• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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182 - Now I Lay My Head

Silver arrived at home to the anxious faces of his wives. He smiled and moved for each, nuzzling and kissing Night Watch before he moved to Samantha.

Samantha broke the silence, "How did it go?" She had one ear quirked and a curious look in her eyes. "Did you impress everyone?"

Night tilted her head. "I'd wager he did well enough. He doesn't look like he's hurt or angry at the world."

Silver sat down facing the two of them. "Let me ask, what's the public opinion on zebras?"

Night adjusted her glasses. "There aren't enough of them around to really have a lot of opinion."

"They're like ponies, but they're not." Samantha smiled. "I wouldn't mind studying one. Why?"

Silver shook his head. "Ran into one at the party. One being at a fancy party would be a mark in their favor, I suppose, but Night Wing says he slipped me something."

Watch frowned a little. "And didn't do anything about it?"

Silver gestured at himself. "I feel fine, if tired."

Samantha suddenly lifted him with her magic, even if she could only manage a few inches before it proved to be too much. "Time for bed. We can't have our specimen being damaged."

Watch prodded Samantha. "Husband or stallion being hurt. Living things don't get 'damaged'."

"Whichever you prefer calling it." Samantha pointed at the bed. "We'll see you in the morning, and during the night, I suppose."

Silver climbed up onto his bed with a snort. Samantha had just promised to watch him sleep, and he found it endearing rather than creepy. "I'll tell you both more about it tomorrow." He surrendered to the gentle call of slumber.

The zebra stood before him with a smile. "Ah, I feared you may be the sort to stay up late. Let us speak."

Silver was dreaming. Of that he was certain. "Why are you in my dream?" He was sitting on his human bed, and the zebra was across from him.

The zebra's eyes swept across the room. "What a curious place to dream of, and so alert. I expect most to behave with more confusion at my arrival."

Silver sat up on his haunches. "I didn't know zebras had any magic."

"Ah, that is a mistake ponies often make, just because we don't have horns jutting from our brows." He frowned a little. "There is much that can be accomplished with knowledge, practice, and discipline. I'm not here to--"

"You're in my dream." Silver leaned forward over the zebra. "You're not an unwelcome guest, yet. Start with your name."

The zebra blinked in surprise. "Perhaps they will make a prince of you yet... I am Thobbee, a pleasure to meet you, Prince Silver Watch."

Silver smiled a little. "Hello, Thobee."

"Thobbee. Close, at least." Thobbee returned the smile. "I had thought I would be approaching a guileless pony, but perhaps I was wrong. Were you aware?"

Silver considered a grand lie, but those had rarely worked for him in the end. "My guard saw you slipping something into the drink."

"And she didn't stop it from reaching your lips?" He raised a brow. "It is as well I mean no harm. Let us come to the point. Twilight Sparkle's ascendence to princess was pre-ordained and written years before she was even conceived. The clever could see her coming. You, on the other hoof..." He leaned forward at Silver, looking up at him. "You are an unknown to this land. You are an unknown to fate itself."

Silver hardly liked where the conversation was headed. "Does that bother you?"

"For a disturbance, you are a gentle creature." Thobbee tapped the bed beneath him. "You are also hardly alone. A princess rises when there is need for a princess. The fact that you exist implies there was need for you, but the fact that you were not even hinted at implies this need was sudden and unexpected. Fate itself was taken by surprise, and that should worry all of us." He smiled thinly. "I came to find that reason, and I may have found it."

Silver felt his body, imagined as it might be in a dream, tense. "And what would that be?" Would this be the part where the zebra demands he leave Equestria or some other grandiose order?

"The humans." He held up a hoof and a random, but very human, face appeared above it. "They are a sudden and pervasive presence. Most are gentle, some are not. Whatever force brings them seems to prefer humans that aren't warlike, despite the opinion of a few humans I've spoken to. They say their tribe is capable of great things, both good and bad, but those I've met, yourself included, seem to be on the more positive side."

Silver felt himself relax a little. "That makes sense." It really did. Was he to a prince of humans? It was more sensible than 'friendship', as if anyone could claim dominion over such a thing. "Did you come to verify the possibility?"

"I wanted to know also what you thought of it." He raised a brow. "Just because a crown is being forced on your head doesn't mean you'll rise to the position, or treat it well. What sort of ruler of your own people will you be?"

The idea sent a chill down Silver's spine. "A kind one, I'd hope. Ultimately, I'd do what I'm already doing, being a go-between for humans and ponies to get along, and helping humans adapt to this world, with its wonders and dangers."

Thobbee thrust a hoof at Silver. "And when our luck runs dry? It is a matter of time before we see the other side of humanity. Whatever effect filters the humans will not be perfect, and we will see the darker side of your tribe. What will you do then?"

Silver hadn't really considered it before, but did then. "He or she would need to face justice, like any criminal. If they hurt others around themselves, they should be contained, then approached. With hope, talked to, calmed, and brought around."

"And if they refuse?" Thobbee rose to his full height, but he was smaller than Silver's expanded form. "What then?"

Silver imagined a disagreeable human locked away in a pony jail and frowned. Not only would that be a sad state, but any clever person would outwit the ponies eventually and exact a terrible revenge for the trip. "I'm not sure..."

"That answer is more comforting than you would think." Thobbee gave a slow nod. "I do not expect you to know the answers to these questions, so if I can pose them to you, that is good enough."

Silver looked over the striped zebra curiously. "Did you really just want to talk?"

"That's it." He smiled a little. "Where few could witness our conversation."

"Few, but not none." The door to Silver's room swung open and a familiar shape entered from outside. Luna nodded to Silver, but most of her attention was on Thobbee. "You are intruding."

Silver held up a hoof quickly. "He's alright. We're just talking."

Thobbee rose to his hooves. "Perhaps I should go. I have disturbed your dreams long enough."

"Wait! Please." Silver got to his own hooves. "Thobbee, right? It's nice to meet you, really. I want to be a positive force for this world."

Thobbee smiled at Silver. "That is my hope as well. Human in a pony's skin, live well, and help others to do the same." He faded away with a soft pop.

Luna closed the door behind her before moving to take the spot Thobbee had. "What did he want?"

Silver shook his head a little. His meeting with the zebra went far better in the waking world than the dream implied, but could mean... "Luna, have you talked with the zebra much?"

She raised a brow down at Silver. As much as he sat over the zebra, she sat over him. "Shady people. Their magic works in subtle ways, with a dash of ancestor worship and shamanism and a generous helping of advanced alchemy and herbalism. They think in complex ways and can turn on a dime if they spot an opportunity. Good allies, but opportunistic ones. I don't particularly favor them, nor do I greatly dislike them. We are told you attended a social function today. How did that go?"

Silver tilted his head. Word got around quickly. "I think it went well, overall. I didn't make much a fool out of myself and got invited to another, so I'd rate that as a success. Do you ever go to such things?"

"We should think not." Luna sighed softly. "To have myself or Celestia present would divert the entire proceeding. You are fortunate to not be as 'large' a presence, yet. That may yet change. What will you do then?"

Silver considered a moment and thought to Celestia. "I could host my own get togethers."

"You could." Luna leaned forward. "Celestia thought to do so, to bring levity with her gala, but it became a bore, and a chore. Few came to have levity, fewer still with her. Poor sister, she would dearly wish for a function where ponies had fun around her, to see her 'little ponies' smiling and making merry."

Silver held up a hoof lower to the ground. "Invite younger ponies." Luna raised a brow silently, so he continued. "Invite foals and their parents first. A bunch of foals in a room will want to play. It's their nature. Their parents will talk about their foals instead of making with royal gossip." He was about to say something else, but aborted the idea. "Heh, I was going to suggest contests."

"And why would that be bad?"

"Parents would become obsessed with their foals winning them, and that would be less fun, for the foals and the parents. No, no contests." Silver shook his head. "Just games, with no prizes, and preferably no winners, then everyone can win."

Luna gave a soft smile. "That sounds like a charming event. If you should make it, you will invite us, we hope?"

That brought another thought to Silver. "Why haven't you had children?"

Luna started at the abrupt question. "I... have. All lunar ponies are distantly related to me. Celestia as well. It's how our most prominent prince is one by blood, being Celestia's distant cousin."

That was a change. What had all that furor in the dream meant? As he puzzled over it, Luna studied him intently. "Did you think us a blushing filly, hoping for our first date?" She twitched an ear at him. "We know spells for the pursuit of an evening's distraction that would give you a permanent blush. We are not unaware of what our night is often used for."

Author's Note:

I made Thobbee's name from the same language that Zecora came from. How's that for dedication? :D

What a typo of a dream, filled with everything but peace.

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