• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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22 - Hello Canterlot

The crowd that had gathered impressed Silver, but he tried not to focus on that. He told himself to think of them back as the cartoons they once were. They were players, they were cartoons, they were anything but real people right now. He pushed his mind into sales mode and reared up on the podium. "Good morning, Canterlot! I'm so glad to see so many ponies could make it out on such short notice."

The crowd wasn't entirely ponies. It seemed rumors had indeed been flying, as one full-sized dragon coiled at the end of the crowd, a few zebra were mixed through the crowd, two minotaurs he could spot easily, and even a diamond dog pack. All cartoons right now, yes, not people. "I'm sure many of you heard about what happened..."

A voice whispered in his mind, ~Two days ago.~

"Two days ago, but I want to set the record straight, and give a big thanks to those who prevented a bad situation from becoming worse," said Silver, getting into the swing of his spiel. Was he lying? Yes. Was it bad? No. At least, he didn't think so. The crowd seemed curious for the moment. Silver decided curious was a good emotion. "There I was, walking down the hallway when, snap. I had pushed myself too hard in my test, and my magic started flowing out of control. Thinking quickly," Silver dramatically gestured with his hooves, "Professor Thetics grabbed me in his magic! He knew I had been foolhardy and began reminding me that I needed more practice, and being friends with the princesses wouldn't get me any breaks in his class. He was tough, but fair, but while he was saying this, the magic didn't stop. He tried to cut the flow, but it was far too late. I exploded violently, and injured several, including the professor, who even now is still unconscious in the hospital."

Silver backed from the podium a moment, glancing away as if he were having some feelings about it. Maybe he was. He wasn't even sure anymore. "Thank you, Professor Thetics. If you weren't there, so many more could have been hurt. To those who were hurt anyway, my deepest apologies. To the staff of the school, who throw themselves in harm's way so that we can learn magic, you have my humblest of thanks."

The crowd was starting to react, murmuring about the bravery of that teacher.

"To that end!" said Silver, "I am donating this." He nudged the bag of bits forward. "I want Professor Thetics to receive a wing added to the school in his honor, to commemorate teachers who give their all, sometimes literally, for the best of their students. Thank you, Mister Thetics. I hope you know how much you are appreciated."

A polite round of clopping and stomping came from the crowd as one pony raised a hoof, "I heard you were locked away!" A chorus joined in questioning, looking to one another and back at Silver.

Silver nodded, "Of course I was! My magic was spiking dangerously. Celestia, Princess Celestia, came swiftly to my side and soothed the dangerous flow, but they couldn't know if I would spike up again or not. I stayed until it was definitely safe. Her decisive action kept me from hurting anypony else, or myself. I thought I felt it touch and go for a little there." A small part of Silver balked at all the pure, unfiltered, bullshit he was spewing. "But, it is with heavy heart that I must resign as a student. Despite the professor's sincerest efforts, I could be a hazard, and nopony deserves that kind of danger."

The crowd didn't need to know he was as good as kicked out already, though that hadn't been made official yet. They appeared to be eating it up. The general inability for Equestrians to detect lies was working to his benefit, and they seemed to be on his side. "To the ponies still injured, I waive my stipend towards their families until they are well again. It is no replacement for their loved ones, recovering in a hospital, but... it's all I have. I hope it will be taken in the spirit given, and I will trouble their loved ones no further."

~What are you doing?~ came Luna's voice, ~You are taking blame for everything.~

~A guilty man, er, pony confessing and pumping for a brighter future is a lot easier to explain than 'it's complicated'. Everypony's innocent but me,~ replied Silver silently before he opened his mouth, "I know some of you remember me, from Tirek's visit. I'm sorry my past with Canterlot is so checkered, but I love this city, from the bottom of my heart. I've found my wives here, and I want to raise my foals here. Canterlot, I am sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me." He held out a hoof towards Night, who joined him quietly. Fast appeared a moment later, galloping up and tackling the both of them.

Silver squirmed his way free with a nervous chuckle, "This is Fast Change, living up to her first name. I will be submitting to the watchful gaze of my wives until I have become a better pony, worthy of this great city. If you see me without one or both of them at my side for the next few months, you should call a guard and I will surrender to them."

The reaction was mixed at this request. The idea of having somepony so dangerous seemed to not sit well with them. Soft clops announced the approach of Luna, "That will not be necessary," she said, voice carrying easily without the podium's amplifying magic. "Silver Lining, present yourself."

Silver moved in front of Luna, standing up straight on his haunches. Luna reached out and pressed him to the ground, "Silver Lining, ambassador of the human people. Do you agree that your magic could be used for great harm?"

Silver nodded from his low position, "I do."

Luna nodded, "Do you wish to use this power for, or against, the people?"

Silver sat up suddenly, "For!"

Luna smiled, "Then I extend an invitation, to learn. You will be educated in the way of the warlocks. Your destructive magic will be reined in, to be used if, and only if, the well-being of Equestrian citizens demands it. Does this please you?"

Silver bobbed his head quickly, "I want to use my magic for good, for everyone. I don't want anypony hurt."

Luna turned to the crowd, "We will shape this colt. He stands before you raw and dangerous, but we will hone him, and he will wield his magic for the good of all. Let us put aside his mistakes as the fumblings of the foal he is. Even I have erred once. His actions are that of a guardian, not a vandal."

Silver waved a hoof, "Princess Luna, you're too much. This isn't about me. I didn't call all these ponies here for me."

The crowd got a little confused again at Silver's words until he continued, "I wanted to thank everypony that gave so much to get me here. This city, as a whole, has worked so hard to make me feel welcome. I'll do what I can to return the favor."

Celestia sat, drinking softly from a teacup before she looked back up at Silver and Luna, "That went well."

Silver nodded slowly, "I don't think they all went for it, but enough did. They'll be scared of me, or impressed, maybe both, depends on the pony, but most of them have entirely forgotten you two did anything remotely wrong."

Luna snorted, "I did nothing wrong to begin with."

Silver raised a brow, "You are illegally enchanting."

Luna frowned a moment, "I am... what?"

Celestia tilted her head slightly, "I do believe he complimented you, sister."

Luna extended her wings, only to settle them over Silver, "This pony is mine."

Celestia nodded, "I wouldn't dream of separating you two. His wives might have something else to say."

She looked over to said wives, who had been sitting there looking a bit cowed.

Fast tilted her head at Luna, "Do you share?"

Luna raised a brow high, "Pardon? Ah, you are the secondary wife." She pointed a wing at Night, "And you, the primary."

Night Watch made an almost-snarl, clearly intimidated, "I want to stay that way..."

Fast glanced at Night, then at Luna, and finally to Silver, "So?"

Luna tilted her head, "So? There can only be one first wife."

Fast shrugged, "So? You're not a wife. You're his consort. Stop acting like you don't love him and kiss him already."

Luna darkened subtly, "But we are not intimate!"

Fast snorted, "Oh please. You've let this stallion go balls deep and I've heard him describe you. You're as intimate as they get. Stop pretending and kiss the idiot already."

Luna looked to Night Watch with a challenging look, "Surely you would not approve of your stallion having feelings for his consort?"

Night glanced nervously at Celestia, who was watching everything between tea sips. "It's... a bit late for that. He has the feelings. He has too many of those, feelings that is. If you two can..." She waved a wing at Luna, "Have your feelings without the drama, I wouldn't complain."

Luna turned her gaze on Silver, "Well, this is your fault. What do you want?"

Silver smiled nervously, "I don't think I ever made that a secret? Will you be my mare, even if we are just consorts? I want to hear your worries and your triumphs. I want to make you happy." He looked over at his wives, "I may invite company. I, uh, know Fast's been practically biting at the bit."

Fast moved up quickly beside Silver, looking Luna over, "So?"

Luna snorted, "We will consider."

Celestia gave her subtle little smile, "My little sister can't keep her consorts straight."

Luna adopted a predatory pose, "Tia! That was not in the least amusing. May we remind you that it was your doing that brought calamity, that only he, consort or otherwise, deflected with his own name and goodwill."

Celestia raised a gold hoof, "Which would not be required if he didn't conjure hostile magic." She frowned a touch at Silver, "I have not forgotten that. We should speak of it. Why did you reach for such dangerous magic? Did you believe that teacher was a true danger?"

Silver took his turn to darken with shame, "No, I... It was stupid. I was wrong, just wrong."

Celestia shook her head, "How can I know you will not do it again? That is a very dangerous mind that reaches so readily for deadly tools when surprised."

Luna bristled, "He has apologized, and will train with the warlocks! There is no need for further chastising."

Celestia seemed to disagree. She took a gentle sip from her glass, "I would not trust Discord to not think certain ways. It is in--"

With a flash, Discord stepped out from behind Celestia, "Did I hear someone calling my name?"

Night and Fast both relocated behind Silver quickly. Silver raised a hoof, "Hey Discord."

Discord flashed a grin, "Ah, the pony who treats me like anypony else. Of course, he's not really a pony. So how's the horn treating you?"

"I kinda blew up the school I was in," admitted Silver, seeing little reason to lie with Discord involved.

His shaggy brows rose together, "Oh my my. I do hope no one was hurt?"

Celestia softly snorted, "We were just discussing that."

He sat down in mid-air, floating, "Well don't let me stop you! Wait..." He squinted at Silver, "I remember you! Tirek tossed you like an empty sack. I didn't recognize you before."

Silver cringed a little at the memory, "Yeah, thanks for that. You're feeling better now, after Twilight helped?"

Discord nodded before he frowned, "How did you know about that?"

Silver smiled, "I have my secrets, but don't sweat it. My magic's gone for that. Everything I could know has already happened. I won't tell C--" Silver found his lips had been sealed with a zipper. It was a very strange sensation. He conjured a silvery hand to undo it, but didn't try to speak again.

Celestia gave him a scathing look, "Control yourself, we have things to discuss." Discord zipped his own lips and went quiet, allowing Celestia to continue. She looked at Silver directly, "Your heart is a strange place, from what little I've heard Luna share. You desire great compassion and goodness, but carry depravity and violence seething beneath the surface. I want to believe the compassion is greater. You have been hurt by my ponies, and never sought revenge from them, but then you so quickly prepare a lethal defense to a very non-lethal attack. If you were truly a colt, it would be easier to forgive, but you are not."

Fast moved up beside Silver, "Stop beating him like that. He's sorry, he said so, and he means it. What's further telling him how much he messed up going to help?"

Luna directed a wing at Fast, "I agree. Silver has confessed wrongdoing, and moved to compensate. He will learn better control under my supervision. Love and tolerate, sister. Is that not your credo, or do we forget that the moment something dangerous appears?"

Celestia seemed displeased by Luna's words, "I will forgive you, assuming you speak for a pony you care for." She reached out a wing towards Silver, brushing the tips against his nose. He sneezed quickly. "You should have stayed a colt longer. You're cuter when you're innocent." She rose to her hooves, "Consider the matter closed, for now. I hope we never have to speak of it again."

Silver raised a hoof, "One thing. You'll want to bring Thetics up to speed on what I said about him. I doubt he'll mind that much being greeted as a hero and having me out of the school, but we don't want him disagreeing with what I said."

Celestia raised a brow, "Your ability to lie unabashedly is also concerning. I will see that the professor is spoken to. Good day." She departed quietly.

Discord flopped onto the cushion Celestia had been on, "Well, now that only the cool kids are left, let's play a game!"

Luna rose to her own hooves, "I too should return to my duties." And shortly she was gone.

Discord looked to the three ponies left, waggling his brows. Fast and Night looked nervous, but Silver approached, "Sure. What games do you like?"

As it turned out, Discord played a good hand of poker.

Author's Note:

Some parts of this chapter felt right, and a lot of it I felt nervous about. Was Silver's speech wrong? Was their reaction wrong? Oh mercy! What can I do?

I know, I'll let you all find the typos and yell at me for them and the awful plot holes I left behind.

Seriously, thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to reading comments.

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