• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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156 - What a Fright

Nefertari dropped the hat on Silver's head and fussed with it a moment. "What a ridiculous holiday this is, but... interesting."

Silver tilted the hat back a little as he looked up at Nefer, feeling his cheeks grow warm. Her mummy's outfit had entirely the wrong, or right, effect on him. Binding her, it only seemed to emphasize what made her more like a woman and much less like a jackal. The fact that she didn't cover the top portion...

Night swatted him over the head. "You got lost on the way to her eyes."

Silver blinked rapidly. "Sorry! Er, thank you." He shook himself out a little. "I never thought I'd get a turn pretending to be Star Swirl." He assumed a regal pose. "How do I look?"

Samantha tapped her chin as she appeared, dressed up as a nurse with a large nurse's cap on display, white robes, and a red cross on her chest. "I would place that at a sixty percent accuracy."

Silver blinked softly. "That's not bad, but what makes you say it?"

Samantha started counting on her hoof, tapping with each number. "Your silver mane and tail looks about right, though his was more white I'm told. The clothes are spot on, and you're a stallion, and an experienced spell-caster! You've even made spells before, so there's that."

Night inclined an ear at Samantha. "And what's missing?"

"Oh!" Samantha pointed at Silver's eyes. "I forgot, he had your color eyes, so make that seventy percent. One major difference is that he didn't like being around ponies, but you've learned to like being around ponies." Her manic grin spread wide. "He was grey and you're all brown, so that's not right. He was also older, a lot older. You're still a young pony."

Night nodded softly. "That's a fair assessment." She turned in a circle, showing off her own outfit. "How do I look?"

Nefertari stroked her chin. "You appear fierce, but I admit to not understanding the specific goal."

Samantha thrust a hoof up. "Ooo Ooo, I know! You're an old lunar guard!"

Night flashed a smile, fangs on display. "Exactly right. Luna changed things up when she came back, but this used to be how almost every guard looked." She spread her wings in a slow stretch. "Do I look dangerous?"

Silver leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Yes, but I'd be gladly pinned and attacked by you any day of the week."

Night snorted even as her cheeks colored lightly. "You and your tongue. Alright, everypony's ready?"

Samantha perked an ear. "Where are the foals?"

Silver pointed out of the room. "They're being watched after, don't worry. They have lots of company with other foals to have a good time."

With everything ready, they started to file out of the room. Nefertari moved beside Silver. "Thank you for inviting me on this trip. As ambassador, experiencing the culture of my host nation is one of my duties."

Silver smiled happily at her response. "I'm glad you agreed to come. Let's have a fun time, all of us. I heard they're making a haunted house on the south side of the city. We should try to check that out."

Nefer raised a brow high. "I doubt anything a pony would call 'haunted' would quite measure up."

Samantha bumped up against Nefertari. "You're thinking about it too hard. The goal of tonight is anything but authenticity! Accept the frights as they are offered."

Night perked a tufted ear at Samantha. "That's surprisingly apt from you."

Samantha beamed at the praise, double-edged as it was. "I'm with all my favorite subjects tonight. I know I'm going to have fun!"

Night slowed, allowing Silver and Nefer to pass beside her before she nudged Nefer away. "We need to speak."

Nefer held up a hand, palm exposed. "I am not here to make advances on him. Until we have an accord, he is not my quarry."

The response seemed to catch Night by surprise as she raised her head up and back. "Really? Well..." She glanced left and right a moment. "Alright then. I don't mean to be grumpy, so let's have a nice Nightmare Night, okay?"

"Let's." Nefertari put a hand on the surprised lunar mare's head and scratched behind one of her ears. "Where do you suggest we begin?"

Night smoothly ducked under and away from the hand as she danced away. "Let's start in the square. Luna should appear there, and that's always a fine way to start this particular holiday."

The city was transformed as they walked through it. Orange was a powerfully present color, everypony was dressed up, and 'spooky' ornaments dangled from almost everything, from webs to ghosts and insects. Anything that could be considered frightening or creepy was on display.

Silver homed in on a pony out of the mess, the rounded form of a particular stallion. With a sudden smile he approached the one pony dressed like a trucker. "Rough Tumble! Happy Nightmare Night."

Rough jerked in surprise. "Oh! Hey, uh... Silver." His eyes darted to the company of mares moving to catch up with Silver's sudden motion. "Don't let me keep you."

Silver put a hoof on Rough's shoulder. "No running away this time. You're not a burden to me and I'm not letting you go."

Night raised a brow as she came close. "Why are you assaulting Rough Tumble?"

Silver slipped the leg around Rough's neck, pulling him closer. "Because I care about him."

"Care about me?!" He had power, and he used it in a rough shove that sent Silver staggering backwards to bump into Nefertari, which may have been the only reason he didn't topple. "You threw me away! You have a whole new family now." He glanced from mare to mare to jackal. "And you haven't changed a bit."

Silver righted himself even as he could feel Nefertari coiled, ready to do something bad. "I deserved that. I didn't react well last time we met, and that was my failing, not yours." He took a step towards Rough with a little smile. "I do care though. Come on, we're going to have fun this Nightmare Night, then we're going to do what I suggested last time and look up our other old friends."

Samantha leaned in towards Rough from the other way. "I'd go along with him. When he starts looking like that, it's hard to change his mind."

Silver quirked a smile at the idea of Samantha calling him difficult to deal with. "She's not wrong. Come on, there's no reason to be alone tonight."

Rough's head sank a little before it came back up. He gave a firm nod. "Fine. I'll show you the good spots."

Nefer's opinion swayed quickly. "Good spots? What sort of spots would these be?"

"Heh, candy's for foals. The real action's in the cider, and I know where the really powerful stuff's hitting the streets." With building confidence, Rough took the lead of the group and they cut a path through the city. The alleyways they traveled did a better job of being creepy with their poorly-lit quietness than the brightly lit jovial streets could ever manage with their 'scary' decorations.

Rough strode up to a metal door and clopped a hoof against it three times quickly. "Apples going sour."

A small slit opened in the door, looking over the batch of them. A soft whistle came from within. "Two court jockeys and a night guard? Boy if I didn't know you really well, this conversation would already be over."

Rough shrugged as he gestured back at his company. "They're just as thirsty as anypony else."

"Are they?" The slit shut and the sound of locks being jiggled filled the alleyway before the door swung inwards. "Come in."

They pressed into a dismal and poorly lit place. Night's eyes widened to take in light and Nefer's seemed to shine, but that did little to help Silver and Samantha who walked forward slowly into the gloom. A large earth pony stepped out behind the party. "Forty bits a bottle. No questions, no refunds, and no seconds. You buy what you want and get out." His dark-furred face split with a crooked smile. "Have a nice Nightmare Night."

Rough raised a hoof to the pony. "You know what I get. Hook me up." A cup was offered to him and Rough swigged it down with a contorted wrinkling of his snout as if he was swallowing fire. "That's some powerful stuff."

Silver perked an ear curiously. "Just a glass?"

"What? Do I look rich?" Rough frowned a bit as he put some bits on the ground. "I plan to visit a few more places."

Night nudged Silver. "Go on."

Silver looked across to her and his other companions. "We'll take two bottles."

The darkness was filled with laughter as two bottles rolled into view. "Nobles are always the fastest to get sloshed. Drink up."

Silver set a bag of bits down and plucked up the bottles. Soon they were back into the alleyway. Night turned the group. "Let's not miss Luna. It's not Nightmare Night without her."

Samantha looked at one of the hovering bottles in Silver's grasp. "Being intoxicated leads to dangerously skewed results. I don't want to bias the results from tonight anymore than they already are."

Rough shook his head. "I have no idea what you're saying, but the less you drink, the more for me." He put a leg over Silver's withers. "You are sharing those, right?"

Silver snorted the very idea. "Right, I'm going to just guzzle these down myself."

Nefertari held up a bottle, yanking it out of Silver's mental grip effortlessly. "Does all pony liquor have apples in it?"

They arrived at the square and the pony density grew rapidly as they formed into a mob facing a stage with excited whispers passing back and forth. It seemed they had arrived just about on time as Luna was scheduled to arrive in just a few minutes.

Night brushed up against Silver. "I wanted to tell you something."

Silver returned the brush gently. "I'm always here for you. What's on your mind?"

She glanced away before leaning in close, whispering quietly in the din of the crowd.

Silver's cheeks darkened and he glanced towards Samantha, who was gazing with a happy smile towards the stage. "Are you sure?"

Night gave a single firm nod.

Silver frowned a little with thought, shuffling from hoof to hoof before Rough bumped into him. "Sorry, it's crowded this year. Hey, can I have some of that if you're just going to hold it?"

He surrendered the bottle to his larger stallion-friend. "Go easy on it. You have more places to visit, remember?"

All eyes were drawn to the center of the square where Luna appeared in a dark flash, bats spreading from where she appeared along with her voluminous wings. "Good ponies of Canterlot! You have waited long enough. It's time to begin this most special night." The crowd erupted in cheers and thunderous hooves striking the ground.

It promised to be a fun night.

Author's Note:

That happened. A few thats, in this chapter's case. I bet some typos tried to hide in with the crowd of ponies.

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