• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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53 - Of Lustrous Fur and Timid Heart

Silver stepped off the train and looked around. The Crystal Empire was just as he remembered it. "They make so much out of crystal, it's almost surprising they stuck to the basic design for the train station."

"Not that surprising." Night settled beside him. "The stations need to be standard. They all work with the same trains."

Silver nodded at her, sharing a little nuzzle before they rose and started for the castle, only to run into a crystal pony before they could even leave the platform.

The shining filly smiled. "Hello, are you Ambassador Silver Lining?" When Silver nodded, she smiled brightly. "Oh, great! I'm supposed to show you to the castle!"

Silver felt the urge to note they could see the castle quite clearly, but thought better of it. "Oh, please, show the way." He couldn't help but glance at the towering construct, but she was there to be polite, really. Night offered no resistance to the idea, and soon they were following after her through the streets.

"This is your first time here in the Crystal Empire, right?"

Silver hesitated a moment before he nodded. Swallowing that urge to start explaining the messy details of his life. "It's very pretty and impressive."

"Oh, thank you. We're working very hard to keep it that way." Despite her cheery personality, something about her felt subdued, at least to Silver.

He sped up a moment to be at her side. "We're here to help, if you weren't told. You don't have to pretend everything's perfect."

Her ears spun back against her rosy crystal body. "I... Thank you, sir, but you're just two ponies, How's that going to make a difference?" She suddenly darkened, going red in her cheeks. "Oh! Please forget I said that."

Night moved up to sandwich Silver between herself and the young crystal mare. "Knowing my husband, he's already forgotten any slight you offered. With that knowledge, I can also be certain that he will try his hardest, beyond the requirement, to put things right." She tilted her head a little. "We should speak to Cadance first and say hello."

"Of course, this way!" She hurried forward, still colored, and focused on trotting faster instead of talking.

Night leaned in towards Silver. "You've made this complicated. On one hoof, I hope you're right and we make a difference being here, on the other, I'd rather your visions be just a dream, and we can move on from them. What you've told me so far hardly paints a stable, or even happy, future. Tell me, what made you even leave the Crystal Empire if you fled to here?"

Silver didn't want to say, but Night was clearly staring at him, waiting for reply. "Well, you know how the Crystal Empire is in a battle with the Shadows, right?"


"So after I helped them with it." Silver glanced left and right, making sure other crystal ponies weren't too close. "I made a target of myself. They knew what pony had created the magic that ruined their day, so they tried to take me, mentally. I resisted, then fled, with you and Fast." He paused suddenly, realizing the time line continued to diverge, but maybe... "Maybe Fast will arrive while we're working, she showed up last time while we were here."

Night raised a brow. "That still feels extremely unlikely. That hive isn't going to suddenly not need a Queen. Look, I miss her too. She was a sweet pony, and fun too... But she chose her path." She moved in and kissed Silver's cheek. "It's not healthy to pine for her like that." With a subtle incline of her head, she reminded him of their guide and they hurried together to catch up with her just as she arrived at the steps to the castle.

"Here we are!" She gestured up at the giant tower that was their castle. "Do you know the, oh, of course not." She turned and trotted up the stairs. "This way. I'll show you to the courtroom. The Princess should be there at this time of day."

The castle was squarely in the uncanny valley for Silver. He couldn't focus on what was the same, just the small things that were different. That painting, it was over there. That bowl of fruit has oranges, not crystal berries. The scent of mint, it was something flowery before, he was sure of it. He started going on auto pilot, only to realize he had lost his guide. Had the layout of the castle been that different? "Night?" He was alone.

"Hey dude." Emerging from a side room came the large and white form of Shining Armor. "You look a little lost? Can I help?"

Silver smiled with relief. "Ah, yes, please. I'm trying to find the courtroom. So glad to run into you, Shining Armor."

He lifted an ear a moment, then relaxed it. "Everypony seems to know my name before I know theirs, these days."

Silver waved it off. "I know that feeling."

Shining began to lead the way. "Oh? Who are you?"

"Ambassador Silver Lining, sir, a pleasure to be here."

"Ah, we've been expecting you." Shining looked over his shoulder with a smile. "The letter said you were a unique spellcaster. You must be something special if Princess Celestia thinks you can take on our issues alone."

Silver shook his head quickly. "It'll require teamwork. I'm just another member of the team." He flashed a bright smile. "I don't think I'm that special, sir, to wave a hoof and the Crystal Empire will be restored to all its glory."

"Good attitude." He arrived at a door and gently nudged it open with a hoof. "Announcing Ambassador Silver Lining, envoy of Equestria!"

The room was full of crystal ponies, not the usually empty courtroom he had seen in his vision. All eyes turned to him, including those of Cadance on her throne, and Night, seated about four rows from the front. Cadance nodded towards Silver. "We were told to expect you, please, step forward."

Silver walked forward a little stiffly, not expecting the crowd of judging eyes at both sides. "I-it's a pleasure to be here, your highness."

"We've met before, Silver Lining. No need to be so stiff. Please, closer. I haven't seen you in some time." Her eyes went unfocused a moment as she looked to the network of love in the room, weaving from pony to pony where different forms of love blossomed and grew. She could see Silver was firmly bonded to Night Watch and inclined her head towards the lunar pony lightly. "Oh, do bring your partner with you." More surprising, she saw a dim line of adoration coming from Silver towards herself. When had he developed that? There was respect, even a little fear, but mostly they were warm feelings.

Night rose from her seat and trotted to Silver's side as they advanced together. They bowed in unison as Silver spoke up, "We're reporting for duty. We're here to help in whatever way we can." He smiled up at her, tail wagging. "At your earliest convenience, we'd love to go over the specific troubles facing your ponies, so we can start attacking each problem."

Cadance looked between the two. Their bond seemed quite solid, and she allowed her sight to transition back to normal. "It's a pleasure to have you both with us. I'll have the pony in charge of such things stop by and go over the details with you, but, for now, I suggest taking a day or two getting to know the Empire and its people. We're as eager to meet you as a whole as you are to get right to work." She leaned forward. "The issues will still be there after the introductions, I promise."

Night dipped her head. "As you will it, Princess."

Cadance leaned towards Silver, whispering, "So formal. You've chosen a very proper wife, Silver Lining."

Silver pinkened at the words and leaned closer to Night. "She's the light of my life. I hope we'll both do well by you and your people."

Cadance gave a light nod. "I have little doubt. We'll show you to your room."

'We' turned out to be a crystal guard pony that saluted sharply and began to lead them from the room and through the castle. "You're in for an uphill battle," he suddenly said as they walked. "Everypony's become entrenched in their little domain and doesn't want to deal with the others. I hope you can live up to your title, Ambassador."

Night perked an ear at him even as they arrived at their room. "Can you tell us more? Is this the root of the problems?"

The guard glanced away. "I shouldn't be gossiping, miss, but I would say so. It's not that we don't have most of what we need, but it's all in the wrong hooves and nopony wants to share for fear of their own shortages."

That was not exactly the problem he had fixed in his vision, and Silver frowned. "How are the crystal mines doing?"

The guard wobbled a hoof. "Fair to middling. They've opened for production, but shipping from the mines to the train is slow, which slows mining efforts. It just piles up at the mines and... Now I really am gossiping, sir, ma'am. I should go." He bowed to both, then trotted off back to his guarding duty.

Night raised a brow at Silver. "You look surprised. Let me guess... sixty percent chance your vision is unraveling before your soft eyes?" She smiled gently. "You don't hide it well. These really do sound like problems an ambassador, or diplomat in general, could help with, so maybe this was a good idea." She nudged him towards the room. "We'll do our best."

Silver nodded quickly. "Right, of course. I'm just wondering how much is different, and how much is the same. We'll find answers for these new problems, I'm sure of it." A gentle smile returned to his face. "It just means I can't do what I did there and expect it all to work out... I don't have soft eyes, do I?"

Night leaned in and kissed his nose. "You have the largest, softest, gentlest eyes I know." She spread her wings. "I love them, just like the rest of you." Leaning in slowly. "Your turn."

Silver laughed gently. "Your wings, so magnificent and striking. Just seeing them makes me feel safe. My Night is here, and she loves me." He leaned in to kiss her cheek. "But they pale compared to the part of you I can't see, but can't help but notice and admire."

"My brain?"

Silver pouted a little. "Don't steal my line of admiration! But yes, my dear, your brain." He nuzzled into her cheek. "Your wonderful, sharp, powerful brain."

They settled in together, and claimed the Crystal Empire as their own with their shared love.

Author's Note:

Nice sight there, Cadance, but can you see why foals love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Oh, you can?

Well, shoot. How about these typos?

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