• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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218 - Pillow Talk

Fast turned to Silver. "Do you still love me like this?"

He wrapped a leg around her and drew her closer. She was a changeling, even if she only had one hole. She was an insect, and he had no love for those, but he had love for Fast Change. He gently nuzzled into her neck and she sighed out. "You know the answer to that."

"Maybe, but I want to hear you say it." She turned around under the covers with him. "I thought you had moved past me... past..." She bit back the statement on her chitinous lips.

Silver rolled with her as two became one. "I will love you even if you start smelling like garbage and gain the consistency of cheese, though kindly don't do that."

Fast wrapped her legs around him, holding him close and relishing the feelings he brought both emotionally and physically. "Forget them... Celestia would forgive you. Let's get married, right now. Make them wait, see how they like it..."

Silver kissed along her throat, watching it flex with each touch of the sensitive flesh. "You know I won't do that. This is one more little delay, then we're together, forever."

Fast wrinkled her snout. "Not forever. I don't live in that castle, and I doubt Celestia and Luna will let you live here, so..." She rolled over, taking the superior position over Silver. "Still, better than what I had. Will you be... I lay broods now. Multiple eggs, all at once... Will you be happy being a father of that?"

Silver thought back to the swarm of changeling younglings that had surrounded him before. "I'd certainly try my best," he said honestly. "If they are half as lovable as their mother, that won't be hard."

She smiled at that. "Maybe that's why Chryssie avoided tapping that flank, but you're an alicorn, a prince... Who's to even say how things will react. Will I lay normal changelings, something more, or something less?"

Silver pushed against her, drawing a gasp of pleasure from the insectoid mare. "Definitely more, for what other changeling will share us as parents?"

Fast squirmed away from him and stood up. "Look at you..." She ran a hoof slowly down his back as he raised. "You're bigger, stronger, hmm, mind if I say sexier?" She bit into his shoulder and got a shove in return, but then he was on her, hugging her tight. "I can... feel it, but I still want to hear it."

Silver waved at her. "Fine, I love the person in front of me, from when I first met them as a wild-eyed shapeshifter hiding from themselves, to the delicate unicorn that I cherished, to the quee--"


"Princess of all these changelings. I would like you to be a part of my herd, just as you were before. Will you join us?"

She raised a brow even as green flames overtook her and she became human, a female human. As Silver began to blush furiously, Fast drew him close. "What an interesting species you began as. Swollen mammaries, greater male and female differences, and furless, mostly." She trailed furless fingers along Silver from between his ears and down his back. "I'd say yes to your question, by the way, but you don't get to ask that. I'll join when Night is ready to have me."

Silver nuzzled a shoulder softly. "When did you learn how to be human?"

"As if you're the only one." she rolled her eye as she became her usual ruddy-red self. "Some come here, desperate for some hairless company, and it doesn't get much more hairless than the typical changeling hive." She hopped down from the bed and trotted towards a container of water that was hefted by her magic and poured out into a glass. "Go on, see that Night's not gone crazy waiting for us. I endured this long, a few more weeks won't kill me."

Silver slid down after her and came up behind her. He hugged her quietly before he left, closing the door gently with his magic.

She quirked a little smile. "A little bit more..."

Silver found Night and they shared a nuzzle. He was sure she could tell he'd been up to things with Fast. It wasn't that great a leap. "Want to do anything? Together? She's alright."

"Is she?" Night nodded. "She's a strong mare. As tough as I try to be, I have to remind myself it'll be nice to be surrounded by other strong ponies." She pointed at Silver. "Starting with you."

Silver quirked a smile at that. "Let's see about those flying lessons. I'd like to fly with you instead of walking, and pretty much the entire herd will be flyers."

They trotted from the hive. The energy between them was firm and healthy. They liked being near one another, and it showed in the way they trotted along side by side.

When they reached the castle, Samantha was waiting for them with the two foals. She had them tethered with little leashes that ran to harnesses that let them wander without getting out of sight, though neither wanted to go far when they saw their parents returning.

Silver and Night shared a hug between their foals and their soon-to-be-adopted daughter,

He raised an ear. "You're not at all upset, right?"

"Hmm?" Samantha looked confused. "About what?"

Silver nuzzled one of her ears. "Not being part of the herd."

She blinked at him. "But I am. My position has changed, but that's alright. I'll be the daughter of several great ponies, and I won't be socially obligated to breed." She said it as if it were all a positive. "Why would I be upset?"

Night shook her head. "He's just being silly."

"Ah." Samantha nodded firmly. "I do appreciate that facet of your personality, father." She looked between them. "You don't appear to be ready to relax. What remains to be done?"

Night pointed a wing at Silver as she cradled Morning in the other. "He's waited long enough getting a tutor to fly."

"I know just the right pony," cried Samantha as she bounced to her hooves. She surrendered the leashes to their parents and hurried off, even as Silver tried to extract information from her.

As soon as she was by herself, she wrote a letter out.


I hear you saved Equestria several times. So did my father. I want you two to meet. He has wings but he's not used to them. You taught Princess Twilight Sparkle to fly if news is accurate, so you have the needed experience to help my father reach his educational goals. He's a prince, if that helps. If not, disregard that information. If you accept this assignment, please report to Canterlot Castle and ask for Ambassador Silver Watch.

Hoping You Will Say Yes,
Samantha Watch

PS: Watch is not my official second name, but I think I like it. Do you?

She folded the letter carefully and surrendered the bits needed to get it where it was going. Samantha hoped she would hear back soon from the national hero. Beaming, she went right along with her day. The foals were in the hooves of their parents, so she abandoned them from her thoughts and checked her schedule. "I almost forgot!" She rushed to not be late for an educational class on how to sell to reluctant ponies and close sales.

Yes, each class, lesson, and book cost money, but it took money to get money. It was a good thing Silver had bits for her to borrow.

"Samantha!" cried out a familiar voice and she smiled as she turned to see her favored salesmare. Samantha had instructed her how to become competent and gladly shared social greetings of hoof clops and brief hugs. "Samantha, where are you going?"

She pointed in the direction of the class. "I'm expanding my skillset."

"How do you afford all those?" asked the salesmare with a soft pout.

"Don't worry." Samantha beamed a bright smile. "I'll show you what I learn." She always shared what she learned with those under her. Their success was her success, that's what they had said. They had wanted her to sell them the classes too, but if they were busy spending their money instead of making it, how would anyone win?

Of all the salesponies, she had earned a reputation for being one of the best to be under. She shared every trick she found and seemed genuinely interested in their well-being. Her own superior, the lunar colt, was happy to sell her classes, but expressed little interest in her health or mood.

That was all alright by Samantha. She would be the best salespony, and that included being the best for those that worked with her. Their success was her success. "How's today going?" She got the update of the day and gave encouraging words to the salesmare. "Your numbers are up from last week, and that week from before. Making sure no sales are overlapping has produced dividends for us both."

The salesmare gave Samantha a warm hug and wished her well with the class before she got back to work. She had a class to get to, so Samantha hurried her trot and got to the building quickly, confident that her ponies were doing well.

Rainbow Dash's eyes scanned back and forth over the letter before she snorted. "She has to be joking..." She took off with the letter and quickly zipped to Twilight's castle. She was in, as was Spike and Jake. "Hey, Twi! Check this out." She dumped the letter on Twilight's head. She had been aiming a few inches off, but close enough.

Twilight plucked the letter from her head with a huff before she started to read it, muttering softly as she did so. "Huh. Are you going to do it?"

"What? It's obviously a prank. I'm not gonna get fooled that easy."

Twilight raised a brow. "He hasn't had a crowning yet, but he is an alicorn, and he does have wings. I've been talking with him via correspondence and can verify those as facts."

Rainbow tilted her head. "No way!"

Jake snorted softly, going a little red with what could be jealousy. "So now he wants flying lessons from the best?"

Rainbow thumped her chest. "Which is why he came to me! Teaching a prince huh? Two royal students, that'll improve my odds with the Wonderbolts for sure and bump me up the roster to get on the active team..."

Jake's ruse was turned against him and he moved to get a drink of water, angrily. "Some people get all the luck," he muttered under his breath.

Twilight smiled. "Does that mean you accept? I can send a letter with Spike and have it in his hooves before the day's over."

Rainbow looked thoughtful a moment before she nodded. "Sure. I could use a challenge, and teaching alicorns how to fly is a challenge." She saw Twilight looking cross. "Hey hey, look, you're not a born flier. You have a thousand misconceptions on how flying 'should' work instead of how it does. I'll have him straightened out in no time. I wonder if he crashes like you did..."

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