• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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180 - Dinner Date

Silver strode towards the meeting, fidgeting slightly as he went. He was dressed up in a fancy tuxedo. It wasn't a perfect fit, but they didn't really plan for an alicorn to drop in so suddenly.

"This is the closest we have for you," insisted the thin unicorn known as Sassy Saddles. "Why don't you come back after your little get-together and we'll get you properly sized? I'm sure Rarity--"

"You know Rarity?"

Sassy had pointed to the sign at the front of the store. "This is her boutique, Canterlot branch. As I was saying, I'm certain she'd love the challenge of making an outfit fit for a prince, but since you need it today, this is the closest we have."

And so there was Silver, pulling at his clothing nervously with little tugs of his magic as he trotted up to the door and focused his magic on the knocker before hesitating. It was a perfect time to practice. He let his magic go, channeling the telekinesis in a cloud that he stuffed through the cracks of the door and beyond, reaching into the unknown past it.

He could feel at least five ponies quickly. Three stallions, two mares, all unicorns, which made sense enough. That was Canterlot, afterall. No wait, there was an earth pony? He felt over the anomaly a moment. Stallion, moderate build, jeweled... Suddenly his magic fizzled and he was left with a mild headache that started to clear quickly, but something had dispelled his efforts. How curious...

The door opened suddenly, revealing not an earth pony, but a zebra stallion that looked at him with a raised brow.

"Oh! Hello." Had he been noticed? "Nice to meet you, I'm--"

"Silver Watch, we've been told." The zebra stepped back. "Next time try to introduce yourself with less magic."

Silver colored faintly as he proceeded inside. There was Fancy Pants, beside Fleur and talking with several other unicorns. With a smile, Silver proceeded towards the familiar faces. "Sorry about that."

Fancy looked up as Silver approached. "Ah, here's the stallion of the hour. Our uncrowned prince." He coughed into a hoof. "As they said at Princess Twilight's coronation, 'Behold.'"

The other unicorns turned to regard Silver curiously. A stallion looked him up and down. "I guess that makes sense enough?"

"What does?" asked a mare.

He pointed at Silver. "The colt that could barely control his magic came to this. It was his destiny from the start."

That got a nod from all of them, unified in the ideal of fate at work. One of the mares circled around Silver. "I heard the most fascinating things about you--"

Fancy cleared his throat, commanding all eyes towards him. "We'll have plenty of chances to get to know Silver. He'll be joining us today, but let's not overwhelm him." He leaned a bit closer to the crowd. "He's a bit new to the scene, but he's eager to learn."

Silver felt himself relax. He was in good hooves with Fancy around. Where was Night Wi-- He jumped as he looked to the right and found Night Wing standing beside him as if she had always been there.

"I said I'd be here." She was wearing a sheer and glistening dress that covered her form. Before, he would have been blind to it, but he had internalized what made a pony pretty or not, and that dress was certainly flattering. "Stop staring at me." She frowned. "Keep your eyes on the nobles. They're the ones you need to impress."

One of the noble mares glanced between Night Wing and Silver. "Is she with you?"

Silver considered a dozen excuses before settling on the truth. "Let me introduce a bodyguard and esteemed servant of mine, Night Wing, proud member of the Warlocks."

That drew a chorus of impressed noises as some pressed close to start pressing her for questions, which she addressed tersely.

Fleur pressed against Silver's side. "You've grown into such a fine stallion." She raised her brows together. "You must be so proud."

Silver warmed. The contact felt like a little more than a friendly bump. "I'm more than a little nervous, really. I want to do what's right for Equestria."

Fancy raised a glass held in his magic. "I'll drink to that." His words prompted a toast as many glasses rose together. "To Equestria!" they clinked together and drinks were had.

The zebra nodded towards Silver. "Tell me, where did you learn such advanced magics?"

Silver felt on the spot. Most of them were likely unaware he had done anything. "I learned a lot of tricks with Cel--"

A stallion perked up. "She did it again! Princess Celestia certainly knows how to find the talented ones."

That wasn't what he had meant, but close enough by his measure.

It wasn't enough for the zebra, who looked him up and down. "I'm told you don't have a 'traditional' marriage."

That raised many curious brows. One of the mares flashed a smile. "Please, tell us and dispel the rumors. What sort of arrangement do you really have?"

Silver glanced at Night Wing, but she was answering her own questions and not paying him much mind. Some help she was. "I actually went... more traditional. I am the stallion of my herd. Night Watch is my first wife."

"How decadent," declared a stallion.

"Indeed," agreed a mare, but she was colored as if the idea didn't entirely repulse her. "Do you treat your mares as property?"

Silver's eyes widened. "Oh no! Just like any good marriage, there has to be love." He took a slow breath. "I--"

The Zebra suddenly spoke, "Do they love each other?"

Silver blinked. "Y-yes. I have two wives, Night Watch and Samantha, and while I adore them both, they are also extremely close to each other. I think that's the best way to do it, like an extended family."

One of the stallions nodded. "I can hardly keep up with the one I have." He got nudged for that, but continued. "I should imagine any more would need to get along very well. Those are the sort of arguments that could leave a stallion in pieces."

Fleur draped herself over Silver in that graceful way she tended to move. "And how would a mare enter this herd of yours? I imagine that is the question in many heads right now."

That was a bit too much, but how did he nudge her away without being rude? He slipped his magic out around her and put an inch between them despite her still leaning on him. "Well, I'd be the wrong one to ask."

Fancy raised a brow at that. "I should think you'd be the first to ask?"

The zebra shook his head. "Of this I know. The one to approach is the first wife. Only she may even consider bringing in other ponies, then it is seconded by the stallion. I have heard tales of it being with and without speaking to the other wives."

How did the conversation get to be entirely about his family structure? "We wouldn't dream of doing it without everyone's approval."

Mercifully, that topic shifted as a mare asked, "When are they going to do your coronation? It's indecent to have a prince without one, and unusual for Princess Celestia to put it off."

Silver smiled at the crowd. "Actually, I was hoping I could get a few tips about that." Eyes turned towards him. "I wasn't born noble, and I don't want to embarrass her, or our lovely country. Will you show me a few things?"

Suddenly advice was the only thing he didn't want for. In turn each gave a few bits of advice on how to stand, how to talk, how to address other ponies of higher and lower standing. It was almost enough to forget about his uncomfortable suit, almost.

A unicorn approached with a platter of food and held it in his magic before the crowd. "Refreshments?" Others stood closeby with refills of wine and less hard drinks, and the chat died down as several availed themselves of the offered treats.

Wing was suddenly by Silver's side and paying attention to him. "You're doing fine."

"Where were you?"

"Ready to act if needed, which I haven't needed." She glanced at the zebra enjoying a cracker with something on it. "I don't trust that one. Foreign, knows more than he's letting on..."

Silver couldn't argue that, not directly. "He knew I was using magic before."

"Huh, trained..." Wing scowled. "I'll keep an eye on him."

She vanished into the crowd as well as she did shadows, and Silver was left alone as the conversation picked up. It was, thankfully, not about him but instead some noble that had divorced and remarried for the fourth time, the scandal of it all. Silver nodded along, but felt no particularly strong emotions about a pony's handling of their personal affairs.

Fleur turned towards a hallway. "May I take a moment of your time?" She wandered off with a little sway to her hips that Silver caught. It was a trap, he figured, though not the kind that'd land him in the hospital, but worse. He valued Fancy as a friend, and wanted to keep that.

He nudged Fancy gently. "Come on, nothing two stallions can't handle."

"Too right." He fell in with Silver and they went to assist Fleur.

They navigated the hallway easily and found a door cracked open. Fancy opened it with his magic and stepped inside to find Fleur laying on a couch, giving her best come hither look that disintegrated quickly into surprise at Fancy being there at all. "W-what? I..." Her look returned suddenly. "You really do like groups."

Fancy colored in a way Silver hadn't seen before. "Dear, please. This is most unbecoming."

Silver felt he should say something, but what? "I'm sorry, but marriage is an important promise." He closed the door behind them. "Fleur, can I help?"

She seemed surprised at the question. "You clearly don't want to help." She rose up to her hooves, frowning.

"Not like that." Silver smiled gently. "I mean you. You have a lovely husband, caring and loving. Tell me, what would make you stray? No judgement."

Fancy raised a brow. "I can't promise to oblige that, dear boy. You're... Fleur, did I treat you poorly?"

Fleur looked between the two stallions. "I don't suppose we could just pretend this little scene never happened?" Silver wasn't budging. "I supposed not... Very well, Ambassador." She settled back on the couch. "From colt to counselor. I hope you realize how embarrassing this is for me."

Fancy let out a small breath and turned to Silver. "Look here, I... understand where you're going, I think, but... Is this proper?"

Silver extended a hoof towards Fancy. "You've given me so much. If I can help, please? If you don't want it, I'll back out of this room and pretend I saw nothing. Embarrassing either of you is so far outside my goal. I just want to be a friend."

Fancy quirked a smile as he settled down. "Most friends don't rush to be involved in such matters. You're something else. Very well, I'll allow it."

Author's Note:

Fleur makes a bold move that turns right into a typo. Perhaps this mistake can turn into something good?

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