• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 7,837 Views, 6,677 Comments

Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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310 - Easy as ABC

Maribelle moved the wood blocks. Each was brightly colored and in the shape of a Ponish letter. She could arrange them to make words, and she did just that. A big smile was on her face as she went through the words she knew, but also tried to sound out other words. "Nice try."

There was her teacher, a female unicorn. Most of the teachers in Canterlot were unicorns. Most of the people in Canterlot were unicorns, so this tracked. "But instead of an F there, it's P H. It's one of those odd cases you just have to memorize." She tapped her head softly. "I know it's dumb, but it's the language we have."

One advantage of an all adult class, one could admit when something was just dumb or illogical. Adults were more likely to accept that life was far from perfect. "You're making great progress. Fix that word." she pointed at the blocks Maribelle was using. "Then write it down yourself. I know you can do it!"

Her new teacher was warm and encouraging. She let Maribelle play with the blocks, giving new words to try at times, but mostly letting her amble forward at her own pace with supervision and constant warm feedback.

And it was working! More importantly, perhaps, but Maribelle was enjoying the lessons she had previously dreaded. She was mastering the written language, slowly, but measurably. She could read more, and write more. She was becoming a real... What was she becoming? In Equestria, reading was assumed. A pony that couldn't read was the strange one.

Under that lens, she was becoming functional. That wasn't much to celebrate. But she wasn't a pony, and only recently did she become Equestrian. No, it wasn't fair to judge herself like that. She brought both palms together on her cheeks, slapping herself out of that mindset. She had been a slave, who had no need to read nor write, and so was never taught. Those that could were rare and valuable. She was becoming that, not some inept adult moron.

Besides! It was her master, er, master's wife, that had ordered the lessons! Maribelle was increasing her own value considerably. She had a lot to be proud of. She sat up tall and moved over the P and the H into place. She grabbed the quill and got to writing the word herself, tongue curling as she said each letter as she wrote them.

She would become literate. She was doing it!

She let out a little burbling coo of excitement, advancing on the others.

The lunar unicorn and earth pony regarded the solar pegasus filly that approached them, but the moment she was within hooves reach, that reservation became joy. The three giggled and squealed as they began to play without further delay.

Whiskers set her hands on her little hips. "I didn't see a problem there. Sir, I'll keep an eye on all three of them." She turned to Rough Draft, who was watching the three little foals. "It's my job, to keep the foals safe and happy. I'm sure you have other duties."

Rough Draft had a bit of a dopey smile. His daughter at play was just too cute to ignore, and thus he ignored Whiskers a moment. "Huh? Oh! Right... Thank you." He dipped his head at the little mouse. "Forgive me for asking, but I never saw... one of you before."

That was not technically a question, but Whiskers was trained well enough to not point that out. "I'm a servant of your son. He treats me quite well, and I treat his children well in return. A fair trade. I will guard your little girl just the same."

Rough leaned in, snuffling a little at the mouse. "You're so small, again, no offense, but couldn't they just... knock you over?"

"Oh, they have," laughed out Whiskers. "One of their favorite things to do. But I still get them washed and keep them out of trouble. It's my job, sir."

Rough thrust his snout right past Whiskers, getting poked and pounced upon by several eager little foals. "It must be quite the chore." He was large enough that their playing was nothing but adorable. They had little odds of shoving him if he didn't want to be. "I'm sorry, I must sound like a jerk. Of course you have this. This is your job. You just said that."

"No offense taken, sir." To take offense could be a deadly mistake, before, but Equestria wasn't like that. "If I may?"

"Hm? Go ahead." He sat up out of the reach of the children. "What's on your mind?"

"You lack confidence, sir." She waggled a small finger up at him. "And it spreads to other things. You can't trust yourself, so you can't trust other people. It's not malicious, but it's there."

Rough's ears pricked straight up. Was he just called out?! He was... "Huh..." A sudden smile appeared. "If I had known such a lovely people existed, I would have used them."

Whiskers had her turn to be confused. "Used them, sir?"

"In my books." Rough nodded firmly. "Playing bipeds is half the point, and I never made a race of insightful and charming mice before. A mistake, obviously." He raised a hoof to his chin. "Bold despite their size, or maybe even because of it. I think a lot of ponies would get quite... Yes..." He coiled to grab a quill out of his saddlebag and got to scribbling without delay. "I don't want to make it too based on the real thing. The idea isn't to reflect the reality we already live in, so this will be a fantasy take on the idea."

"A fantasy..." Whiskers watched Rough write franatically. "But of me and... people like me?"

"Bipeds," offered Rough, finishing his initial note for later. "We started with humans, but we've branched out quite a bit. Soon, mice. Thank you, for the inspiration."

"Always happy to help." But she wasn't looking at him. She was hurrying over to stop the foals from getting into trouble. The task of a foalsitter was rarely one got a long break from.

"Two statues have been removed." Night bowed towards Twilight, ruling princess of the land. "I will start on the last shortly. She will not be easy, but I have an idea, ma'am. If you'd arrange a little something?"

Twilight looked quite pleased. "I see, good. You've already moved faster than I dared hope. How are Cozy Glow and Tirek doing, so far?"

"Cozy Glow is in the company of Star Swirl. Neither has sent back communication implying either are unhappy, ultimately." Night frowned faintly. "He is a stepping stone, I admit."

Twilight's wings spread a bit on their own before she could command them back down. "Stepping stone? How do you mean?"

"Cozy Glow is an adult female." Night worried her hooves together, pantomiming along. "She has certain needs that even she's long forgotten. But she will remember. Star Swirl is a geriatric stallion. It is unlikely he can deliver on that need. Eventually, she will branch out and make another friend. Fortunately, neither of them made this a romantic relationship, even if I place a good 73% odds on Cozy Glow imagining it possible."

Twilight colored, but did not flee the subject matter. "You're underestimating Star Swirl. The hardest part, from where I sit, will be for Cozy to impress on him that she wants a romantic connection. Once they're past that, I think he can, and would, rise to the occasion. He is a talented pony by most measures. Let's have a little faith in him."

Night inclined her head. "That is another potential hurdle. He may simply not wish to be involved with a mare with such a troublemaking history. While, ideally, we would allow criminals to leave their troubles in the past, to assume this among every pony would be foolish."

Twilight opened her mouth for a hot denial, but then she reconsidered Star Swirl and her mouth shut again. "He... Hm. Well, he hasn't banished her to another world, so... There's a chance." She shrugged softly. "And Tirek?"

"Tirek's case is simpler, but..." She turned in place towards one of the stained glass windows. "It will be hard, for him, and his family. He has returned to his home kingdom, to be treated for his magical addictions. With hope and diligence, they will wean him back into healthy function. There is no assurance he will ever fully recover."

Twilight flinched at the report. "Tragic... But, also, one of his own doing. Let that be a lesson for any other that thinks easy power through stolen magic is the way to go." A scroll vanished, carrying away that exact thought. "Still, a success on your part. Thank you for handling this so diligently. Your family has become quite an asset for the country."

Night adjusted her glasses, turning back to Twilight. "That phrasing raises questions. What has 'my family' done?"

Twilight inclined her head faintly. "Well, there's your husband, to start. The first proper prince Equestria has seen in quite some time. He's brought peace and kindness with him. A little on the, hm, docile side, but this is a kingdom ruled by its princesses, so that's for the best perhaps? Your children, one of them is a new tribe entirely. Your servants are new creatures we had almost no exposure to before, given a chance to comingle."

She stepped down from her throne. "And you." She directed a hoof at Night, not fully extended. "You brought an entirely new magic to the land, and share it with eager students. You are reforming three of the greatest villains we ever had to deal with. That you are a service to the crown can hardly be debated!" Twilight nodded with calm confidence. These were just facts. "Your family. Ah. I almost forgot one."

Twilight stopped to the side of Night. "Your adopted daughter. She puts out papers, a lot of them. Many of them are difficult to parse and somewhat... rambling... but she keeps making them. Samantha is a genius. It may take a generation or two of ponies to fully appreciate what she's discovered, but she writes it down. All of it. Even the parts we likely didn't ever need to know." She raised a hoof to her chin. "She has no filter. This may be part of the problem. Still, she learns, and she shares. Exactly what I'd want in a princess of science."

Night sat up, ears twitching. "I heard she had... She has a title?!"

"Not officially," admitted Twilight. "But I can't even imagine her not being that. It's what she is. She is a princess, that much is plain on looking at her. What else would she be princess of? With me, there was doubt, at first... I was so unsure... But she barely understands what the word 'doubt' is when it comes to her research and constant exploration of the world and its working. I'm jealous, in a way." She turned to face Night fully. "To be so clear of thought and purpose?"

Night turned to return the look. "Before you admire it too strongly, know that it comes with a lack of foresight and a near criminal lack of periphery vision for what effects will occur as a result of her actions. She is not perfect."

"What pony is?" Twilight shrugged gently. "Certainly not me, or you. But, back to point, yes, your family."

"I see." Night was still and quiet a moment. "Is that family something you want to be part of?"

Twilight went rigid, which was an answer in itself, even if she didn't say so. "Why would you ask that?"

Night ran the numbers. "If I try to deny you, the odds of it going off track for me are 81%." She frowned softly. "So I will just ask. I worked hard and long, for years, to make this family work. Please respect that, and don't ruin what you admire."

Author's Note:

I am pleased with this chapter overall. Learning and movement starting. All good things, and some really nice interactions, I think. What do you see?

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