• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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200 - Choose Now

Luna let out a small breath. "If I acted purely on urge, I would either accept your offer, or flee, but neither is wise." She sank to her belly, more on Night's level. "Alpha mare, or would that be stallion?"

Night raised a brow. "I'm still a mare, parts or not."

"Very well, alpha mare..." Luna pointed at Night. "I will not force either you or myself. I want us to grow to admire one another, or not, naturally..."

Night frowned faintly before she rose up. "Naturally, I don't like you." She circled around Luna. "Naturally, I don't trust you..." She bit suddenly near Luna's tail, making it jump. "Naturally..."

"Naturally, you are eager to punish me for my errors." Luna looked over her shoulder at Night. "Will you make this an act of punishment instead of one of love and bonding?"

Night flinched backwards, then advanced on Luna from behind. "As if you don't deserve it!"

"Perhaps..." Luna regarded her with a level gaze. "But is that how you wish to run your herd?"

Night hesitated and slowly withdrew, sitting down with a loud snort. "You don't accept I'm over you?"

"In this, you are over me." She quirked a little smile. "And I would submit to thee, but only when done out of love. I have done enough out of spite or anger. Out of fear or insecurity... I hope your herd will be free of these things?" She slowly rose to her hooves. "I will leave, but it is not fleeing, and you are not being rejected. Do you accept this?"

Night shuddered softly with clear indecision before Silver's hoof landed on her right shoulder, and Samantha's on her left. They kissed her from either side and she felt the tension ebb away gently. Even her excitement became less evident. "Fine... Go... We'll talk more, later."

"I will... We will." Luna nodded to the group as a whole. "Samantha, I want you to prepare a paper on what you have learned and seen today. We will compare tomorrow." Though she was giving homework, Samantha looked delighted. "Good day." Luna departed quietly, last seen with the glow of her magic fading from the door and the sound of her receding hoofsteps.

Night leaned against Silver. "Go ahead. tell me either how awful I am, or how it's all alright."

Silver nibbled into her neck gently. "It will be alright. But right now, you have an extra part."

Night flushed dark. "You can get rid of it."


Night frowned. "That's twice you've not..." Her words cut off as she saw Silver pointing at a clueless Samantha.

Samantha pointed at herself. "Me? What?"

Night glanced between them before approaching Samantha. She could think of a thousand smooth pickup lines, and they might all fail with Samantha. "Would you like a hooves-on experiment on pony reproduction?" She perked an ear. "It should be very educational."

Samantha's face lit up and she bounced to her hooves. "Silver, you're on foal duty."

That was the first time Samantha put him on foal duty, but he chuckled and moved to do just that, leaving the mares to get to know one another all the better.

He kept them happy and distracted, even if he had one ear trained on the action a few rooms away. He couldn't ignore them, not entirely. His magic allowed them to do... what they were doing. He flushed a little thinking about it. The idea of Night doing that with Samantha was... He kind of wanted to be there, but the foals did need an eye on them, and he wasn't going to let that task go unfulfilled.

When he heard the door open and close, he peeked his head out. They were presentable and flushed. With a bit of magic, he banished the extra parts.

Night squeaked at the sensation. "I'll never get used to that..."

Samantha looked over at Night then tilted her head. "Does this mean our test will only be conducted once?"

Night darkened faintly in her cheeks. "Once is plenty... Silver, are the foals alright?"

He stepped out and closed the door quietly. "They seem to be alright."

A firm knocking came from the door leading to the hallway.

With a suddenly sour look, Night stalked over and answered it. "Yes?"

A mailpony handed a letter to Night with a dextrous wing. "Letter for Ambassador Watch."

Night raised a brow. "Oh, thank you." She closed the door while handing off the letter to Silver. "What is it?"

Silver flipped the letter open after breaking its seal. His expression fell quickly as his eyes scanned back and forth with a developing frown. "It's..." He glanced at his wives. He didn't want to dampen their happiness. "Nothing." Nothing he--

"Out with it." Night poked him with a wing. "You should know better."

Silver smirked. "I really should... Surprise's shop was burned."

Samantha blinked with obvious surprise as Night scowled.

"Surprise is safe, but her friend was home when it happened... and he died saving another pony from the fire."

Night rolled a hoof. "Will you be attending the functions?"

"I shouldn't..." Silver rose to his hooves. "If I show up, then my presence will be what we talk about. No, I'll do the best I can do and let ponies do what they need to do without me."

Samantha tilted her head. "You should contact Surprise. She must be very upset."

Night blinked with surprise at Samantha. "Do you think so?"

"Of course she would be." Samantha bobbed her head. "Wouldn't... she?" She suddenly lost her confidence in her ability to read the situation.

Night hugged Samantha gently. "She would be, you're right."

Silver let out a slow sigh. "Not right away..."

His decision seemed to appeal to Night, but not to Samantha. "Why would you wait? If I suffered an extreme set back, I'd want my friends to lend their support with the utmost of expediency."

Silver rolled a hoof slowly. "Well, yes... But one, she's not here, and two, wherever we go, we bring a lot of 'noise' with us that only gets more intense the closer I get to being a proper prince."

Samantha fluffed herself up as she scowled at Silver. "You will not break the Golden Rule!"

Silver blinked at Samantha's strong objection. "I'll look her up, promise."

Samantha smiled. "Good... We should invite her over for group support."

Night's expression was less supportive, and Silver addressed it. He turned towards her. "Why is it every time we talk about Surprise, you're all frowns?"

She looked away silently.

Silver rolled a hoof. "I can't hide from you, it goes the other way around. Do you think I wouldn't support you?"

Night brought a hoof down before she looked at Silver with a frown. "You can't show me."

"Show you?"

Night pointed at Silver's head. "The dream she gave you. It isn't just for you though. You weren't the only one that saw it. She saw it! She was there!" Night's wings spread wide. "She's the proof you wanted, the... hook."

Silver tilted his head. "I'm going to be blunt here. I have enough ponies around me. Surprise is a good pony, and I'm happy to call her a friend, but somepony in my herd is considering going for a double princess package and I think I'm mared out, as mares go."

Night had the dignity to blush at the accusation. "It's not just about... that... She has a thing... even as a friend. She knows you in a way that I never will."

Samantha tilted her head left and right. "If I discuss science with a fellow researcher, will that upset you?"


Samantha summoned a notebook from the air. "If I want to share notes and talk about information gathering with someone, a scientist would be ideal for such pursuit. As encouraging as you both are, you lack the specific skill set."

Night's jaw worked silently before a laugh escaped her. "I've just been schooled... by Samantha!" She curled on herself, laughing all the harder.

Silver set a hoof on the worried Samantha's shoulder. "You did good."

Night recovered from her fit and sat up, breathing heavily. "Perhaps... perhaps... Look, I'll... try to get over it. It's not fair to be mad at her for this." She glanced away, then at Silver. "Besides, you gave me a gift?"


Night flashed her fangs dangerously. "An appreciation for the other half."

Other half? Silver realized what she meant, and she knew he realized as she watched his face.

"I trust you will be willing to provide in the future, seeing as this was your idea entirely."

Silver flipped his ears back. "W-we should get you a crystal."

Night perked right up. "That's right. I'll get one then." She put a hoof on Silver's chest. "You do your Ambassadorial duties." she trotted right past him, opened the door and she was gone in no time at all.

Samantha watched Night go a moment. "I think you've encouraged her to--"

"I know."

"Was this your intention?"

Silver snorted softly. "Intended or not, it's done. I get... the idea this was lurking in her before I got there, I just... I was the final straw on the back. I think she wanted to be the stallion, ultimately."

Samantha raised a brow. "But she is not a stallion."

"She could be."

Samantha lifted her shoulders. "She could be. Would you be pleased with that development? You're a stallion."

He was. "I'd rather have her as a mare, but if she's happy this way, then I will love her either way."

"But how does that work?"

Silver considered a moment. "That's a bit complicated, but let's say there are, um, ways for ponies, even two stallions or two mares, to express physical affection for one another. It doesn't make foals, so as breeding goes, ultimately worthless, but welcome to socializing. Full of things that do nothing but make a lot of happy ponies." He leaned in and kissed Samantha's nose. "Like kisses."

She smiled. "Sometimes 'worthless' activities are worth a lot." She rose to her own footing. "Let me get the foals, and we'll attend to your work." She trotted eagerly off and returned with still sleepy-looking foals strapped to her sides.

Together they trotted through the halls. The idea that Just Desserts had burned returned to Silver's mind and he frowned. It had been just the right place for Surprise, and her friend... "I'm glad we got this straightened out... We need to talk to Surprise."

Author's Note:

Well, a lot of emotions got out in this chapter.

The dynamics, why do they keep changing?

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