• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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31 - With the Warlocks

With permission given, Silver and his wives were soon on their way to the tower of the warlocks, with Luna striding before them. She rapped on the door twice before opening it with her magic. Inside was the organized clutter that Silver was growing used to seeing.

An aged unicorn stallion was in the entrance hallway, "Ah, Princess. We weren't expecting you. And guests? Hello again, Silver."

Silver tipped his head at the elder. He'd met Purple Quill a few days back, "Hey Purple. We're here on business."

"Indeed," spoke Luna, "Assemble a team of four. Extraction, minimal casualties, escort."

Purple hurried off into the depths of the tower, ascending spiraling stairs out of sight.

Night peered around at the books and training equipment curiously, "So this is where you were?"

Silver pointed at the heat measuring device, "That's where I sweated more than ever before."

Nightwing descended the stairs, "And I hope you have continued sweating, should you have any intention of being a real four."

Luna smiled and approached Nightwing swiftly. In a breach of decorum, Luna extended a wing and soon hugged Nightwing tightly.

Nightwing flushed, "We have guests, Luna, mind yourself." But she made no effort to escape the affectionate diarch.

Luna extended her other wing to gesture at the visitors, "It is nothing they have not seen. Their husband is already most familiar with me."

Nightwing frowned, "You don't need to remind me of that. Really, Princess, you could do better."

Luna stepped back, folding her wings tight, "I did not come for you to question my tastes. He has been a perfect gentlecolt to me, and now he requires your aid. His parents have been abducted by changelings."

Nightwing frowned, "That was a difficult day."

Luna nodded slowly, "Indeed. We take the fight back to them, but this is a rescue operation. Casualties are to be kept to a minimum."

While they spoke, three others came to join them. The other three were unicorns. Most of the warlocks were wielders of very dangerous spells and magic. Purple was one of the three, and he approached Silver directly, "I hope to see that talent of yours at least once during this."

Silver tilted his head, "If it helps rescue Trixie and Rough, sure."

The other two were mares. One was white, the other black, but they were otherwise almost identical.

Luna looked over the four before nodding, "Excellent choices. Yin and Yang here are stealth and infiltration experts. You've met Purple Quill, consider him the all-purpose tool. He knows more spells than you even know magic letters."

Silver flushed red. He never did memorize all those letters.

Luna looked to Nightwing, "And you've met Nightwing. She is also very skilled at being undetected, but is a fierce and silent combatant as well. If things go poorly, she will carve a path to safety if need be. You are in very capable hooves. I will not keep you longer. The mission is simple. Proceed to the Badlands with Silver and his herd. Retrieve Rough Draft and Trixie Lulamoon, return here. Harming changelings is not the goal." She moved to depart immediately, vanishing in a bright flash of magic.

Nightwing frowned at the non-warlocks, "I don't know why she wants us to bring you along. You'll make the operation much more complicated."

Silver shook his head, "We don't know which hive, and where, they were taken. The changelings want us and sent an invitation. We'll be bait, I guess, and you follow."

Yin frowned, turning her black snout at the group, "I can't say I approve of civilians being used as bait for changelings."

Yang shrugged her white shoulders, "They have already volunteered, and they are the ones the changelings want."

Nightwing, "Alright, let's get moving. The fastest way to the Badlands is to take the train to Dodge City, then we hoof it the rest of the way."

All seven of them filed out of the tower and were soon on their way, walking briskly to the train station. "This is where we split up," said Nightwing halfway there, "We don't need to be seen by spies, and you don't need to know our plans. Just be safe, and know we're watching."

Night Watch gave a sharp salute, though Fast was less certain, shying a bit closer to Silver. Silver nodded, "Alright. I'll do my best to be interesting bait I guess. I'm trusting in you all."

Soon he was in a small train cabin with Night and Fast, headed south. "Are you two OK?" he asked, looking towards them.

Fast shook her head, "No, but I'm still glad to not be left behind. Being a herd means standing together, even when it scares you."

Night smiled, "That's very sweet of you to say, Fast. I just hope none of this hurts the foal..."

Silver's eyes dipped down, looking at Night's belly. A flash of anger ran through him, unreasoning and instinctive. How dare these changelings cause even potential harm to his foals? He shook himself out of it before he tried to be reassuring, "It'll be OK, we'll all be there."

Night raised a hoof, booping Silver on the nose, "I can tell when you're nervous, but thank you."

Silver advanced, nuzzling with Night and Fast quietly for a moment. Being with them made everything seem alright. "I am a stupidly lucky man, er, stallion. My life has been a series of blessings, even before I came to Equestria."

Night raised a brow, "The way you talk about it, your life before coming here was a blighted wasteland."

Silver shook his head, "I try not to talk about it, but I've been a lucky person for a long time. I achieved many of my life goals before I was whisked away, and I don't regret that. Earth was not... bad to me, but Equestria definitely wins out. Afterall, Earth doesn't have you two."

Fast giggled and moved up, rubbing against Silver's side, "That was pretty corny. Keep it up."

Night set her glasses aside before she moved in, kissing Silver firmly. They passed the time to Dodge City pleasantly. Whatever trials may come, they had each other.

The train arrived two days later. In many ways, it was a little vacation, if they could just forget about where they were going and what they planned to do. This was easier said than done. Silver emerged onto the train platform, amazed at how much hotter it was than Canterlot. Night reacted most poorly, immediately starting to sweat and look uncomfortable.

Silver drew out a notebook. It was much better than his increasingly haphazard collection of scribbles. He flipped through it before he turned to Night, "I'm going to cast a spell. It should help."

Night quickly nodded, "Go ahead. I trust you."

Silver smiled at her vote of confidence, then wove the spell. A tiny cloud appeared over Night, providing scant shade. It was dark, and began to rain.

Night blinked softly, "Not bad..." The little raining cloud quickly depleted itself, however, leaving Night damp but unshielded from the sun as they walked through the city.

Fast shook her head, "Weather is so not your specialty. Leave it to the pegasi."

Night gave a fanged smile, "The water still helps. Thank you, Silver." She bumped into him then they proceeded. They stopped in at the general store, picking up some supplies to fill their saddlebags with. Water seemed a must, but food as well, and one large tent and a compass.

Equipped and ready, they strode out into the wilderness, following a road that should head into the Badlands. Fast glanced around, "I don't see them, haven't since before we got on the train."

Silver quickly glanced around, "That means they're doing their job." Or that they all abandoned them to their grisly fate, Silver considered, though decided it was unlikely.

The first day was mostly walking, only broken by meal breaks or to sleep when the sun went down. The second day had little else to break the monotony. On the dawn of the third day, he woke up to find Night on top of him, kissing him passionately, too passionately. She didn't normally have much interest in slipping him tongue, and yet his mouth was being invaded. He wriggled underneath her and nudged her back, "What's gotten into you?" He looked around. Fast wasn't there. "Where'd Fast go?"

Night shrugged softly and sat on her haunches, watching him.

Silver felt building apprehension, "I'm going to take a guess, and I don't want you freaking out if I'm wrong or right, but I think I'm looking at a changeling."

Night was engulfed in green flame, revealing a drone that hissed at Silver loudly.

Silver held up his hooves, "Easy there, I'm not here to fight. Your Queen called me."

The drone advanced, grabbing him at the leg in its teeth, tugging him. It hurt a little. Changeling mouths were not a good place for limbs to be. He moved where the drone led him, soon outside where his eyes went wide. There were at least two dozen drones surrounding the tent. He could see Fast and Night sprawled on the ground. Their hooves and mouths were sealed with green gunk that prevented them from running or speaking.

"I come in peace?" offered Silver in what sounded like a horrified squeak in his ears.

A changeling landed in front of Silver, quickly assuming the form of a delicately-shaped female unicorn, "Hello, human. It is good you know your place already. Your wives were less cooperative."

Silver's ears went back, but she continued before he could speak, "They are fine. I am Stand In, lieutenant of her majesty's forces. You will come with us, now."

She turned and began to lead the way. Seeing little alternative, Silver began to follow, looking over at his captive wives, "Can they come along?"

Stand In frowned. "Bring them," she hissed, and the small swarm moved quickly, hefting up Night and Fast and carrying them along.

They soon reached a small cave entrance, which became an impressively large cavern after a few bends and turns. The sound of insectoid buzzing filled Silver's ears, and whenever a changeling darted past, he recoiled with a lingering phobia of wasps, bees, and similar things kicking in.

Stand In spoke as they walked, "You should be honored. It is rare that outsiders visit while not sealed away in feeding pods. That may yet be your fate. I know little of what her majesty has planned for you."

Silver nodded softly, "I don't have much, inherently, against Changelings. I know what it's like being an unliked minority."

Stand In stopped and wheeled on Silver, scowling, "How dare you, a unicorn, speak of underprivileged minorities! You are the living example of the empowered elite, lording it over the world!"

Silver shrank back, "I wasn't always a unicorn..." It sounded lame even in his own ears.

Stand In snorted softly, "Yes yes, you are a 'human', whatever that is. We shall find out, even if we have to dissect you to puzzle out the pieces." She turned back around and marched purposefully into the hive.

Author's Note:

Welcome to the jungle! Er, Hive.

The typos are growing fat in their pods.

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