• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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21 - The Sun Will Rise Again

Time had passed. Silver and Fast had fallen asleep by the time a gentle knock was heard, then the door glowed with golden magic. Celestia returned, with Luna entering just behind her. Luna stepped up and, with a dark flash, Silver slumped to the bed, free of the ropes.

Celestia took up the other side of the bed, looking down at Silver as he quickly roused. Silver sat up, bumping into Fast's spread, protective wings. Was she still a pegasus? He nudged her gently, "Don't look like that at them. Down girl." Fast huffed, but become her usual unicorn self.

Luna nodded stiffly, "The blocker, if you please." Her tone was cold as ice. Celestia's horn lit with golden energy as she lifted the ring free of Silver's horn and tucked it away.

Silver looked to Celestia, "Is she, my schoolmate, going to be OK?"

Celestia glanced away, then back at Silver, "That has ceased to be a pressing issue."

Luna's wings went wide, "What a hateful way to say that, sister. She is well, and should recover, but there are other matters that are spiraling out of control." She lifted a hoof to point at Silver, "My sister was not aware you appeared in my court so shortly ago. News of your arrest has spread quickly."

Silver recoiled a little, "Is there an angry mob waiting for me?"

Luna shook her head, "On the contrary. It is known we have a diplomat under arrest."

Silver tilted his head a little, "So? I mean... I don't imagine humans are getting ready to outcry."

Celestia shook her head, "There are other nations. Equestria enjoys its power not only because of our control of the day and night, but our trust." She hung her head a little, "A trust that has been broken."

Luna nudged Celestia with a wing, "You are quick to accuse me of temper, but never have I caused such uproar as this! Sister, you knew he was no threat. Why did you do this?"

Celestia raised a hoof, looking ready to slam it down before it more limply fell, "Do not badger me, Luna. No matter how well-spoken and gentle of nature Silver has shown so far, he is still an alien with dangerous gifts. Gifts that have now been abused. I... thought to remove that gift from him, but gave myself a day to consider it."

Silver went pale around his snout as he backed up on the bed.

Luna scowled, "You would rend his horn? His actions were foalish, to be sure, but they were without malice. Others have performed greater acts with active intent without such barbarism." She raised a hoof to point at Silver, "He is faithful to an unhealthy point. If he thought it would make us pleased, he would probably kill himself to save us the trouble."

Silver raised a hoof, "Anything but that." The royal sisters cared little for his muted objection, as they faced one another.

Celestia stomped, breaking the tiles with her anger, "I am aware of this! I did not go ahead with this. It was a rash thought that I gave time to cool. Do not approach me with tales of this. Your own past is dark with such actions you did not let cool."

Luna swept a wing towards the hallway, "Is that what you will tell them? It was your idea, I will remind, to give him this shield. The very shield you swept aside while going for his throat. Who can trust you now? Even the minotaurs are nervous, ever have they been our allies. The dragons laugh openly at us, saying you have revealed your true colors at last."

Fast was silent. This involved matters far above her comprehension, and she huddled in close to Silver. Silver let his ears fall, "Is there something I could do?"

Luna pointed at Silver violently, "Even now he seeks to serve! Who is truly responsible for this? We should make an example of them."

Celestia frowned, "I will not have further pain this day. The only other that could be blamed is recovering from severe burns. Without extensive reconstruction, he would be disfigured for life." She looked to Silver, "It is nothing short of a wonder that you got away with as few burns as you did, considering how close you were to its release."

Silver sat up a little more, "Seriously, can I make a speech or something? I don--"

Luna scowled at Silver, "Enough. You have done enough for one day. Sleep."

Silver felt the pull of magic tugging at him and he struggled against it, "No! Don't..." He tried to focus his magic, but he had learned no sleep, or counter-sleep spells, and flopped onto the bed. His burning desire to be awake made his descent slow, his mind holding desperately even as his body immediately collapsed.

Fast put a hoof over Silver's fallen form, "Don't treat him like that. He respects you, both of you. He wants to help." When both cast angry glares at her, Fast suddenly exploded in size, becoming a manticore and snarling defensively at them.

Celestia gave a soft sigh, "Release the spell, there is no further harm to be done."

Luna let the spell go with an almost angry tug, "I wouldn't want to follow your example."

Celestia's expression became one of motherly disappointment, and Luna exploded in fury, "Do not look to me with that gaze! I am your sister, not one of your little ponies!" She moved a wing, nudging Silver upright again, "My apologies, Silver. You are still wounded, we thought to let you rest."

Silver shook off the fog that had been encroaching, "I am sorry, really. I didn't mean for... all this. I was wrong, completely. The teacher shouldn't have grabbed me, but that doesn't make what I did OK."

Luna snorted softly, "How eagerly he presents his belly. This. This is one of your little ponies."

Celestia shook her head, "Since we are all here, why don't you tell us exactly what happened, Silver?"

Silver considered a moment, "I just passed the test, and ran into the teacher. He was unhappy to see me. He used a spell that immobilized me and began to chastise me, about why I was there, and how I was using royalty to get ahead. I got angry and made that fireball, but I didn't release it. As soon as I had it, I didn't know what to do with it... I could have drawn off the heat slowly, if I had a few minutes to work with it, but I passed out. I must have been tired from the test... I don't know... But without me holding it together, you know the rest."

Luna nodded slowly, "What you did was wrong, but what was done to you was worse."

Silver tilted his head, "Why? I'm not hurt, besides what I did to myself."

Celestia sighed softly, "I ignored your immunity. You were held captive, and your magic blocked. Though your own nation is unable to complain, your condition was not private, nor your status. Others are becoming very upset."

Luna gave a soft snarl, "That professor should be tried for assault on a diplomat! It was entirely unwarranted and unprovoked. Laying a hoof on a student, with magic no less..."

Celestia gestured elsewhere in the building, "Callis Thetics is unconscious with severe wounds. He will not be attending trial for some time."

"He is fortunate," said Luna with a frown, then turned her gaze back on Silver, "Are you well, all things considered?"

"My back feels like it's still on fire," said Silver before he looked to Fast, "You... can stop being big and snarly now."

Fast shrunk back to her horny self, "Oh fine. Somepony has to be on equal footing with them, and it isn't going to be you."

Silver reached, pulling Fast in tight, "I'm pretty sure either of them could do terrible things to you if they wanted, but you are very brave." Fast relaxed under the embrace and compliment.

Celestia nodded at Luna, "Perhaps Silver's idea has merit. A quick speech from him may quell fears."

Luna snorted, "You are clearly losing your touch. Anything he says will be seen as something he was forced to say by his jailors. How do you propose we convince them of his sincerity?"

Silver moved to the edge of the bed, then slid down to the floor on wobbly legs, "I should apologize, on behalf of my people, and thank you for restraining me while my magic was surging."

Celestia smiled gently, "I think you may have struck on something there. I will approach after you say this and offer you an honorary position in the crown warlocks, to be instructed how to control such powers. You get to continue learning magic, and self-control."

Luna spread her wings, "I will personally oversee it."

Celestia looked like she disapproved, but she let Luna have it, "Very well. Luna, you should step forward then. It is well-known you look at him with favor at this point. It will be all the more believable you would offer it."

Silver tilted his head a bit, "Is it that obvious? A mare tried to have me strung up in Luna's court."

Luna nodded, "Tis true. While some ponies may have ascertained our warm relations, many have not. My plan remains the same."

Silver looked up at Celestia specifically, waiting until she returned his gaze. "Are you still... upset with me?"

Celestia looked sad. "The fact that you ask that means you care, but I would be lying to say I am not upset."

Silver didn't like the idea of Celestia being displeased with him. In many ways, she was the example on which all other good ponies should draw. "I'll do my best to calm everyone down. I really didn't want any of this." He trotted to the door, wincing as burned flesh was jostled along the way.

Silver almost collided with Night as she burst into the room.

"Silver!" exclaimed Night Watch, then looking past, "Your majesties! Wait, are you free now?"

Silver shook his head, "Do we still have the bag of bits?"

Night blinked owlishly, "Yes. I hadn't the chance to spend it yet. Why?"

Silver sat down, "Go fetch it."

Night looked at him skeptically, then left in a hurry.

Luna stepped up behind Silver, looming over his small form. "What manner of trickery are you planning? We can see it hatching."

Silver swiveled an ear back towards her, "Not trickery, just doing what's right."

With a glow, Luna hefted up Silver and Fast, "We should go. I will have Night Watch brought to the stage." Luna set Silver down gently on a wheeled cart where his sore back wouldn't rub against things, then set Fast behind the cart. "Your wife should transport you."

Fast grinned and began nudging Silver along with her magic, apparently having quite the good time of it. It didn't take long before they arrived at the stage where Celestia would raise the sun for special holidays that also doubled as a meeting place when the need arose. Celestia had departed to arrange for the crowd that would fill the place soon. Night Watch arrived shortly with the bag burdening her. She placed it beside Silver then sat with Fast, watching him.

Silver swallowed softly, trying to psyche himself up. Just pretend they're all players in a game, and he's the Game Master. He can give them a story worth hearing...

Author's Note:

How well will the storyteller named Silver win over the crowd, or will they just dig themselves deeper into this new hole?

Luna is upset with Celestia, will it mend or will they drift further apart?

Will they ever combine their might to banish typos from the land?

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