• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 7,837 Views, 6,677 Comments

Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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239 - Old Friends

Silver woke the next day to the sounds of peaceful slumber around him. Foals, parent, wife, Silver was surrounded by ponies he cared for deeply. He could think of much worse ways to greet the day. He gazed at Night's face, unadorned with the round glasses she usually wore. She was worth looking at with or without them, he decided all over again.

He gave her the lightest kiss between the eyes before vanishing away from the bed to let her get her rest. He knew she didn't have to be up for a while yet, so he got to preparing for the day quietly. One advantage of being royalty was that he didn't have to even think about making breakfast, it was usually waiting for him.

As he entered the dining room, he saw various foods had been left there for him to find. There was also a pony, a familiar one. "Oh, hello Starlight."

Starlight gave a slightly awkward smile at Silver. "Oh, hey... uh... sorry about how I treated you before."

Had Starlight said sorry about that? He couldn't remember, but it was literal destiny that she be redeemed, and he had already forgiven her. "Water under the bridge," he dismissed, sitting facing her. "How have things been? I think I read somewhere things are going quite well?"

"Oh, that." Her eyes darted away. "Yeah... I... kind of graduated?"

"You sound so unsure." He gave the unicorn a gentle smile. "Tell me about it?"


"Why wouldn't I be?"

She rolled a hoof. "I can list off several reasons, but I'm going to assume you could without my help."

Silver flashed his teeth. "Not keeping a grudge is part of who I am. Please, share."

"About that..." She glanced away and back at Silver. "Twilight mentioned you were a studier of magic, and your talent was quite useful in that regard. You... might have acted a bit oddly. Tell me the truth, did you know I was coming?"

Silver tensed a moment. How much should he say?

Maybe all of it? "You know how odd 'could be' turns out. I... knew you had to do it. I saw it, experienced it."

Starlight's mouth hung open a little. A third pony came trotting in, larger than life. It was Celestia. "Good morning!" She wielded two plates of pancakes. "Oh, Silver. I didn't expect you to join us."

Silver tilted his head at the two platters. They looked kind of fancy, but he didn't immediately spot the animal faces done on them. "Why are you carrying those?"

Starlight went a little red in her cheeks. "She made them..."

Celestia was not as bashful. She set one in front of Starlight, and put another at a far side of the table. "It is my pleasure. If you plan to join me regularly, Silver, I'll gladly make you a plate."

"That sounds lovely." His eyes were on that abandoned plate, since Celestia didn't seem to be going for it. "Who is that for?"

"Oh, you know..." Celestia sat herself with a soft sigh. "Luna."

A glance at the clock showed it to be about the time Luna would be collapsing into bed. "That's a nice dinner?" he said in unsure tones. Not like he never heard of breakfast for dinner before. It was quite popular with some people, he knew. "When do--"

The doors opened to admit a bleary Luna and an equally haggard Fast Change. Fast's eyes brightened on seeing Silver and she hurried to approach. Luna, on the other hoof, wandered up to the table, picked up an avocado, and bit into it through its skin.

"Silver! I have news for you," crooned Fast, her fatigue momentarily forgotten.

Luna mumbled something indistinct on her way through. The rest of the avocado vanished into her snout as she walked, and she spat out the pit to the floor before she was gone.

Celestia's nose wrinkled and her magic hefted up the plate that had been meant for Luna.

Silver sat up suddenly. "Can I have that?"

Celestia froze, her routine smashed. "What? Oh... Yes, of course you can." She set the plate before Silver. "Why don't you share it with your herd-mate?"

Fast stuck out her tongue at Celestia. "You just stole my thunder! Gah, yes. I'm in, it's official. We're going to have a great big fancy ceremony in a week from now." Her horn glowed as she cut off a piece of the decorated pancakes and had a snoutfull. "Mmm, I forgive you."

Starlight brought her hooves together in a light applause. "Congra... wait. How many wives do you have?" She leaned in without any tact. "Are you trying to finish your collection? I mean, really stallion. When are you going to stop?"

Fast put a hoof across Silver's front, ready to defend him, but he gently lowered it. "I think they are collecting me, and each other. I may be at the center, but that's only so they can keep an eye on me. I have no illusion that I 'run' this herd."

Starlight tilted her head left a little, then shook her head. "At least you know how it is. I figured you might be the classic stallion that thought he could tell a bunch of mares what to do and get away with it."

Celestia snorted softly. "Starlight, I am one of them, if you did not hear."

Starlight blinked softly. "Oh... I just put my hoof in my mouth again, didn't I?"

Fast waved it away. "This pancake is tasty enough to forgive all crimes. You're good at these, Celestia."

Celestia's expression brightened. "I'm glad you're enjoying them. Silver, Starlight?" The two agreed to the tastiness of the breakfast in a chorus. "It's a little thing, but I do enjoy helping friends start the day with a smile."

Silver looked across at Starlight. "That reminds, what brings you here?"

Starlight paused a moment before she nodded. "You trusted me, I can return the favor. The cutie map sent me to fix a problem around here. I'm still searching for what it is, exactly."

Fast looked aside at Silver. "Cutie map?"

"Big map of Equestria, in Twilight's castle. It sends ponies out to fix friendship problems. Doesn't it usually send pairs? Is someone with you?"

Starlight shook her head. "Just me... sorta." Her own memory swam. "I do have... somepony keeping an eye on me."

Celestia smiled gently. "I should imagine Twilight would not be as ready to let her student be entirely on their own."

Starlight let out a little laugh at that. "I love her, but she redefines high-strung at times."

Fast shook her head. "Well, don't worry about it. You're a clever mare. I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time at all."

Breakfast concluded peacefully. Celestia rose to begin addressing her day, leaving the others behind. Silver had his own things to get to and was about to excuse himself when Starlight got in his way. She gave an unsure smile. "I hear you're a bit of a magic expert around these parts. Twilight says you may be one of the more talented male spellcasters around. Care for a spar?"

Silver blinked softly. "I specialize in trying to avoid fights. I've developed a few specialty shields to give time to defuse the situation."

"And I'd like to see those." Starlight smiled brightly. "It shouldn't take too long."

Fast tapped Silver on his rump. "Go ahead. You don't get to do your magic thing often enough and this is as good of an excuse as any."

"You just want to see it," spat back Silver with a wry smile.

"Guilty, now where should we go?"

The three set off through the hallways towards the guard rooms, only to suddenly have another before them. Nefertari looked Starlight up and down. "Tell me you are not considering her."

"Good morning to you too, Nefertari." Silver nodded at the ambassador. "This is Starlight, who I think you've learned of before? We're just going to spar."

"Just... spar." Nefer's claws flexed dangerously. "Pony spars do not carry much weight, is that right?"

Starlight nodded up at the biped. "I just want to test my magic against his. Twilight's a nice sparring partner, but mixing it up a little won't hurt anything, and I want to see if the rumors are true. Most male practitioners are either all theory or so specialized it's painful. Unless you count Star Swirl, and he's a long dead legend."

"You do not mind if I come along then, I trust?"

Fast stuck out her tongue. "You are not subtle. Of course you can come along and see if this mare is a threat."

Nefertari ceased to be where she was, instead atop Fast, her hands on Fast's shoulders from above. "And you will bear me there."

"Kinky," replied Fast as she resumed her walk. "I didn't know you were a female that preferred to do the riding."

While Fast's melodic laughter filled the hallway, Silver slipped closer to Starlight. "Nefertari does bring up one good point. This is just for fun. Win or lose, we then move on with life."

"Of course." Starlight waved it away. "Not that I expect to lose. No insult intended, but you're a diplomat. You aren't practicing nearly as much as I do. If you at least give me a decent challenge before I whip your scribbled-flank, I'll call it a win."

Silver felt heat rise at that. "I'm not trying to be 'the best', but you don't have to be rude about it."

Starlight blinked, confusion dominating her features. "Was I? Sorry, I wasn't trying to be. I was just saying what I thought."

Nefertari gave a laugh. "Such brutal honesty. I can respect that, to a point, provided you have the strength to back your words."

Fast strode along, playing mount for Nefertari. "We'll stay on the sidelines and cheer you two on, so make it an interesting clash."

They arrived in the barracks. Without having to be told, the guards hurried to clear a space. "There's only one reason they would come here," whispered one comically loudly.

On one side stood Silver. On the other, Starlight. Surrounding them were curious guards and Fast and Nefertari. Nefertari's expression was very carefully neutral, watching impassively as a statue.

The guard captain strode to the center of the makeshift ring. "You do love coming and giving us a show. Well, let's keep it clean, or as clean as it gets when two unicorns let loose. Keep your magic in the ring. I don't want a single of my boys getting singed watching you. Alright? Alright." He made no effort, as useless as it might have been, to try to tell his guards to scatter. He looked to Silver squarely. "You're representing us, Your Majesty."

Representing who? Silver put it together quickly enough. Men. He was the symbol of men everywhere. Lovely...

Author's Note:

... I seem to have set up two of my stories for a duel in the next chapter. I swear I didn't plan on that happening, but it did. Can I call that a typo?

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