• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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61 - In Dark Combat

Chrysalis drew back from her hated rival. "You think you're so clever. You threw your henchpony at me to drain my supplies, just so you'd have an easy time."

"I did no such thing." Fast raised a brow. "You still have to answer for that." She thrust a hoof at Chrysalis. "She didn't forget what the greater purpose was, unlike you. She's a hero, and you're just a washed up little foal that's angry her 'toys' aren't behaving."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Spare me your lectures. Lucky for me, you've kept my 'toys' well fed and they're still loyal to me." She raised a hoof slowly, green energy swirling upwards from the hive with the surprised yelp of changelings coming from below. "At least while they can see me."

Fast recoiled. She wasn't even aware that was possible, and yet, there Chrysalis was, feeding on the reserves of the hive. She assumed the form of a small dragon with an angry roar and charged Chrysalis. There was no time for delay.

Silver 'awoke' on his bed back on Earth and shook himself out. He was dreaming and quite aware of the fact. Just that unwavering knowledge made every attempt to dream a lucid experience. He hopped down from the bed and stretched muscles that weren't real before he grasped the handle of his door and pulled it open, revealing the cosmos outside of the dreamworld. "You're not kicking me out this time."

"And why is that?" Luna stood there just outside his door, where he was certain she hadn't been a moment before. "You are not me. You are not even lunar. The dreamworld is not your domain. Do you think so little of me?" She advanced as she spoke, glaring down at the small form of the solar unicorn that defied her.

Silver rallied himself, standing as tall as his small body allowed. "There are important things going on that we need help with. I'm not here to invade your dreamworld." He waved a hoof. "I never came to attack you, Luna."

Luna poked him right on the nose. "And yet, here you are." She smiled gently. "You feel healthier, in a manner. Tell me what has brought you." With a glimmer of her magic, the door to his dream was closed, and they were both on his bed, which was large enough to have them facing each other on their bellies despite being a twin sized to his recollection.

A flood of conversation topics threatened to overwhelm him and his breathing picked up, despite not needing to breathe at all in a dream. "Alright, let's stick to the most pressing. Sombra is on his way back."

Luna raised a brow. "I thought the Princess Twilight Sparkle dispatched him."

Silver nodded quickly. "She did, but it wasn't permanent. He's preparing for a fresh attack, and the Crystal Empire isn't prepared. He tried to subvert me, but I resisted that, and was gifted with some knowledge for the struggle."

Luna leaned closer. "I pray you are not trifling with me. What information did you discern?"

"I saw how he came to be."

She recoiled. "None know the true origin of him." She frowned a little. "He likely was trying to dig into your own past and left himself open to you. Well, what made him then? Do you know how to unmake him?"

Silver frowned at that. "That's the wrong path, and he was made by the cruelty of a, likely, well-meaning pony. He was treated fouly and poorly, and she was destroyed for it."

"Who was?" Luna tapped at the bed. "Stop leaving out details. This is no dream, speak plainly."

Silver hiked a brow. That was certainly a dream. "The old queen of the empire, Amore."

The world around Silver and Luna quaked as if becoming unhinged and Luna surged to her hooves. "I had thought you a liar... For this I owe an apology. Do... What happened to her?"

Silver felt a growing headache. Whatever Luna had felt was powerful enough to leave his psyche strained just for having her there while she felt it. "She... He turned her to a statue of crystal, then shattered her across Equestria."

Luna drew in a ragged breath. "For so many years... To be reduced to such a state. It... I dare say it makes even my banishment seem tame in comparison. I will dispatch the warlocks at once. We'll find the pieces and restore her!"

Silver thrust up a hoof. "Wait! There's more to it. The force that created Sombra, originally. He was fashioned in the wastelands as a little colt, and I think I found out what by."

Luna forced herself to sit slowly. "Tell us all you know. Was he fashioned by evil hands?"

"Yes and no." Silver tilted his head. "He was created for dark ends, but I'm certain he almost turned away from his origins. Being what he was... he was hurt by the Crystal Heart, and had no idea why."

Luna frowned faintly. "We imagine that would be most trying. Was he a lonely foal, bitter and spiteful?"

"No, actually..." Silver sat up tall. "He had a friend, a marefriend. She supported him, and he loved her fully, until she was called away to focus on her healing magic. The same that could ease his pain."

"'Tis a shame, but there was no way Princess Amore would have known--"

"She did." Silver stood up, still below Luna's gaze. "She knew, and... then this happened."

Luna rose and stepped off the bed, which became just large enough to support Silver. She approached his computer and tapped it. It turned on, despite her not pressing anywhere near the right button. Silver wondered what she was doing, watching her work as she used her magic and moved the mouse on his old desktop.

"What are you doing?" Silver slipped from his bed. "Why are you poking around in there?"

"There's nothing here we have not seen before." She glanced to him. "Or have you forgotten?"

She had laid his soul out to look through once before, and Silver shivered softly in remembrance of it. "I was younger then, and far more weak around mares."

Luna turned to him, and suddenly she was over him. "Are you stronger now? Would you turn me away?"

Was he? Did he want to? "I met your alternative brood mare."

She drew back, looking surprised. "What?"

Silver pointed at himself. "In my dream, I was the lunar unicorn. I was what your hopes rested on, to ignite the new tribe. What is it about humanity that makes you think we're so good for the purpose?"

Luna's wings unfurled wide. "That's a dangerous claim!"

"She told me personally." Silver leaned forward. "And I have my own experience. You want foals from her."

Luna looked ready to attack, but it slowly ebbed. "And now you think we are some cruel dictator..."

Silver reached out a hoof. "She could have said no, and she didn't. I could have said no, and I didn't either, in my dream. You haven't forced either of us, except for that soul spreading bit." He raised a brow. "If things go according to plan, I may be her first."

Luna blinked rapidly. "What? You speaketh falsehoods! I have seen into your core, why would you choose her, one who you know so well as a stallion, not a mare?"

Silver reached out and produced a foal from nowhere, gazing up with the intense eyes he remembered. "My foal needs me. Be it as their father or mother, it's up to me to allow them the chance of existing."

Luna leaned in slowly. "Lunar..." She frowned at Silver. "And you mean to produce this lunar foal through Penny?"

Silver smiled a little. "All the lines point to it. The time is right, the ponies are as right as we can get. If we fail, you still get a foal, just not mine, but I'm not heartless. Any foal I make, is mine. I will have to bid this one farewell, if that happens, but it won't be for lack of trying."

Luna clopped the ground, the room shattering with a piercing pain as they were plunged into darkness. "It was a dream. Why do you put so much faith into it?"

Silver held his head a moment, the foal shattered with the room, leaving them hovering, alone, in the void. "It wasn't just my dream."

"What was it, do you propose?" She leaned in, breath washing hot and angry over him. "A vision?"

Silver poked her back on the nose. "Your dream."

Luna recoiled. "W-what?"

Silver smiled a little. "You returned the favor."

"What favor do you speak of?"

Silver spread his forehooves. "You exposed your innermost workings, fears, and aspirations to me. I have seen you, darkly reflected on myself. I know you."

Luna took a slow step back. Words attempted to leave her snout, but died along the way. She was trembling with something new. Fear?

Silver continued, "The way Celestia acted was everything you feared she could become, and may yet be. She smothered the country with a well-meaning but crushing love. She acts with impunity when riled sufficiently. She was a goddess given pony form. She feared you and everything about you. You worry she is disgusted by you, by--"

"Enough!" Luna howled, and Silver awoke, his head feeling like it was pressed tightly in a vice. He could barely see, but he knew he was awake, dimly. He raised a trembling hoof, but it was too much, and it fell to his side. It all hurt.

He felt the bed move, and then he was gently pressed into the bed. Night was gazing down at him with her brilliant eyes, glowing in the dark. "What happened?"

Silver wanted to stroke her, hold her, kiss her, or anything else, but movement seemed too hard. He focused instead on speaking. "Shhhh...."

She perked an ear. "Are you alright? Of course you aren't. Just lay here and relax. I'll get some soup." She hopped down from the bed and clopped off.

He relaxed as commanded, and a little smile formed. To have such a loving wife... He was lucky, despite any temporary pain or struggle. He would never forget the blessing that was Night Watch. When she came back, he had enough strength to lean over and kiss her cheek. "I love you so much..."

Night smiled, a brightness in the dark. "I love you too, you big dummy. What'd you tell her?" She sat beside the bed and began to feed Silver. "Nevermind, just eat and relax. We can go over the details in the morning, alright?"

Silver accepted the hot soup. It tasted wonderful, but the fact that each spoonful was a gift from his wife made it all the better. He tried to sneak in further kisses, but she was wily and turned him away, most of the time. Once the soup was completed, only then did she accept his embrace, and they savored one another's company, even when she eventually fell back to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, that happened. I'm sure there will be no consequences or typos from this.

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