• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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105 - Facing more Physical Issues

Silver's eyes fluttered open with a soft grunt. The waking world... why did it hurt? "It hurts to let us know it's real." Not that the dream world was devoid of pain. Existence, it had plenty of pain around in it, reminding one they were alive. He looked down and saw Night draped over his casted form, sleeping. He smiled at her. "Thank you."

With a little magic, he pet through her mane and gave her a soft hug, but she was thoroughly out. How long had he been out? How long had she waited for him? He looked to the window to see it appeared to be night.

"Feeling better?" It was the nurse from the first time he had wandered into the infirmary. "Good to see you up."

On one hoof he was glad to not be alone, on the other, he didn't want Night's sleeping disturbed. He couldn't imagine she was sleeping well while he was a total wreck. "Thank you. Have you seen Discord?"

She looked confused. "The mismatched one?"

"That's the one." Silver tried to sit up, but that resulted in very little.

"Easy there, you aren't going anywhere for a while."

Silver frowned at that. "He has what could get me moving a lot faster." He licked his lips. "Is she alright?" He indicated with a mild twist of his neck and his eyes towards Night.

Night nuzzled into his neck suddenly. "I'm fine." Her teeth were felt as she began nipping at him softly. "How'd it go?"

Silver smiled at her affection, squeezing her with a new grip of his magic. "It went as well as I could have hoped. I got her alone, and we talked."

Night raised a brow. "'You talked'. You make it sound too casual. Did you kick her in the face for what she did?"

Silver frowned a little. "Night... You don't want that."

"Don't tell me what I want..."

The nurse silently wandered off, leaving the couple to their argument. Night slid up and perched on top of him. He couldn't feel her entirely despite her laying across him. The cast didn't allow for such things. "She took you from me. She deserves a good swift kick."

"Eye for an eye leaves us all blind," quoted Silver with a little smile. "Ponies aren't made for that."

"Says who?" She frowned a little, then reached into her pocket and pulled out the engagement shoes, the two that they hadn't worn. "I was an idiot before, but now I can fix it. I'm putting this on you."

Silver's magic caught the shoes, pinning them in place. "Hold on. I'm not accepting any decision you make while you're this upset. Right now, can we be happy we have each other?" He tilted his head a little. "And when'd you take those?"

"Not like I could ask you, sleeping prince." She pouted a little, but released the shoes to float in his grip. "Damn unicorns. Snap them in half and they can still wrestle you."

Silver glanced towards the nurse, but she was busy writing something. In a low voice, he whispered to Night. "Shall we see how well a unicorn can wrestle in this state?"

She seemed confused at first before it clicked and a devious expression spread over her. She glanced over to the nurse as well, then grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them both before they tested exactly how much a unicorn could wrestle in that state.

The answer was not much. Silver bit back little noises when his body protested his motions, but they eventually found ways to celebrate their reunion, letting her be the primary mover and shaker of that bed.

When they had calmed down, snuggling together, he rubbed his cheek against hers. "I haven't given up on her. She was ready to give up on herself, but I'm too stubborn."

Night raised a brow. "What if I just don't want my stallion around a potentially violent mare?"

Silver nipped at Night's snout. "Then we'd have a problem. You're pretty good at violence, when you want to be." He nuzzled softly towards her cheek. "It turns me on a little."

She went hot in her cheeks. "You're just saying that!"

"Prove it."

She couldn't prove or disprove his emotion. She snuggled him, and some of the weight in her soul was let go. She had her stallion back. She had her friend back.

They fell asleep together in a peaceful slumber, both happy to be near the other.

Trixie reared up on her hind legs and swept dramatically with her forehooves over the front of their remodeled house. "Behold!"

Rough Draft gave a soft and appreciative nod. "It's very nice, but why did we add a bedroom?"

Trixie fell to all fours and rolled her eyes at Rough. "Silly stallion, it's for guests, of course, and Trixie knows precisely who will be the first guest in our grand palace."

Rough looked down the street into the town, considering with a mild frown. "Wet Hoof?"

Trixie snorted with an aborted laugh. "Certainly not! That fisherpony isn't worthy of that honor." She produced a sheet of paper and writing began to appear on it in flowing script. "It's long past time we extended a hoof to our adopted son. Why, this is where he first entered Equestria, is it not? It should have some value to him, increased by our presence."

Rough looked surprised at the idea. "I don't want to be a bother... I'm sure he's busy with a thousand things right now."

"Things he can put aside for a week and visit his Great and Wonderful parents." She folded the letter in thirds and began to trot towards the post office. "Do you think he and Celine...?"

Rough colored in his cheeks. "Wouldn't they send a letter if she..."

Trixie wrinkled her nose. "If he takes after his father, no." She dropped the letter on the counter of the post office. "Send this to Silver Lining, Canterlot." She slapped down a few bits to pay for the transport, then turned to Rough. "For all we know, he's not even with her. Maybe he's alone and sad. That would be just like him to forget he has two ponies right here."

Rough frowned delicately in thought. "I would certainly hope that isn't the case. I... guess he can always say no if he really wants to."

"Precisely!" Trixie smiled in a bright display. "But Trixie is certain he won't. It'll be nice to see him again. He may not be related by blood, but he is family, and family shouldn't be apart forever. It's not proper."

He escorted her back towards their home, but she had other things in mind. She got that look in her eyes that he had learned to recognize. She wanted to perform, so he changed course and led her right to the center of town.


Silver and Night woke with a start to find Surprise was seated beside them with a cake held in her forehooves. "Congratulations on the foals!"

He smiled at her and began to laugh, even if it hurt a little. "Good to see you, Surprise."

Night pushed upright and tilted her head at the cake. "How long have you been waiting for us?"

"Oh gosh. It feels like forever." Surprise tapped at her chin with one hoof as the other held up the cake. "But that's all over now, so let's have fun!" She set the cake down beside Silver and reached back, producing a cake cutter from her pocket. "Now who gets the first slice?"

Silver fixed eyes with Night. "It should go to the expectant mother, of course, who's getting more and more pretty every day."

"Flatterer." With burning cheeks, she accepted the plate Surprise offered and took a quick bite out of it. "Mmm, this is really good, Surprise. Have you made a lot of cakes before?"

Surprise tilted her head. "I used to make baked treats every day. A cake is nothing out of the ordinary for me."

Silver accepted his plate with magic as he looked thoughtful a moment. "Have you considered opening a new sweet store here, in Canterlot?"

Surprise raised an empty hoof, then it slowly fell. "I hadn't..." The thought had clearly been planted and was rattling around in her head as she got herself a slice and enjoyed a bite. "Do you think it'd work?"

"Of course it would." Silver tried to sit up again, but his body kindly informed him that wouldn't be happening. "Just imagine Pinkie's face if she ever stopped by, seeing another Sugarcube Corner."

Surprise giggled, which turned into a snort at the end. "I wouldn't call it that."

Night glanced between the two. "What about Sweet Surprise?"

Surprise burst into full-on guffaws, falling over backward. "Oh Oh! I like that one!" She rolled upright quickly, the cake somehow still balancing on the plate. "Do you really think I can do it?"

Silver smiled gently at her. "Look who we're talking about here? Since when couldn't you do anything you put your mind to?"

Surprise's smile only widened. "You're absolutely right!" She hopped up on her hind legs. "With friends like you two, I bet I could do anything!" She set down the cake and held the smaller plate with her slice. "But right now, I want to celebrate." She lifted her plate high. "To future foals! To happy ponies, and good friends."

Night raised her plate, balanced as it was on her wings. "To bright futures, and captive husbands."

Silver snorted at that, but he was smiling. "To good friends and good times." He lifted his plate with his magic. Only then did they take their next bite.

They talked warmly and enjoyed the baked treat. It was a low-key party, just as Night had requested, and she rewarded Surprise with a hug that was returned in a tight embrace. Silver was at once both jealous and horrified at the idea of receiving such a powerful hug in his current state.

The party was winding down when a pony wandered in, wearing the bright blues and yellows of a mailpony. "Excuse me? They said a mister 'Silver Lining' was in here?"

Night raised a brow. "News is still spreading." She pointed at Silver's prone form. "Here he is, what do you have?" She hopped from the bed and approached the mailpony. "I'll take it."

Silver wrinkled his nose. "I still have my magic. I'll get it."

It became a race. The pony pulled out a letter and Silver's magic snatched for it even as she grabbed for it with her snout. He ended up with a secure grip on one end and her on the other, like wrestling with a naughty puppy. "Night, please, it's my letter."

"Ooo Ooo, can I play?!" Surprise bounced in place a little, looking eager to get in on the fun.

Author's Note:

The next arc is coming in and it isn't patient.

Trixie never was.

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