• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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11 - Back to Studying

Night and Silver returned to an energized Fast. She greeted them with a grin and began hassling them for details without mercy. "Where were you? You look different. There's something definitely changed..."

Night looked away, seemingly unwilling to reply, so Silver took it on himself. "I asked for Night's hoof, and she gave it to me. She is my first wife."

Fast's eyes bulged, "What? You kinky bastard! You get her out of my sight for a second and you just grab her up?" Fast rapidly became a lunar pegasus as she advanced, putting nose to nose with Silver, "Wasn't I pretty enough?"

Silver raised a hoof, pushing Fast back gently, "You are, as yourself. I only have room in my heart for one lovely pegasus of the night. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but, as first wife--"

Fast shook her head, "Are you really starting a herd? Again?"

Silver raised a brow, "It... felt like the right thing to do. It was what Celine wanted, and, I dunno." He turned to face Night with a smile, "I know she'll make the right choice."

Night smiled back with a blush in her cheeks, "I think that was romantically awkward, just as I have come to expect."

Fast wove around Silver and approached Night, "So you're first wife?"

Night nodded slowly, "Yes. I'm going to need to read up on herding. My parents were monogamous, and so were my grandparents."

Fast waved a hoof, "What's to know? You pick any future wives, and he gives the yea or nay. So when do I get in?"

Silver barked out a laugh, "You're not subtle."

Fast huffed, "When have I been subtle before? Was I drunk?" She looked to Night pointedly, "I'm serious. He likes me just the way I am. Me, boring ol' me."

Night shook her head, "I'm not sure that's a good enough reason. Besides, being married means no more sleeping around."

Fast tensed a moment, "I... can handle that... It just means I'll have to borrow him a lot." She looked over her shoulders at Silver, "You can handle that, right?"

Silver began to warm quickly at Fast's implications, "I... would try my best?"

Fast nodded quickly, "See, there, now let me in!"

Night raised a hoof to bury her face in it, "I just got him and already you're preparing to break him. At least let us have our first week alone together."

Fast was suddenly male, though still a lunar pegasus. He spread his furry wings wide, "I'll spend some time with you too, of course."

Night shoved Fast back a step with her wings, "Enough! Fast... Please. One week. Now I'm tired." She trotted over to Silver's bed and began pulling off her saddlebag.

Despite the fact that the bag only covered a small portion of her barrel, Silver found the sight of her taking it off somehow a little... erotic. Fast suddenly burst into giggles. He looked towards Fast to see that her eyes were locked between Silver's legs and the increasing evidence of excitement. "One week," said Silver before he moved to join Night.

Fast returned to her birth form and retreated to her own bed, "Oh fine. I've waited this long. Don't keep me up with your wailing."

Silver slid onto his bed and helped Night get up with him. They shared their first night together making slow but loving advances. By the time they had faded off to sleep, both were sated and pleased with one another.

The next morning, Silver was up and ready for class. The academy had recovered quickly, and things were moving ahead at full pace. Despite Silver's desire to leap into study, his classmates had other ideas. When he first entered the room, it was dark.

The lights flared from a dozen unicorn horns, revealing a party in lurking. A sign hung overhead, 'Thanks Silver Lining!'. There was cake and punch and snacks aplenty. Lyra was there, apparently entirely OK with class being co-opted for the festivities. He finally met all of his classmates, though their names went by all too quickly for him. Names were still not his strength, but he enjoyed the party with soft smiles.

Lyra nudged him as he nibbled on the cake, "That was some top-tier work. How were you moving around anyway? You looked even worse than the rest of us."

Silver tilted his head at Lyra, "Luna sucked the magic out of me ahead of time, so there wasn't anything left to take."

Lyra shook her head, "Right, OK, but... how'd you move? I mean, when I didn't have any magic, I could barely think about moving, but you were trucking along."

Silver shrugged then, "Maybe it's the human in me? We've had millions of years of practice moving through the ages without any magic at all, from wee tiny creatures up to the clumsy bipeds of today."

Lyra poked him on the nose, "And onwards to the four-legged heroes of tomorrow."

Silver flushed gently, but didn't argue. The cake was delicious, though he couldn't quite place the flavor. "Oh, uh..."

Lyra hmmed, "Yeah?"

"I..." Silver shuffled slightly, "Kind of started a new herd."

Lyra's brows raised together, "Oh really? Who's the first wife?"

"Night Watch," replied Silver, watching Lyra for her reaction.

Lyra blurted out a laugh, "That nerd? She's a perfect fit for you." She advanced, hugging Silver firmly. "I hope you'll be happy."

Silver smiled a little at her, "Thank you, but I admit I'm surprised. You're not... you know?"

Lyra raised a brow, "Jealous? This mare knows when she messed up." She poked Silver lightly on his chest, "I did something really stupid, and now my dream stallion's half my age. I wouldn't say no if you swept me off my hooves, but I'm not going to chase you. You just be happy." She leaned in, rubbing nose to nose gently, "You deserve it."

Silver warmed from his head right on back to his flanks. "That... is surprisingly mature, and nice. Thank you, Lyra. That is possibly the nicest thing you could have said." He returned her hug, taking in her soft minty scent. It was only then that he realized he wasn't floored by females anymore. Cadance was right, he just had to get used to it.

The school day was fun, if not productive. When he returned to his dorm room, he found Night and Fast talking quietly on Fast's bed. Silver raised an ear at them both, "Are you plotting against me?"

Fast grinned, "Yes. You are doomed."

Night snorted and slid to the ground, "Nothing of the sort. How was school?"

Silver smiled as he set his things down, "It was fun. Everyone's happy to have their magic back, and they remember what I did while they were grey and useless. Lyra surprised me."

Night followed after Silver, nipping him on the ear. Her sharp teeth made the experience different from others, almost a thrill of danger as she worked the sensitive flesh with deadly fangs. Silver shuddered softly, "She took the news of the herd very well, and promised she wouldn't chase me."

Fast snorted from her bed, "Lyra, showing discretion? Maybe Tirek didn't return that part of her magic. We should get her checked out."

Night rolled her eyes from behind her glasses, "Don't be mean. Lyra's a nice mare. A little crazy, perhaps, but nice."

Silver pointed at Fast, "Like another mare we know."

Fast held up her hooves, "Hey, low blow!"

Silver leaned in towards Night, softly nuzzling her, "But I'll gladly come home to you."

Night warmed as she returned the affection, "You realize, you've made me a stay-at-home mare. I'm not sure how happy I am with that. I had a job, and I was very good at it."

Silver pinned his ears back, "I'm not trying to hold you here... I just didn't think you'd say yes if you felt beholden to Luna."

Night nudged Silver, pressing him onto their bed, "I said yes, that's my fault. So long as I know you won't be upset if I get another job, because I don't plan to lay around all day getting fat and bored."

Silver nodded at her, "Yes ma'am." As she climbed up after him, he glanced towards Fast before looking back at Night, "Does the missus wish her stallion's company?"

Night wriggled her nose lightly, "That's your fault."

Silver spent the evening expressing his sincerest apologies to Night with eager loving. Dawn broke on the second day of his new herd. School had returned to its full stride. Silver was, at last, permitted to start studying magic earnestly. He spent the day practicing spells and changing them, making furious notes of how the order and multiples of symbols affected the functions of the spells. Sure he was only allowed to play with a hoof-full of 'cantrips', but he found the work satisfying.

He was getting used to his domestic life. Night was an eager wife, and made him an eager husband. That evening, she allowed Fast, who had watched from afar, to join them. While Night was enthusiastic, Fast was insatiable, and Silver got very little sleep. When he fell from bed in the morning, blearily making his way to the shower, he grumbled, "I can see why polygamy eventually faded out." The warm water washed away some of the fatigue, but then there was Night, snuggling up against him in the shower as she washed with him. It suddenly seemed worthwhile.

In class, Lyra set a letter on Silver's desk. He lifted it in his silver hands and tore the envelope open.

Dear Silver Lining,

It has come to my attention that you played a small but earnest role during the Tirek incident. You deserve recognition for your efforts, and we have other things to discuss. Come to the castle this Saturday.

Your Princess,

Silver raised a brow at it, but couldn't think of much to do but to accept. He brought the letter back with him at the end of the day, showing it to Night and Fast.

Night frowned, "There's a fifty percent chance she'll ask you to become a court squire of your own volition."

Silver tilted his head, "What's the other fifty?"

Night sat on her haunches as she counted, "Twenty percent chance she'll force it, twenty percent chance she's decided to embrace your proposal to Luna. If she does that, you're effectively a squire anyway, being Luna's stallion. Almost any way I look at it, Celestia will not let you leave the castle without a collar around your neck with a leash hanging towards her."

Silver rubbed his neck with a hoof, "The only collar I'd want to wear is yours."

Night turned red, "I'm not into that!"

Fast volunteered, "I am. Want me to go shopping?"

Silver shook his head, "Seriously. Should I just not go?"

Night shook her head, "Not much of an option. You don't snub Celestia for an invitation. She's very nice when she likes you, but I've heard stories about what happens if you really manage to get her riled up."

Silver sank against Night, "What should I do then?"

Fast snorted softly, "Take it like a stallion?"

Night glared at Fast a moment before she nodded, "Crudely put, but accurate. Celestia has many reasons for keeping a short leash on you, several of them very good."

"Like what?" asked Silver with a bit of a pout.

Night adjusted her glasses as she looked over Silver, "Where to start. You hold alien technology. You are an alien. You design spells for fun. You design war spells for fun. You've driven her sister to distraction." Night waved a hoof lightly, "I'd be surprised if there was a princess in Equestria who didn't know you." A thought seemed to come to her, "I'd be surprised if there was a princess in Equestria who isn't there, at that meeting." As Silver seemed to wilt, Night wrapped her wings around him, "I'll go with you."

Author's Note:

Silver gets into a comfortable rut, with rutting. His classmates are thankful for his actions, but then a royal letter appears!

Celestia is watching, let's not offend her with typos.

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