• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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183 - You'll Find Your Place

"You look like you're considering something." Luna looked down to Silver, still perched on his bed with him. She tapped at the bed softly. "A curious material. Some day perhaps you will share a tale of it and your world of origin."

Silver quirked a little smile. Of course Luna would be curious about a foam mattress. "It's about what the zebra said. He mentioned I had to exist for Fate, and even gave a reason, but I thought Fate and the thing pushing me around were the same thing."

"Is it not?"

"I don't think it is." Silver spread his wings. "I think The Text enjoyed giving these to me, and watching me deal with the aftermath, but didn't really bother with or consider the consequences, beyond watching me cope."

Luna reached out and brushed one of the wings. "You seem to be coping well. Sister was concerned you were hiding from your responsibilities at first, but you turned around and started embracing what you've become. Your taking time to deal with the noble ponies was especially surprising. You're not very like them."

"No, I'm not." Silver perked his ears. "I'm not terribly social, despite evidence to the contrary. In a large group, I didn't know what to do other than concentrating on not looking stupid. I think I crowed about myself too often..."

Luna wobbled a hoof. "You are hardly the only pony who fears such things. Try to find merit in others around you and speak of them. Few have difficulties getting along with a pony 'crowing' about others. Tell me more of this 'Text'."

Silver drew a slow breath, then realized who he was sharing space and time with. "I'm sorry."


"How we ended up." He gave a little smile. "I'd say I want to be friends, the best of friends... but I fear it would sound hollow."

Luna leaned in suddenly and kissed him on the end of the nose. "I have patience."

Silver blinked at that, then it came to him with a shiver. "You wouldn't!"

"Wouldn't what? It is a simple fact." Luna waved it off. "Princess Fast Change will not stand in my way. I will do nothing at all. Time, of all things, is on my side."

Silver recoiled in growing horror. "I don't want to lose her, either of them!"

"You are an alicorn. I can't imagine you won't tether yourself to some facet of the world, just as my sister and I have done. You will persist through the ages. Your family... They will not." She let out a small breath. "You asked before... We have both had foals, lovers, families... They're gone. Gone, never to ret--"

"No!" Silver scrambled to his hooves, trembling with the fear of death looming before him. He felt old. He felt terribly old, even if the problem was the exact opposite. He'd outlive every person he cared for. There was a time where he would have laughed at the idea. He had few he cared for deeply, so he thought he'd just watch the world change around him. Let him live a thousand years, a million, a billion years!

The idea felt so different then...

Luna's wing gently brushed over his tear-stained cheek. "It is not that time yet. Enjoy your family. Live well and love deeply."

The deeper he loved, the more it would hurt. The more... He sank to his belly, feeling alone, so very alone. Luna did not abandon him to his growing nightmare. "You will never be truly alone. Please, it was ill of us to speak of it so flippantly. Today can't be recaptured, so make the most of it that you will. Hold them close and fiercely, even if you fear that eventual pain. You will hate yourself if you hold back. Know, without doubt, that you gave it everything for every moment you could."

Silver took a slow and trembling breath. "R-right, of course..." He had to be strong. He spread his wings slowly and looked at them. He was a prince... "How long do ponies live?" Time was strange in Equestria. How old was Granny Smith? Though earth ponies may live longer than pegasi or unicorns. He didn't know for sure.

Luna put a hoof to her chin. "That is very variable, depending on the pony and tribe. Pegasi tend to be the shortest lived with their fast metaboli--"

Silver sank, defeated. His love had to be a pegasus. All he could do for the moment was weep with terror and lament the future before him.

Luna was gone. Everything was gone. Was he dreaming? He was. Silver sat up, wiping the tears from his eyes and looking around with growing confusion. If that was his dream, why was--

Words appeared.

Are you that sad?

"Yes. Why shouldn't I be?" It was the Text. It made sense enough. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

Isn't this what you wanted?

"I was just fine being a unicorn."

You had a good chance of outliving her either way. She is a warrior. She'd rather throw herself on a sword than die frail and weak.

Silver cringed at the mental image that evoked, even if it was accompanied by a sudden wet noise. He glanced to see Night impaled, but it was already fading. "She doesn't have to go that way."

No human, or pony, has to walk the path before them. The path exists, but it is by your own hooves that you walk it. You walked this path to where you are.

Silver pinned his ears back. He had walked the steps to alicornhood. He was one. His own hooves had brought him there. An idea tickled at him and his mouth worked without words a moment before he croaked it out, "What if they joined me?"

Where there is a need, a princess is made to meet it. Do you truly want this?

What sort of world would suddenly need the two of them ascended? Silver shuddered softly as different disasters that only they could solve rose from the ether. "C-can I think about it?"

If I could stop you from thinking, it would be far more predictable, and boring. Think.

"Are you Fate?"

I lay paths, only you can walk them.

Author's Note:

A shorter chapter, but it's about as long as I think it needs to be. Next chapter, Silver awakens to face his typos.

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