• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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14 - Meeting the Moon

With his official title of Ambassador, Celestia gave clearance for Silver to occupy a wing of the castle that had been serving little purpose but storing old momentos. He sat on a bed, larger than the ones given at the academy. Night sat beside him, and Fast was perched on a chair. Fast lifted an ear at the two, "So... how'd you pull this off?"

Night softly nudged against Silver, "He's interesting to Celestia, was charming to Cadance, maddeningly frustrating to Luna, and they conspired to collar him and tie him to the ground with the softest velvet they could find. He, of course, offered his neck and rolled over for them."

Fast shook her head, "I didn't know they were into that." She glanced at the door, then back at Silver directly, "Think you could squeeze me in? I like big mares."

Silver frowned a little, "This isn't about Luna. I specifically separated the two."

Fast raised a hoof, "And yet you grabbed both. You two going to make lunar unicorns? That'd be hot."

Night's wings flared out, "That is not how lunar pegasi happened!"

"Oh?" asked Fast, "How did they happen then? My history's a bit rusted."

Night sank to the bed's surface, "Rusty. If she gets a foal before I do, we're over."

Silver blinked softly, "I didn't even know you wanted one. I thought you wanted to get right back to work. I mean, you're...? What?"

Night grabbed Silver in her hooves and pulled him down against herself, "I will work until I get too fat not to. If I'm going to be a mom, I'd rather do it young, like my mother. She'll get to meet her grandfoals, and so will I."

Silver shivered a little before he began to bite softly at Night. Gentle nips about her neck and ears seemed to please her, "I have no objection to this. If you want a foal, I'll be the best father I can be. So... what do we do, besides what we've been doing?"

Night looked perplexed, "That's a very strange question. What else do you do? You wait until I am receptive and then you put a foal in there. How else are foals made?"

Fast squinted at Silver's confused expression, "How do humans do it?"

Silver lifted his shoulders, "They just keep doing it until it sticks. There are some ways to have a better idea when to do it, but it mostly boils down to luck."

Fast snickered softly, "We can do it that way. That sounds fun."

Night rolled her eyes before adjusting her glasses, "I will tell you when the time comes, since you have no idea what to look for. Tell Princess Luna that you do not wish to lay with her while she is receptive until you've done your duty to your first wife." She nudged his chin upwards with a wing, "If you take my position seriously."

Silver darted around that wing to kiss Night gently, "Without a doubt. You are my first. I, uh, may be a little ignorant of things. You're free to correct me."

Night wrinkled her nose, "As if I needed your permission for that." Her wings moved to his sides, teasing him into a giggling fit easily. Becoming a pony had not dulled his ticklishness. "One other thing. You're not getting out of classes with this. I will fetch your work and bring it to you." She slipped away, hopping to the floor, "Come on, Fast Change. You can help me find the right books." Soon both were gone, leaving Silver to consider the next day, and the human he would soon be meeting.

"What if they don't speak English?" asked Silver out loud, realizing that if the choice was truly random, there was a significant chance of grabbing someone who didn't comprehend him. He made a silent prayer to the universe itself that he would avoid that situation. The image danced in his mind of a Spanish or Chinese speaker he couldn't speak with, and was isolated from all the other ponies. No wonder they would react poorly!

A soft knock stirred him from his worries. With a glimmer of his magic, he opened the door to reveal a night guard. "The Princess is ready to see you."

Silver hopped off the bed and followed after the guard to Luna's room, a place he had been only once before. The guard did not enter, simply waving him forward. After he stepped into the gloomy chamber, the door shut quietly behind him. Luna sat across several cushions sideways. Her half-lidded gaze and the way her legs were just so... Silver wondered if she was trying to be attractive. Everything he knew of human come-ons came from the internet, and now there was an equine goddess giving it her best shot.

Silver gave a gentle smile, "It's early yet for the moon to rise, but here she lays, as enchanting as ever I have seen her." It was cheesy and thickly-laid, but it seemed to get a smile from Luna.

Luna gently patted the space in front of her, "Join me." Silver obeyed quickly, moving to sit in front of her. Luna put a strong hoof on him, guiding him to lay with her, belly to belly. "You have won me, again."

Silver shook his head, "The first time you forced yourself on me... and I learned what happiness could be... The second time, your sister tried to offer you to me, as a prize. The third time I held out a hoof, and you took it. Your sister was right about one thing, however."

Luna raised a brow lightly, looking slightly guarded, "Of what matter was that?"

Silver smiled nervously, "You are a prize. I hope we can put rough times behind us."

Luna colored faintly as she leaned in, kissing Silver between the eyes just under his horn. "My sister thinks she can control anypony with a gentle word. Why did you not take her offer and have me when the chance was given?"

Silver shook his head, "Because I don't want you that way. I want a fierce Luna, independent, and who does not feel she is obliged to ever tell me yes." Silver shrugged then, "You may be... out of touch? But I'm from another world entirely, so you still outrank me in experience."

Luna extended a hoof, covering Silver's mouth. "Enough with honeyed words. Speak plainly. Why do you favor us?"

Silver considered this question a moment, "I wasn't lying, you are enchanting. You have a grace all of your own. Even in anger, you... excite me?" Silver frowned, "I'm not that good at this. Are you sure I can't just compliment you, because you have a lot to compliment."

His admission of awkwardness seemed to relax Luna a little. She rolled over onto her back, "Are you speaking well so that our legs open to you, little stallion? You gatherer of mares, am I just another prize in your stable?"

Silver warmed softly, "It was... your idea that I start a herd."

"A lie!" said Luna a bit loudly before she poked him in the belly, "You requested me as first wife. That you did not expect agreement does not absolve it of being your idea."

Silver's ears flipped back at the shout before he climbed up to his hooves, "You're a little... large for me. I'm still a growing colt."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Are you not an enchanting wizard in training?"

Silver glanced around nervously, "I... wasn't looking up that kind of spell..."

Luna's horn began to glow as she grabbed a book off her shelf and tossed it open before Silver, "Read quickly."

Why did Luna have such a book? Silver wondered as he quickly flipped through it with his magic. Oh my. There were quite the number of... personal enhancements... to choose from. With a quick spell from Silver's horn, Luna gave a soft laugh.

"Typical stallion," she said in mocking tone.

Silver shrank back a little, "I'm not ashamed of my size, but you are large even for a pony, and I am still barely not a colt. I don't want to disappoint."

Luna waved a hoof lightly, "More stallions than you have believed a mighty lance was enough to please a mare. We shall judge you, harshly."

Silver moved up on Luna, and did his best. Luna was... different, than the other mares he had shared a bed with. He attributed some of her stillness to lingering fears, and tried to please her as best he was able. Soft nibbles and rubbing hooves made her breath quicken as motions drew little noises from her. When all was said and done, Luna seemed pleased enough, and Silver was exhausted. He flopped on her belly, panting breathlessly.

"Is that all?" asked Luna, squeezing him with her legs, "I have had lovers that could go the evening entire. You will need to work on your endurance if you are to be my consort."

Silver nuzzled her belly gently, "That will improve in time," he hoped, "Was I... good?"

Luna patted his head with a hoof, "Sufficient."

Silver flopped onto her again, groaning softly. Damned by faint praise indeed. Luna softly held him in the darkness, "You realize... my sister has left your cage open? She wonders how long you will sit there, with nothing to hold you in place."

Silver perked an ear, "What do you mean? I'm Ambassador now. Isn't that leash enough?"

Luna tapped Silver on his nose, "Dost thou know what an ambassador is?"

"A representative of one people to another?" asked Silver uncertainly.

"It is that," agreed Luna, "But it is also an admission that you are a citizen of your people. You are not beholden to Celestia, or anypony else but your people. If we don't like it, we can ask you to leave, but that is the extent of it."

Silver's ears fell, "But I want to be a citizen of Equestria."

Luna held up a hoof, "And there is how she crafts your cage well. She knows you enjoy it in there. An ambassador that is loyal to the hosting nation? Most nations would recall such an ambassador and send a new one, but your people have little choice. Celestia, have no doubt, intends to treat you entirely as an Equestrian citizen, which includes orders from her. If you obey them, this will please her. Unless you object, she has no reason not to continue on and on, as if you were part of her kingdom, even if she just set you free."

Silver looked confused for a moment, tail swaying slowly behind him, "Should I not follow her orders?"

Luna shrugged, "Just remember that you have the option." She pulled Silver up away from her hind legs and nuzzled nose-to-nose, "Keep the book. You have three mares to satisfy, and I demand improvements next time." Her magic lifted him onto his hooves and swatted his back end towards the door, "Begone."

Silver tucked the book away before looking back at her, hesitating a moment before he smiled, "I love you." He scurried off before he could receive any scorn due from his statement, but no such strike was coming. Luna sank into her pillows, considering the day's actions.

Author's Note:

The herd shares some words, then Luna has her way. This can only mean next chapter something happens!

Is it typos?

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