• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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49 - Diplomatic Immunity

Silver trotted into the castle with Night at his side. He was headed for the courtroom, which he rarely did. "They really need us?"

Night nodded. "Princess Celestia put out the word for all ambassadorial staff to be there, and that includes you." She bumped against Silver's side. "You are one of those, if you've forgotten."

Silver nodded quickly in turn. "Well, yes. I just expected to be dealing with humans though. Any idea what this is about?"

Night shrugged softly. "Maybe a foreign ambassador? That would be logical. Wear a smile, don't make a big noise, and it'll probably be more boring than anything else."

They entered past the tall guards. Silver thought back to when he matched their statures, in that dream, or vision, or whatever Luna wanted to call it. He tipped his head at one. "Good day." There was no response, as was to be expected, and they passed them.

The court wasn't as full as it could have been. It seemed only those in the employ of the crown had gathered, and likely only a small selection of those. There were perhaps a dozen ponies seated in a loose scattering around the room. One of them raised a hoof and waved at Silver as he wandered down the main aisle. "If you would spare me the time," spoke the striped female, I would question your paradigm." She patted a space beside herself.

Silver considered the bejeweled zebra a moment before glancing at Night. Getting a nod, he advanced down the row towards the Zebra and hopped up beside her. "Hello and good day." He nodded at her. "What's up?"

The zebra struck one of her gold earrings with a soft ring of metal. "There are many things up in the air, would my telling of them make you care? You are new to this job, this is clear, thank you for sharing your time, my dear." She smiled gently. "You look as if you have seen my kind before, but certainly not on this august floor?"

Silver waved a hoof around. "I've been here before, but I don't much recall zebras, though I wasn't looking that hard, I admit. Is rhyming really a shared zebra thing?"

She quirked an ear at him. "Does my speech offend? I should try harder to blend." She cleared her throat and her words slowed, becoming forced and precise. "Is this better?"

Silver waved a hoof quickly. "Oh, no! I wasn't trying to say it was bad. Please, do what's comfortable. I was curious, really. I figured it must be a cultural thing? It's just fine." He smiled, nervousness on display.

She shook her head slowly. "Hmm, perhaps. I think... it is more a concern of language." She nodded at Silver lightly. "The language of zebrican is lyrical and circular. To rhyme feels natural. To avoid it is slower."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Then go ahead and rhyme, really, I said it was alright."

She held up a hoof at him. "I said I would, and I will. It's good practice besides. I am Saala-i, and it is my position to represent Zebrican interests here, in Canterlot."

Silver raised an ear before he nodded quickly. "Oh, a pleasure to meet you. I'm the ambass--"

"I have heard of you." She inclined her head towards him. "A curious position, serving as ambassador to a country we cannot reach. You are serving a people who have no country they can return to." She raised a brow at him. "You are more of a relief agent. An act of mercy on Princess Celestia's part."

Silver considered that, and if he was being belittled, or just analyzed. "It's a great pleasure and honor to see people put on good paths, so they can be productive and the shock of their situation lessoned. Do you know much about them?"

"I confess I do not." She nudged him on the shoulder. "Perhaps you would be willing to share?"

Silver was pulled back, Night's hoof on his shoulder. "She's getting too much without giving," she whispered. "Information is currency with these ponies." She released Silver, letting him sit back up.

He softly cleared his throat. "How are things, in Zebrica? I've never visited before."

She smiled a gentle smile. "Perhaps in time you will change that." She turned to the front, and it was just as well, as there was movement down there.

Celestia emerged from the back and approached the podium as everyone present rose to their hooves, Silver a step behind the others, but quick to imitate them. Criers announced her coming, and another announced when they could sit again. She dipped her head towards the crowd. "It is a great pleasure and honor to speak to you all today. This is a momentous occasion! We stand at the doorway to a great time, and it will be our actions today that will decide what is written in future history books."

Silver's ears quirked at her. She was really laying it on thick. What could have happened to need so many buzzwords in such a thick density?

She looked as calm and composed as ever, with a generally hopeful smile of benevolence. "Today, a new ambassador joins us, from a nation that has, previously, had none. They have extended a shy paw towards us, but it is one of friendship, and we mean to accept it, hoof in paw, to learn and teach, and to expand peace through the world. They have much to share with us, but their history is not a clean one. There are many gathered here in this very room that will fear them and their past, but we must be willing to move past it, to make a better future."

Silver felt color draining from his face. He could guess who it would be, or at least, what it would be. He was almost certain. He leaned towards Night gently. "It will be a jackal. If it isn't, I'll eat my hat."

"You don't have a hat."

"I'll buy one just to eat it."

Celestia gestured to the left. "Let's put out hooves together in greetings to Nefertari, ambassador of the Anubite people." She brought her hooves together in a loud clop, and others followed after her as a familiar jackal woman emerged from the back, bejeweled and smiling. "She's come a long way to join us. Let us acknowledge the bravery of her, and her people, in taking this important step."

Silver clopped the ground. "Ha!"

Too many eyes turned to look at him. That outburst was louder than he intended and he went red through his face quickly. "Ahem, sorry..."

Nefertari raised a brow. "The spirits willed it, and here I am. Princess of the ponies, controller of the sun above our heads, I am the spokesperson of my people, and will make their needs clear. I am also a shaman, and the spirits' needs cannot be ignored either, lest they grow angry."

Celestia nodded towards Nefertari. "I look forward to hearing more of your people, and to the end of the warring past we've had with them. You are a guest of Equestria, and Canterlot in particular. We've arranged for your room." She looked up into the stands. "Ambassador Silver Lining? Would you mind showing Ambassador Nefertari to the guest wing after we're finished here?"

Silver stiffened. Of course... "Yes! I mean, no, I don't mind, Cel, er, Princess Celestia."

Night whispered towards him, "Smooth." She adjusted her glasses lightly. "Was she in these dreams of yours?" She raised a brow. "One of the pile?"

Silver wasn't sure how to answer that, and opted for honesty. "She is one. We met by fighting, and ended in a tense family." His voice was low, whispered to Night, "Her people respect strength above other things. It's how they see themselves and everyone around them."

Night flashed her fangs. "And here you are, just a young unicorn stallion."

"Just that..." Silver tilted his head. "I'll do what I was asked to do. That's just polite. There shouldn't be harm in showing her to her room. You'll be there, of course." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Various ambassadors raised their hooves or talons to be acknowledged, including Saala-i. "Does your presence mean that the Anubite people will cease all aggressions?"

Nefertari leaned forward with a toothy smile. "Would that it were the case. They have agreed to meet with the ponies, and here I am, but to assume that extends to other tribes, hmm, bold. Perhaps, in time. The ponies have proven their strength, against us at times, and against other threats that even we would care not to trifle. Their ways have a power, a subtle and pervasive power. We are willing to learn it, and through it, we will offer our paws as comrades. Brothers." She swept a paw towards Celestia. "Monarch of the sky, it is difficult to not see some hint of your people's power."

The ambassadors of the griffons rose. "You're fortunate your people do not border the griffons. Even in our lowliest of days, we would take great pleasure rallying against such a force."

Nefertari lowered her brows as her smile deepened into a grin. "May our people meet on the field of battle and one emerge with sharpened claws. I look forward to the testing of our battle spirit. I pray your people are as ready as your boasts claim."

Celestia raised a hoof. "Let's not cast veiled threats. We're here to turn towards a more peaceful future, even if the current hasn't yet reached that point. We can work towards this, together. We are all representatives of our people. If we can't push for peace, we can't expect our people to, so it begins with us, here, in this room."

There was not uniform enthusiasm for Celestia's words, but the applause was polite and spirited enough to mollify her for the time. The meeting drew to a peaceful enough ending. As Silver turned to stand, he saw there was a new person seated beside Night. It took a moment for his brain to catch up and realize it was Nefertari. "The spirits say you have seen more than you should."

Silver hopped back with surprise, landing on Saala-i, both of them squawking as they hurried to disentangle from one another. She shook her head at him. "You have much to learn, young ambassador." She tipped her head to him, then noticed Nefertari as well. "Ah, spokeswoman. I would care to speak with you, when time permits. Our people are not above the idea of peace, if your people are ready." She turned and walked away with a smooth gait, acting as if she hadn't just been tripped over.

Night helped Silver up to his hooves, though her attention was on Nefertari. "Here to see your room?"

Nefertari shook her head slowly. "There is that, and perhaps we should exchange words, and something else." She brandished her claws on her very human looking paws. "Lead the way, little pony."

Author's Note:

Oh, hey there Nefer. I think some folks missed you.

I thought we left you behind, or maybe that was just a typo.

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