• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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124 - A Restful Night

Silver settled in his bed beside Night, but sleep did not come quickly. A little niggling thought poked at him, and he turned that poke into Night.

She grumbled softly. "Tired..."

"I have a question."

Night rolled over to face Silver. "Can it wait?"

Could it? Probably, but... "Why are you just about the only visibly pregnant pony I've seen in Equestria?"

The question seemed to catch Night off guard and she went silent a moment.

"Is it a bad question?" Silver tilted his head a little.

"No! No... You're right. I mean, there are ways to hide it, and most ponies do, like your mom for instance."

"She wouldn't be caught easily like that." Trixie glared at them from the other bed before she snuggled back in with Rough Draft.

Night rubbed behind her head with a hoof. "Ah... I... Well..." She glanced away and back at Silver. "Luna said it would... Do you like it?"

It all became clear to Silver. "You're showing off for me?!" The idea was both upsetting and endearing at once.

Night shrank a little. "Do you like it?"

Did he? Silver looked over the rounded form of Night and leaned in, gently rubbing noses. "I like you, a lot. I love the idea that you're swelling with our foals, but would it be easier for you to hide it?"

Night gave him a little poke. "Answer it plainly. Do you like it?"

Silver frowned a little. "I think I do, but I would gladly give that up if it makes you happier, without even a second thought."

Night nuzzled into his cheek. "I'll bear that in mind... Thank you, now get some sleep." She held him close, her form still round and warm, and he nestled with her. They both faded from the waking world in their shared embrace.

Silver awoke on his human bed and stretched out. He was dreaming and knew it. He was ready to idle the night away as he did most nights.

A knock came from his door, surprising him. He sat up on his bed. "Come in?"

Luna pushed open the door and entered with a serious look. "Is.... this a bad time?"

Silver perked his ears in surprise. "No! No, of course not."

Luna hopped up on the bed as it became large enough for the both of them easily. She settled on her haunches, looking down at him. "I've been thinking... I will say some things, and I would like you to listen before you reply. Is that acceptable?"

Silver nodded quietly.

"Good... When we first met, I was a distant voice. The next, I was a stern guard, giving instructions, but little more... The time after that, I stripped you of your birth form and clad you in the form you now wear." She smiled a little. "'Tis a fine form... You were asked a price for this... service... A price you have repaid, but continue to pay. Through blood, loyalty, and effort, you have been a faithful servant to the crown." She set a hoof at her chest. "I wronged you. I threw wide your soul and learned more than I should ever have. In revenge, you demanded nothing but my companionship. It was... a modest request, and one I failed to honor. I betrayed you terribly, first in assaulting you, then in failing to uphold the one promise..." She hung her head. "Cadance was there after that. She begged me... She beseeched I let you go to find your own path and your own love, and you have, almost in spite of me. I brought Night into your life, but that feels almost tangential..."

Luna sat up, tapping at the bed with muffled thuds. "My presence was and remains a weight around your neck, one which you bear with a smile. You look at me with a fondness... I don't deserve." She turned to the side. "I have realized this. I truly, truly... I don't deserve this. I almost killed you where you stood. I attacked your mind under false pretenses, under the guise of a suicide that never occurred. I deserve nothing to do with you. Even if I were to shed all reservations, and your wife were to as well, it would be a fruit that does not belong to me. I am ready to face the consequences of my actions."

Silver squirmed a little at her retelling. At the hint of a pause, he rose a hoof.

"Not yet." She reached for him, running a hoof over his snout. "Almost, but not yet. If you would be so kind, I would like us not to part forever. I would wish your hoof, not in marriage or courtship, but as friends. True friends, equals. If you can find it in your heart to let go of our past trysts, and my brutal assaults, that is all I want. Silver, will you be my friend?"

Silver felt breathless, even though he knew he was dreaming and was not really breathing. "I..." He wanted to say of course he'd be friends! But something held him back. Rushing would only scare her. "Luna, we should talk to Night Watch."

Luna smiled a little. "We should. May I bring her here?"

The door swung open, admitting a confused-looking Night Watch into the room. She looked around a moment before focusing on Silver and Luna. "Why aren't you two busy making foals? Isn't that how this dream usually works?"

"Nay, this is no dream, or nightmare." Luna gestured closer. "Join us, please. We would speak with you."

Night squinted suspiciously at Luna before she hopped up. "This is a waking dream? Fine. Then I'll say what I want. Stay away from my husband! He's mine and you can't have him. You've hurt him plenty enough."

"I concede this. Silver?"

Silver pulled Night close to his side with his magic, or was that just dreaming willpower? "She's withdrawn all desire to join me or you as anything, but she would like to be our friend."

"If you would permit..."

Night raised a brow, looking between Silver and Luna. "How can I know this isn't a farce to work into his bed, literally, later?"

Luna raised a hoof. "Then we shall set the first rule. If you do not invite me, Night Watch, wife of Silver Watch, then I have no business even thinking of such things. To even ask of it is to break my word... as good as that is currently..."

Night nodded slowly. "I'm glad you realize that..." She let out a slow breath. "But you want to be friends?"

She smiled with smoldering hope. "I do... If I deserve even that. I have abandoned all thoughts of further. Your family is your own. I have forfeit all rights to even ruminate on intruding further than I have."

Night suddenly frowned. "Do we get a vote in that? Not to say I'm eager to welcome you right now, but this is still you, deciding for us, again."

Silver started at that. Night's words made sense to him. "She's right, you're making the decision here, again."

Luna smiled, a haunted and sad one. "I am truly a terrible would-be mate. The one rule I have proposed puts it entirely in your hooves, Night Watch. Until you say as such, I will be a friend."

Night let out a little sigh. "I'd like that. No more trickery. No more violence, ever." She scowled at Luna. "We are both loyal to the crown, and even your ungrateful hide. You may deserve a good kick from me, but you know neither of us will ever attack you. I'd like that returned."

Luna raised a hoof. "On this we swear. As I spoke to Silver, we would be equals. We cannot truly be friends while I remain your princess, so I will be your princess no longer. Now we are friends."

Night raised a brow. "Ponies won't accept that."

Luna shrugged. "They are not important. This is between me and you both. We will keep proprieties in public, but away from their eyes, we have no titles between us. Is this acceptable?"

Night looked to Silver, who nodded gently. "I would like all this hurt to start to heal, and being friends sounds like a step in the right direction."

Luna smiled gently. "Good... Then I will take my leave. Friends don't intrude on other friends' dreams without just cause, and we are done for now." She rose to leave.

Night rose up on the bed. "How do I get back to my dream?"

"Do you want to?" Luna looked over her shoulder. "You could enjoy your time with your husband. None can bother you here." She was gone, the door closing behind her.

Night tilted her head a little, then turned to Silver. "Huh, no parents here..."

Silver sat up. "Just us two."

Night flashed a grin. "We could do whatever we wanted..."

"Anything at all."

Night suddenly slammed down a bag of dice. "Let's do it!"

It wasn't what Silver had been thinking, but he laughed and gladly ran a game for his wife. It was a game he could only run in his dreams.

They awoke together, hugging close. A little giggle drew their eyes to see Trixie looking at them over the top of the bed, Rough just beside her, both watching them. She giggled again.

Night kicked off the blanket, burying Trixie and Rough. "Good morning."

Silver rose up and shook himself out. "How long were you two staring at us?"

Rough shrugged a little as he worked free of the blanket. "Long enough to admire just how lovely a pair of foals we have. You two look so peaceful together."

Trixie grinned widely. "How can Trixie's foals be anything less than fantastic? She's simply admiring her work."

Celestia smiled at the rousing Luna. "How did it go?"

Luna offered no reply. She sat up and let out a little sigh.

It was enough to let Celestia know things had not gone as planned. "Did he spurn you? Did she?" She followed after Luna until she vanished into the bathroom, leaving Celestia just outside. "Sister, speak to me."

"I called it off," spoke Luna in a tiny voice.

"Called it off?" Celestia raised a brow. "What of our plan?"

Luna splashed water on her face. "I'm not ready. I never was. Sister... thank you, for trying, but my heart and mind are too immature for this. I need to learn to be a mare worth being with before trying."

Celestia developed a little frown, an expression she did not favor. "You know he would have been patient as you learned."

"And I would have been assaulting him the entire time. I have wronged him enough. It is done." Luna turned off the faucet and shuddered.

"Did you ask him to never speak to you again?"

"I asked him to be a friend, which is all we should have been from the start." She smiled a little. "I can write you friendship reports, if you prefer."

Celestia could feel the soft acid there, born of an injured soul. "What of making him a Prince Consort?"

"You make him a Prince Consort if you like the idea so much!" Luna lowered her head and looked away. "I'm sorry... Sister... please. That was very difficult to do."

Celestia gently knocked on the door. "May I come in? We are sisters still."

The door opened a crack and Celestia entered. She embraced her little sister and they were quiet together.

Celestia nipped at one of Luna's ears. She broke the silence with a taunt, "I may take you up on that."

Luna scowled at Celestia. "Do it if you wish it. I will bear no ill will towards you. You haven't hurt him or betrayed his trust." She shrank on herself. "I would only ask that you do not taunt me with the details, and that you do not hurt him. As his friend, I will protect him, even from my sister. Do not play with his emotions."

Celestia squeezed Luna tightly. "There's the fire I love so much. You'll find another stallion, Lulu, don't lose hope." She rose to her hooves, tall and towering. "I hate to bring this up, but the wedding is coming up. I trust you've selected a gift?"

Luna rose to her own height, not quite matching Celestia's stature. "It is your turn to select a gift, sister."

"Is it?"

"I handled Cadance and Shining Armor, yes."

Celestia nodded as she turned away. "Then I'll give it some thought."

Author's Note:

Luna suffered a sudden typo in her plans to seal the deal with Silver, instead signing a contract that reads 'Friend Zone, population, you.'

How serious was Celestia being?

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