• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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298 - Distant King

"Why should I listen to you?" thundered the great giant of a centaur, looming over Night with a scowl large enough to match his stature. "You're barely an insect."

"You're a dream," she retorted, drawing out a pin that was held to her hoof. "And I will pop you."

"You wouldn't!" he hissed. With a great pop, she proved she would. "Curse you!" he screamed as he deflated, his scrawny self emerging, emaciated and weak. "Why can't I draw the magic out of you?"

"You need a body, which you don't have at the moment." She inclined her head at her captive audience. "I'm not here to antagonize you. I want to talk to you."

"Oh, right, talk," he scoffed. "What secrets are you hoping to dredge out of me?"

Night smile gently. They were talking, even if he was on guard. Things were going well...

Twilight arrived to find Night cross-legged in a way more humans did by habit than ponies. Incense was lit, fragencing the air gently. Before her was the statue of Tirek and Chrysalis. She glanced at the guard. "Is this normal?"

The guard nodded. "She's come here many nights before, claiming to be working with Cozy Glow before we released her." He rubbed a cheek with the flat of a hoof. "A success, I suppose?"

"Well, yes." Twilight considered the seemingly unconscious lunar pony. "When she wakes up... tell her I was by, but that there's no specific emergency." That would be enough to get her considering a meeting, but hopefully not set her on alarm. "Thank you."

Twilight trotted away, unable to speak with Night that evening.

"You loved me."

Silver hopped in place, yelping with surprise. His children squealed as well, but they seemed more happy then surprised, reaching for the pony that said it, though they were both attached to Silver, able to do little but reach out with their hooves. He turned quickly to face the speaker. "Twilight?!"

Twilight inclined her head. "You loved me, deeply... Very deeply. You were willing to do anything... In that moment, that love was... It was..."

"She showed you," hissed Silver, turning a bright red in his cheeks, his babbling packages still trying to reach Twilight. "Oh god..."

"That is a very human saying." Twilight cocked an ear. "One sure way to know I'm talking to one."

"You already knew I was one of those." Silver shrank, deflating in the face of the new knowledge. "Oh... you read it all, didn't you? You think I'm some kind of freak, dangerous..."

Twilight set a hoof on his trembling shoulder. "Shh."

Silver suddenly smiled. "You felt like Celestia just a moment there."

"I have no interest in being your grandmother." She inclined her head faintly. "But... Yes. I read it. I read all of it. I read..." She glanced left and right, checking for other ears in the area. "I read of your thoughts as a wild stallion, seeking to cover any mare that stood still." Silver began to blush so vividly. "I read of your thoughts as a mare, as a mother." Silver looked like he wanted to implode on himself. "I read of your thoughts in the middle, full of care, but devoid of carnality... Your dreams were... eventful."

Silver took a slow step away despite the desiring coos of his children. "You know--"

"--as much as you do," cut in Twilight. "Even your writings there hinted you know all about me... You know my childhood. You know my adulthood. You even knew what I would be doing, thanks to that dream. You knew... a lot, and you..."

"I tried not to ruin it," whispered Silver, sagging down towards his belly, legs giving out. "I really tried."

An excited squeal made him peek as his foals were picked up in her magic. She gently nuzzled each, to their delight, and began to play with them. "In another world, you were mine." She gently hoofed at the floating foals, smiling gently. "You never were, but I feel like I lost you both anyway."

"I'm so sorry," he barely whispered.

"You don't even know what you're apologizing for." Despite the heavy words between them, she nuzzled the lunar foals, smiling at them. "In none of your dreams did you ever take me on an adventure... Pity that. I've been on no few of them." She placed the foals on her back and gave them a ride as she approached Silver. "But never with a boyfriend."

Silver swallowed thickly, reading between the lines. "Twilight! Are you...?"

"Am I asking you out?" she proposed. "Part of me wanted to. Part me said, 'go ahead, make the move. Grab him and he won't say no and then you'll know... You'll learn what love is. The love between a mare and a stallion.' But that's selfish. Very selfish... You are married, even if in a herd, however dated that idea is." She cocked a brow. "The princess of Equestria, in a herd? The ponies would not understand it, or accept it."

Silver couldn't help but argue the case. "The last princess was in a herd." He swallowed thickly, realizing where he stood. "With me." He glanced off, becoming more awkward. "Twilight, I worked very hard--"

"--avoiding me." She sat on her haunches. "You were a huge brony." She smirked at his surprised face. "Don't look like that. You sent one to me, others came along. I know what the word is. You knew all about me, and my friends. Your favorites, if I recall... which is still an odd thing to consider, aliens having favorites among your friends, including yourself." She rubbed at a cheek.

"Twilight," he cut in suddenly. "We are friends, and peers. I am your faithful subject, and will gladly help you rule Equestria as well as possible. That human me? That's a different me... From long ago." He cleared his throat as he sat up taller. "Besides, the other members of my family may object strongly to this idea."

"These two are happy about it." She nuzzled the belly of a giggling little filly.

Was he dreaming? No, he had been promised. No more dreams, at least, no more dreams he wasn't aware of were dreams. He was awake, and Twilight was... seducing him? Trying. It was a Twilight way of doing it, with facts, rather than pleas to emotions. "Twilight... I'm very focused on what I do, for you, for everyone else. I'm--"

"--asexual, yes, good." Twilight nodded softly, not one bit turned away.

Silver blinked softly. "If... you know that, why is this conversation happening?"

"Because that's not what I want." She inclined her head a little. "I want a big strong, magically adept, smart pony to... hold me, and tell me it's going to be alright, and be someone I can share my problems with. I want... you. Not some idealized version of you." She wiggled herself as if she had an itch. "I'm not starry eyed, dreaming of foals. You have two right here, and they are... perfect." She smooched a colt's cheek, making him grin.

"That's Morning Glory," noted Silver suddenly.

"And this is Clear Twilight." She brushed her sensitive nose against the filly's. "You don't have much of a future ahead of you as a wizard." The filly giggled. "But who am I to talk? We've unearthed new kinds of magic, horns not required... Maybe you're meant to match me afterall."

Silver shook his head in a rapid little jutter, shaking himself back in the current. "Twilight..."

"Besides," she went right on. "You have a lunar schedule. I, at the requirement of my position in a similar fashion, am usually awake during the day."

"Speaking of that." He thrust a hoof at a darkened window. "Why are you even awake right now?"

"Some things are worth it." She set both the foals down gently to play. "I will speak to your wife, Night Watch. I don't predict she will object."

Silver could but blink. "Why wouldn't she?"

"Because I don't want you in that way." She inclined her head. "I just want someone to..." She tapped her chin a little. "It's hard to explain, but I think she'll understand. And, if I've understood you well enough from your writing, if she consents, you will go along with it."

"Don't you care how I feel?"

Twilight went tense. "I am not another monster," she hurriedly spat out, recoiling, one wing covering her front. "I'm not here to ruin your life. Silver... If you don't want this, then... forget it."

Silver let out a slow breath. "Twilight, you are not a monster." A little smile touched his lips. "But you are prone to acting without thought once in a while... Aren't we all? Twilight, come here."

She seemed confused, but did approach. At his little gestures of his snout, she was soon sitting right beside him. His wing came down over her, a warm blanket. "Twilight. This will sound nuts, because it is, from your point of view, but if you've talked with bronies, you know it's true too. There is a canon, a way things should be. I don't want to ruin it. Becoming the reason the show went off the rails? That's the last thing I want."

"About that..." Twilight looked away, despite being basically hugged. "One spoke of the 'final episode'."

There was a final episode?! "We're already past it?!"

"Yes... and no." Twilight perked her ears. "I should have just asked that, looking back on it, but curiosity got the better of me... and I now know exactly how Celestia felt, every time she glimpsed the future that could be, but hasn't been yet."

She knew... the future? Silver inclined his head. "I won't... pry. I know what that's like, the fear... Just tell me this; Was it a good future?"

Twilight smiled at that. "It was a wonderful, gentle future..." She swallowed heavily. "But it made... you more attractive, I admit." She rubbed her cheek awkwardly.

What could have happened in the future that would do that?! "Twilight, I will be here, barring my being bodily ripped away." He set a hoof on his chest. "I promised to help you, and I stick to my promises... Even before I came here, to this magic land, that's how I tend to be."

"Thank you, for that." Twilight stood up, brushing his wing in the motion. "But... Spike is my brother. He is growing. He will be a fine dragon, kind... delightful, but the distance will grow. He will do things away from me, as a grown person should, as a brother should." She glanced aside at him. "We are both rulers of this kingdom. Our fates are..." She brought two hooves together with a firm clop. "We are united."

Silver struggled to imagine what Twilight had seen, in the future... "Did something happen to your friends?"

"No! No... They're... fine... doing what ponies do..." She smiled, a haunted smile, watching Silver's face in kind as she wriggled away. "As all ponies do... It's... life. Life happened to them, was still happening." She let out a small breath. "Your wife is not an alicorn."

Silver's ears danced. "Was she in the episode? No way." The odds of that were... small. If it were true, it meant she was a canon character, and he'd gotten involved with one. Oops.

"No... no." She cleared her throat softly. "Silver, this is not a revelation of anything new, ultimately. Ponies, they age. They get older... The only ponies who do not get older, that I am aware of, are princesses." She looked him over. "And, I presume, a prince. We have a long... lonely road ahead of us, but we're both on that road..." She began to walk for the exit, a slow walk. "I would like to have company, is all. Even if I'm not perfect, at least I'm your type." She smirked a bit at that thought. "So consider it, if you're ready to stop running from me."

Author's Note:

Bomb, dropped. What should Silver do?!

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