, and allowed himself to let go in the safe cocoon she provided. They arrived swiftly at the gates, where she marched past the guards without challenge. She set Silver down just inside, "We can't have the star of the show not walking on his own hooves."

Silver smiled gently, shaking himself out and looking around, "Be right back." He dashed off to his room, returning with his new blue outfit, "There." Night nodded in approval before they moved together towards the court. It was day, though both Celestia and Luna were in attendance, trying to calm a full room of agitated and frightened ponies.

His approach was announced by a crier. The mare's shout rising above the crowd, "Announcing Ambassador Silver Lining, diplomat of the human nation." Suddenly, all eyes were on Silver.

Luna pointed, "The court recognizes Ambassador Silver Lining. Please step forward."

Silver descended towards the front of the court, feeling the burning pressure of the crowd. His ears picked up whispered musings, many of which sounded hostile and uncertain. "Your majesties, I bring good tidings today," spoke Silver as he got closer, going into sales pitch mode. "A great opportunity has arrived for Equestria, but also a favor that I must ask on behalf of my people."

Celestia raised a fine brow, "We are listening. We trust this involves our recent... guests."

Silver nodded as he hopped up onto a stool behind the testifying podium, elevating him into view. Darn little coltish body. "Long have ponies seen the changelings as one unified mass, wholly focused on their pain and discomfort. But this is not true. They are living, thinking creatures, capable of decisions, and they have made the right decision. Their Queen leads them to ruin, waging war with the might of Equestria at the cost of her people, and her people have had enough!" He waved a hoof at the crowd, "They want better. They want peace, and they're tired of following the orders of a tyrant that led both them, and their neighbors, to increasing violence."

Luna tapped the wood in front of herself, "We have seen evidence of thought in their queens, but you speak as if they could all be reasoned with. What proof do you bring of such a thing?"

Silver raised a hoof, "Before we get to that, I must announce that I have extended the status of refugee on these people. Pony or not, they are war-torn and tired. They deserve sanctuary and I intend to deliver it."

The crowd exploded in hot debate and shouts, only calming when Celestia unleashed the Royal Canterlot Voice upon them and struck with a magically-held gavel, "There will be order in my court!" She looked to Silver, frowning, "It is your right, as diplomat, to do so, but you have no sovereign soil upon which to house them."

Silver nodded, "Which is where I must throw myself on the generosity of our good neighbors of Equestria. The travel to the human nation is unwieldy, at best. Allow me an embassy, a building of its own, to house myself and the changelings, and it will be our responsibility that they be fed and safe."

Luna huffed softly as her voice echoed in Silver's mind, ~I preferred keeping you close. You never allow my plans to stand.~ "I motion we allow this. If the changelings have come of their own volition, they deserve a chance."

Silver thought back to Luna, ~Life happens, but don't think it means I love you any less. Moonbutt is best princess.~

Luna quirked a brow at his odd phrasing, but did not reply. Celestia nodded, "This may be true, but we have no evidence they have a volition. Ambassador, present your evidence."

Silver sat up a little, "I would call Stand In to present."

They looked confused a moment but Celestia called out, "Bring Stand In! Their presence is required."

Soft murmuring drifted through the crowd for the minute it took before the door opened and a familiar unicorn poked her head in. Her delicate lines were hard to miss, and she strode with a clear uncertainty towards Silver. Silver smiled at her gently, "This is Stand In. She is one of few Lieutenants for Queen Chrysalis, or I should say, was. Stand In, would you explain how the command structure of the changelings works, so your neighbors can better understand you?"

Stand In sat beside Silver, whispering, "You are entirely insane. Look at the hate in their eyes. I was a fool to follow you this far!"

Luna gave a gentle smile at Stand, "Please, share with us. We know so little of the changelings. Perhaps some knowledge would be a good first step towards acceptance."

Silver was pleasantly surprised by Luna's diplomatic entreaty, but nodded quickly, "Just so. Just say the truth, and let's put aside all the mystery and mistrust."

Stand In cleared her throat softly, then held her hoof high, "Very well. You are all aware of the Queen. Of ten thousand changeling births, one will be born with royal blood, capable of the greatest changeling magic and possessing the keenest mind. They can be prone to eccentricities, much like unicorns, but their personalities come in a wide range. We have had good queens and bad. Some kind, some malicious. Every hive will usually have but one queen, some rare ones have two. They are the heart of the hive, and its ruler. Kind monarchs will allow other queens born to be raised in peace, training them to take their own place in the event of age or disaster. Unkind rulers dispose of all competitors."

She lowered her hoof, "Below them are the leaders, like myself. While we often have ranks among ourselves, this is more regional, and has nothing to do with biology. We are capable of guiding the drones, and thinking for ourselves, but we do not make offspring. It is our job to support the Queen in her activities, but we are not forced to, biologically. Just as I stand here, today, with no queen, in this strange land."

She lowered her hoof again, "Below them, the breeders. It's unlikely anypony here has seen them. They service the queen and from them come the eggs. They are of very limited intelligence. There are no breeders with us today, as they live deep in the hive, do not fly, and have very little motivation save to win the Queen's favor."

The hoof came down to the ground, "And then, the drone. You know of them. Their intelligence varies somewhat. Some drones are almost as shrewd as leaders, but, as a whole, they are very simple creatures. They know what pain is, and they have a name, though it is often only used by their closest relations. They are not mindless, just... simple. Like a small foal that never grows past the stage. If they are treated with kindness, they will return it. If they are treated with anger, they will become angry beasts. Drones have a very difficult time disobeying the direct order of a leader or a queen, with a queen's order taking precedence." She looked to the rulers of the land, "I trust that helps?"

Celestia nodded, "It does. It is something of a relief to hear, and yet it pains me to know we used such overwhelming force on a feeling enemy."

Stand In smiled, "That was our mistake, for following a corrupt ruler. The Queen took very few leaders with her on her attack of Canterlot for good reason. We would have never agreed. To attack an unknown alicorn, madness. To leave behind the very skills that have allowed us survival for so long, ludicrous..." She dipped her head, "Most paid the ultimate price. Let us consider the debt paid."

Luna tilted her head, "If you have no Queen, how will you function?"

Stand In pointed up towards the exit, "There is a Queen. She awaits your approval."

The doors swung open to admit Fast Change, wearing her changeling body well. She strode, tall and confident, towards Celestia and Luna. She bowed her head at each, "Hello."

Luna blinked softly, "Fast Change? Is that you?"

Fast bobbed her head, "It is! I think I've found my calling. These changelings really need me. I can be their mother, and show them a better way."

Celestia shook her head, "Do you understand the mission you set for yourself? You are giving up much for this chance. Are you certain?"

Fast would not be dissuaded, "I'm one hundred and twenty percent sure! They need what I have. The poor things. I've been talking to the drones, and they're so miserable. Their last queen was just awful to them. They're so hopeful, praying that I'll be the nice queen they've been waiting for."

Luna raised a brow, "And you are resolved to be this good queen?"

Fast bobbed her head, spreading her transparent wings, "I will make them all good ponies, and treat them fairly."

She strode up to Silver, who felt tension building within him. She had a bad look in her alien eyes, and he could see the pain coming like a descending hammer. "Silver," she said, "You have been a good stallion, a great stallion... but this family needs me more. I can't be your mare and their mother at once." Silver's ears fell, but he tried to remain stoic, "I will treasure the time we had together. Night Watch will take good care of you." She leaned in and kissed him under each cheek as he trembled, fighting the urge to start crying before the gathered throng. He didn't want to lose Fast Change, but he didn't want to be a selfish jerk. His hooves softly tapped at the stool he was on, squirming in a largely silent agony. He knew letting her change would end poorly.

Unable to restrain himself, Silver said in a squeak, "I don't care if you are a changeling. I love you!"

Fast gently brushed away his tears with a fetlock, "And I love you too." She turned and walked away, leaving him sitting there.

Author's Note:

Ugh, dang my living through characters writing. I need a Kleenex.

The typos were not moved.

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