• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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51 - Vision or Dream

Silver tapped at his chin thoughtfully. There were no humans to see or advise that day, so he could do as he wanted, and his mind occupied itself with considering what could be, and what he should do. "Night?"


"I know you don't want me to go rushing to Luna." He rolled a hoof. "But what about another pony that I know could use a hoof up?"

Night's brow raised slowly. "And what pony would that be?"

Silver shrugged. "I suppose it depends how much I could change the past, but there's one ruling over a town right now, trying to hide from her pain. Twilight will come and smash that, as she must, leaving them bitter rivals."

Night nodded even as she stood up. "And how far did your vision go? Did they ever meet again? I'm also assuming you mean Princess Twilight Sparkle? You probably shouldn't be on a first name basis with her."

Silver flipped an ear back. "It's... sorry. But yes, her. They did. They worked things out."

Night rolled a hoof. "So why should we interfere with that? We might make it worse."

Silver hopped down from his chair, stalking through his office. "Well, for one, we'd verify things. So far signs point to what I saw was very true, but things already can't work exactly as they should, since I won't be where I was, before. I was part of her plans! I don't even know how she can do what she eventually plans to do." He turned to Night directly. "She's not a bad pony, but badly lost. She is someone that could be healed with love and friendship."

Night approached Silver and kissed him on the nose. "You're sweet, but maybe we should start smaller? Did you finish that book of spells, by the way?"

Silver pulled out a new journal. "Here."

Night's ears perked at it. "Why isn't it already in Princess Luna or Princess Celestia's hooves already?"

Silver shrugged a little. "I made more than one. They have a copy, this one's mine."

Night pointed at the book. "I've seen some of the spells you've made. I'd rather that book find a nice warm home in a fire."

"That won't erase them from my head." He nuzzled into Night's neck and nipped at her as he had once with fangs, though no fangs were present anymore. "Do you really think that would change much?"

Night drew back. "If some other, less kind, unicorn were to get a hold of that book? Yes, that would change a lot." She darted forward, snatching the book in her teeth. "May I?"

Silver scowled, feeling intensely angry a moment before it washed over him and he took a deep breath. "I suppose... There are only so many places I can check things though, turning the topic back."

Night trotted to the fireplace and tossed the book inside, to smolder and curl before it caught properly on fire. "What are the others?"

Silver sat down on his haunches, looking thoughtful. "Well there's Rough Tumble. At this point he should be miserable and being abused because he keeps running to ponies that end up using him until they get bored when all he wants is love. There are the Windsong sisters, but they're all the way in the East in Saddle Arabia..."

"East?" Night shook her head. "It isn't East. That's one inaccuracy." She trot quickly to the bookshelf and pulled one out, tossing down a map of the world. "See, East would get you to the griffon lands, not Saddle Arabia."

Silver blinked. That wasn't the map he remembered seeing before. "That makes me even more curious to know what's real and what's not." He drew a slow breath. "I saw the prejudice against your people, your tribe, Night. I felt it. I was one. It sucked just like it did on Earth." He sat down lightly and shook his head. "Ponies should be better than that."

Night looked at Silver with a new expression. "Did you?"

Silver nodded firmly. "First hand, er, hoof, and second hoof as others around me were being subtly segregated for being what they were." He closed in with Night and leaned in to press noses with her. "It's not right."

Night smiled gently. "Preaching to the choir there. Instead of running off to who knows where, maybe you should focus on learning?" She kissed his nose, then pulled out a newspaper with a clever wing and offered it to him. "Maybe you'll recognize events? Maybe things are already working out differently? You don't need to go running off to find out."

Silver's horn twinkled with silver light as he accepted the newspaper and flipped it open only to recoil.


Silver pointed to the front page, which announced the Crystal Empire struggling with rebuilding efforts. Night tilted her head. "While that is a shame, that isn't what I'd call dire news. You acted like you saw a ghost."

A lightly trembling hoof came down on Night's shoulder as Silver let out a breath. "From what I remembered, I'm supposed to be there, helping to fix this, but even more importantly, they're attacked by shadows not long from now, and I help fight them off... I don't want the crystal ponies being hurt, and if I can help stop that with these terrible spells, well, that would be one place it'd make sense to do so."

Night looked thoughtful a moment before she nodded. "Alright. We can visit them. You and Princess Cadance are on good terms, last I checked." She smiled. "We can check for any humans in the city and how they're doing, and maybe lend a hoof if we can find some way to ease their troubles." Her smile faded as she turned away. "As for shadows, I don't know much about them." She adjusted her glasses as she spoke, "We'll have to wing it, though you have an advantage there, if your vision's accurate. Why were we in the Crystal Empire before?"

Silver cringed a little. "Well, after becoming a lunar pegasus, I bit a pony that was attacking me, filled him with fear, and he died of fright."

Night scowled at him. "That's only legend!"

Silver held up his hooves. "Hey hey, don't be angry at me. It's what I dreamed. I didn't ask for it. Princess Celestia found out and was furious. She and Twilight decided I was too male and... they fixed that. That made me angry so I ran off, with you, to the Crystal Empire."

Night blinked owlishly from behind her magnifying glasses. "Your dream was a strange place. I hope you won't be sad if we don't find anything."

Silver shrugged. "If we end up spending the whole time just helping out, would that be the most awful thing?"

Night shrugged. "I suppose not. Princess Cadance was kind to you, we can try to help her people, even if it's just lending some elbow grease for her." She suddenly spread her wings. "You don't think we're frightening, do you?"

Silver smiled. "I think you're enchanting." He moved in to nuzzle into her stretched wings. "Lovely wife, my only fear is disappointing you. Do you have other lunar pony friends? I wouldn't mind meeting them."

Night's expression fell a little and color showed through her dark fur. "I... not so many... There are a few guards I would share the occasional drink with after shift? I haven't seen them in a while."

Silver nodded. "So let's touch bases some time. You can show off your crazy stallion. Think about it. If you don't want to, I won't force you, but I want to be clear that you're not some aberration. I'm not 'just' alright with you."

The tension cooled between them, and they celebrated with exchanged kisses. She started for the door. "I'll get things together."

Silver quickly moved to her side. "Let's do it together. I should know how to plan out a trip, buy tickets, and all that. We should also tell Celestia so she isn't surprised when she goes to look for me and I'm not here."

They did just that, preparing for their shared trip and getting an appointment to see Celestia.

She met them in one of her waiting rooms, a gentle smile on her face. "Going to visit Cadance? How delightful! Please, give her our well wishes and invite her to return the favor. We'd love to see more of her."

Silver nodded quickly. "Of course, though I imagine she's busy at the moment, especially with her people being so short on supplies." He smiled nervously. "I hope to help with that."

Celestia extended a wing towards him. "Then I wish you the best of luck. Was this your idea as well?" Her vision centered on Night.

Night stiffened as she shook her head. "I can't take credit, but I'll help my husband as best I can." She smiled. "I want to see what the Crystal Empire looks like, I admit. Are they really made of crystal?"

"They are." Celestia slowly nodded. "It's a sight to be seen for yourself, but, be mindful. Just as you don't like being singled out, focusing too strongly on what makes them different could make them uncomfortable. They are--"

"Ponies," interrupted and finished Silver. "We're all ponies."

Celestia smiled gently. "Exactly as I was going to say. Then go, as my gift."

Silver blinked softly. "Your gift?"

Celestia nodded as that smile deepened. "A gift, from my court to hers, until she returns it. You are my ambassador, after all. That will give your trip legitimacy, and you do carry my deepest of well wishes. Please, do help her, and her ponies."

Silver considered Celestia. She was so... nice. Compared to his visions, there seemed to be no ill-intent there, well-meaning or not. Was that all the fear that Luna kept bottled inside? "Celestia, am I a good pony?"

She seemed startled by the question. "Are you worried because you weren't always? It's easy to forget at times. You've embraced your new pony nature fully. You have a lovely wife at your side, and seek to make the world a better place with gentle hooves. Your magical research direction... I do hope that turns more mild, but other than that? You're a fine pony. Are you happy being one?"

Silver quickly nodded at that. "Oh, yes! I like being a pony, every bit of it." He twitched his ears gently. "It's not always easy, but..."

"Nothing worth having is easy." Celestia brushed a wing over his nose, and Silver sneezed on command. "Except that."

They exchanged partings, and Silver trotted alongside Night through the castle. "That's everything, right?"

Night nodded. "All packed and ready. Crystal Empire, here we come!"

Author's Note:

Silver's relationship with Celestia certainly seems different than that terrible vision. Some things are eerily similar, and others jarringly different.

Where does the truth lie?

Well, we know the typos are real.

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