• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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120 - Be Mindful of the Library

Silver trotted through the hallways he was starting to learn the layout of. Layouts were so much easier to memorize than other things, or so Silver thought. Following his internal map, he found himself in the restricted areas of the library. The guards recognized him, even if he didn't them. How did one tell one guard from the next?

They didn't stop him, so he trotted past, placing the aetheric slime book back on a shelf. "Useful, but when Discord warns you twice... I'm just asking for the world to fall on me if I go for a third." He turned away from the book, even with all its potential. "Damn Star Swirl, you really need to put disclaimers first."

The pain of letting go was quickly forgotten as he remembered he was a foal in a candy store. There were so many books! Wandering in a random pattern, Silver closed his eyes and reached out a hoof until it came into contact with a book. The tome fell from the shelf and his eyes snapped open, his magic grabbing the book before it hit the ground. Het let out a breath of relief before he lifted his new selection and moved to a table to examine it.

Advanced Telekinesis: Your Horn Can Do So Much

Silver's ears lifted with curiosity as he flipped the cover open with his magic and tried to flip through the book, only to be foiled. The book refused to open past the front page. His eyes scanned over the aged paper with building wonder.

Hello and welcome, faceless student. If you are a unicorn eager enough to read this book, you have likely already attempted to skip ahead. You will only be able to proceed when your telekinesis advances to the point of mastery that you will be able to responsibly handle the magic contained within. The trick required for the first chapter isn't difficult. Every chapter will have its trick within it, but not always at the end. You should be paying attention from start to finish, so no skipping!

With that said, welcome. Though we may never meet, it still warms my heart to know there are unicorn learners ready to read and expand their knowledge. This book, as hinted by the title, is all about telekinesis. All unicorns have it by the time they are adults, but so many are happy with basically picking things up and putting them down. You can do more, and if you're ready to learn, you'll soon be performing amazing tricks that could very well save lives, and yourself some effort.

The remainder of the page was written in unicorn script. It was a spell, and one Silver began eagerly devouring. He wasn't memorizing it, that would take a while, but just playing it from the paper wasn't too hard, and he soon had the first chapter open. With a little giddy giggle, he picked up the book in his forehooves and gave it a hug. His book was chosen.

He trotted back towards his room with his prize.

Along the way, he encountered a mare he recognized, but couldn't place. He squinted at her, trying to place it.

She scowled at him, apparently noticing his attention. "Preparing to make fun of me?"

The voice, it was that mare! The one that kidnapped him. What was her name again... "No! No. Sorry. How are things?"

"How are things?" She raised a brow. "You get me thrown into community service and that's what you say 'how are things?'" She snorted with disgust before a laugh erupted from her. "You're something else. You're going to die alone, aren't you?"

Silver shook his head. "Already too late for that, but relax on the hostilities. I have to get going." He started trotting past her. He felt the urge to taunt his married status, but he swallowed it. "Nice seeing you."

She shook her head in kind and moved opposing him, soon out of one another's sight.

He pushed open the door to his room and found his family awaiting him. All eyes were on him, making him acutely self-aware. Slowly, he set the book of magic down on the counter. "Uh, hi everyone?"

Night flashed a smile. "What horribly banned book did you select today?"

Rough Draft ambled over to the book, leaning over the dresser to have a peek. "Huh, this one looks a lot less sketchy."

Trixie's magic appeared around the book, lifting it up and pulling it over. "Ah, a book of telekinesis? Trixie approves of this. You could use practice."

Silver slipped his magic in beneath Trixie's, taking the book back. "Glad you agree, but why are you all ready to grill me the moment I'm through the door?"

Night tapped him on the shoulder. "We have confidence in you, which extends to the ability to throw yourself headlong where you shouldn't be." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for returning the other one. Say, where did that creep's yellow slime go off to?"

Silver waved a hoof aimlessly. "Discord nabbed that one too. Think he has a use for them?"

Night rolled her eyes. "Something suitably chaotic, I'm sure. Still, he obviously does like you."

Silver smiled brightly. "Good, I like him too, as a friend."

Night raised both her brows. "Well good! Because if you had romantic feelings for him, I'm afraid I'd have to draw a new line in the sand."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "That is not even worth joking about." She moved to Rough's side, pressing against him quietly. "Well, since we all agree on your selection of magical training, shall we celebrate?"

Night raised a hoof. "Why don't we try Surprise's little bakery? She should be ready now."

They all nodded in agreement and they left together, unaware of Night's fixed stance in even offering the idea.

Surprise was happy to see them, but she wasn't alone anymore. There were a few other curious ponies willing to try out the new place, and she was doing well both in seeing to their sweet tooths and getting to know them. It helped that she knew one of them. "Say hello to Minuette!"

Silver tilted his head a little. "Hi there. New friend?"

"Old friend, actually." Minuette nodded sagely before popping a cookie into her snout.

Rough glanced between them. "You told her?"

Surprise shrugged a little. "How could I not? I'm not her Pinkie, but close."

Minuette seemed eager to wave it off. "It's no big deal. Of all the crazy things Pinkie's done, this isn't even the top of the chart, so I say 'Hello not-Pinkie!'" She threw a leg over the counter and pulled Surprise closer. "She's just as nice and sweet as the original, and this one lives a lot closer!"

Surprise burst into a happy giggling even as a tear escaped from her joyful eyes. "I don't know why I was working myself up for nothing! I should have known my friends would understand."

Minuette waggled her brows. "So, you didn't tell Actual-Pinkie yet, right? I call dibs on being there to see her face."

Surprise waved it off. "I'm not in any big hurry. Now! Let's get you all something tasty!" She hurried over to her stoves and popped them open, extracting steaming treats that had been waiting for just that moment through magic only she had, and slid them onto the counter before the Watch family. "Eat up!"

Trixie lifted one of the muffins and took a careful bite. "Mind it, it's hot, but mmm. She forgets how much better baked treats are when they are just out of the oven."

The entire group was in ready agreement, going quiet if only to focus on enjoying the delectable desserts that their dear and delightful hostess had divined deliberately for their dining pleasure.

"Trixie desires something spicy." The bright blue pony leaned over the counter. "Have you something of that sort?"

Surprise perked up. "Sure do!" She spun around and began rummaging about before she emerged with what looked like a frosted bun of some sort. "It'll make your tongue plead for mercy. You've been warned."

Well in the grips of her urges, Trixie took a bite of it without preamble. Her face lit up red instantly. Tears of pain began to flow, but she took another bite. "It's... just what she asked for..." Whether that was good or not, she didn't say.

Night eyed the dangerous treat with a sudden fixation of her own, but Silver put a hoof before her eyes. "No. You don't need that."

"Give me a good reason."

Silver went for the kiss distraction, only to find Night returning it far more strongly than he expected. They sank against the bar, smooching and unaware of Rough Draft's desperate attempts to support his wife's self-destructive eating urge.

Minuette hiked a brow even as a giggle emerged from her. "You have the funniest friends, Surprise was it?"

"Uh huh." Surprise bobbed her head. "Yourself included."

"Oh, pfft." Minuette waved it off. "I can't even compare." She slid up to her hooves. "I'll definitely be back! I should get going for now, though. You keep it crazy, alright?"

"You got it!" They shared waves as Minuette walked out.

Silver managed to extract himself from his amorous wife and sat up with her beside him, nestled together but no longer outright smooching. "Looks like things are working out for you, Surprise. You going to reach out to all your old friends?"

Surprise flashed a huge smile. "I won't go after them, but when they come in here looking for sweet treats, then I'll tell them. I bet Minny's gonna tell a few friends and send them my way." She leaned in, a hoof held up conspiratorially. "Just between us, but she's a bit of a gossip, shh."

He giggled at the idea of someone gossiping about someone being a gossip. "You don't say?"

Author's Note:

Dirty secrets, revealed! Okay, it wasn't much of a secret... I'd say typos, but they stopped being a secret about 200 chapters ago.

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