• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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121 - Ambassadorial Duties

Silver was probing through that first chapter. There was already so much to learn. One of the first things it had was a new spell it urged he dedicate to memory. It would let him feel through his telekinesis more finely and could, with practice, be used almost without thought during the act of using the telekinesis itself. The book urged that the habit be made, and to consider the unicorn magic as another, much more dynamic, limb.

So that's what he was doing, trying to get a feel for the spell and for how he could touch and examine things at a distance.

"What are you doing?" Night asked, lying on their bed and watching him.

Silver turned his silvery attention to Night, scratching her about the ears and slowly petting along her form. He could feel the smooth flow of her fur, the warmth of her full and round form. It was truly as if he had hands again though hands could never pet and examine Night all over at once like that.

A soft knock at the door jerked both of their attentions. Silver hopped to his hooves. "Come in!"

A day guard nudged open the door with a letter hovering beside him. "Message from Princess Celestia. Your presence is requested."

Silver perked an ear curiously even as he took the letter with his magic. With his enhanced sensitivity, he could feel the other pony's magic as their fields rubbed against one another. It was strange and a little like touching a live wire before they came apart. The paper felt crisp and neatly folded. He easily unfolded it, breaking its seal, and there was Celestia's equally crisp handwriting or was that hoofwriting he supposed...

It is with shame that I write you, Ambassador Watch. I know you were promised time off, but there is a matter that I think only you can adjudicate fairly. A human male has been accused of most heinous crimes, and you are our ambassador to them. If you can please speak with this human and perhaps find a peaceful resolution, or at least the truth of things, I would be grateful. If not, we will have to do our best, but I understand.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

Silver folded it back up with a sigh. "She's made an optional request that isn't very optional. Night, how are you feeling?"

Night scowled at him. "Suddenly not so well."

Silver held up a hoof. "Sorry, misphrased. I'm not asking to leave you alone, I'm asking if you're up for coming with me." He ran sensitive telekinetic fingers along her side. "I don't want to go anywhere without you."

Night slid from the bed and began moving for the door. "Then let's go. We shouldn't keep a princess waiting."

He smiled at her rebounded attitude and was happy to walk at her side. The guard led them to their office where a man was seated in a chair. Magic glowed brightly around his wrists and ankles, keeping him from moving easily. "Here he is, sir. I'll be just outside if you need anything."

Night nodded to him. "Thank you." It was as good a dismissal as any, and the guard was soon gone.

Silver trotted around the human, examining the man even as he was examined in kind.

"Here to sentence me?"

"Oh, I hope not." Silver smiled at him with a little nervousness. "I'm an ambassador, not a judge."

He seemed confused at that. "Why would they send an ambassador?"

Silver pointed at the man. "Because I'm ambassador to humans, and you're one of those." He sat down on his haunches. "So let's get to know one another."

"No, thanks."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Don't be like that. I was a human once, you know? I haven't forgotten what it's like to have fingers, or enjoy a hot dog, or watching some television."

Night raised a brow suddenly. "You ate dogs?"

The man laughed at the confusion. "You don't say? So is that what they're going to do, turn me into a pony and call me cured?"

It had worked for Silver, but he didn't say that. "No. The ponies just want to know why you acted the way you did. They're scared of you and for you. So what's your name? I'm Silver Watch."

"Like the one in your pocket?" He indicated the large silver watch Silver wore.

Silver looked down at it. "I forgot I was wearing that, but yes, just like that." He pulled the watch free in his magic. "I like making friends, and making a positive difference. It was engraved by my wife here--"

"Wife?" He looked to Night and back to Silver. "You've really gone native, haven't you? Did you know there's a woman here, a real woman?"

Silver raised his brows in unison. "Interesting, but I don't need anyone but Night here. She's a lovely person, be they human, pony, or anything else." He tapped at his chin. "So, that name?"

"Brad," admitted the man. "My name's Brad. Do you have a human name?"

Silver pointed a hoof at himself. "David, not that I use it much anymore, still, human to human, hello. Want to tell me what happened?"

Brad let out a slow breath. "You just want me to confess?"

Silver perked his ears. "From the way it was told to me, they're pretty sure of what they think you did, but I'd rather know the truth, and maybe help?" He hopped up onto his chair and it spun around until it faced Brad again. "Are you comfortable?"

Brad tried to move his arms, but that wasn't possible much. "Not really."

"Then let's start there. Brad, can I trust you to not try to harm us? We're not your enemies and don't want to be."

"I didn't want to hurt her..."

Silver smiled a little. "Tell me about her." His magic felt in between the human's wrists and the binding magic. He found a little catch in it and with a pop, they were gone. "Did you know her before you came to Equestria?"

Brad rubbed at one of his freed wrists with the opposing hand, looking grateful for having some mobility returned. "No... I just met her. I... Look, you wouldn't understand. You just went native, like she did! It was the first human I saw and I wanted to talk to her and she just... She just brushed me off like I was nothing and went back to her horse."

Silver nodded slowly. "Trying to talk to somep--one doesn't get you where you are. What happened after that?"

Brad folded his arms and leaned back in the chair, even if his ankles were still restricted. "I tried to get her alone, you know, so I could introduce myself. She didn't like that much."

Night rolled her eyes from the sideline. "You foalnapped her? That doesn't make friends."

Silver held up a hoof at his wife. "Something set them off. Did you hurt her?" He tilted his head. "Did she hurt you?"

Brad went quiet a moment. "No... She isn't hurt or nothing... I had a gun." Silver Stiffened. "But nobody got shot." The stiffness faded a little. "The big horse crushed it."

Silver let out a little breath. "That was probably Princess Celestia. She's one of two rulers of the land, and very nice, but she doesn't like weapons very much. Look, we all make mistakes. You've had some time to reflect on it. Where did it all go wrong?"

Brad put out his hands, trembling a little. "I just didn't want to be alone. Is that a mistake?"

Silver smiled gently. "No, no. Of course not." He hopped down from his chair. "Being alone is a very real pain. I've felt it before. Let's put the woman out of this. Have you tried making friends?"

"With who, the horses?" He raised a brow. "I'm not even sure you're not just another horse."

Silver shrugged, "So what if I am? I'm a talking horse, with opinions, hobbies, aspirations and feelings. That means I can be a friend. You just have to find a pony or three that shares your interests, and what species they are hardly matters." Silver pointed at himself. "The goal isn't to find a girlfriend, just a friend. Romance, that can wait."

"I'm not a horse... Look, you don't get it."

Silver tilted his head at Brad. "Stop focusing on that. You don't need to take off your clothes to make friends."

He glanced at the two ponies. "Can't help but notice you two have more clothes than a lot of ponies, guards excluded."

Night shrugged. "Just a little habit we happen to share. Does it bother you?"

"Nah..." He leaned back a little. "Actually, it's kind of nice to be around horses that don't parade around naked all the time."

Silver smiled at that. "You're in the right city then. Ponies in Canterlot tend to be dressed more often than not. It's a status symbol around here. Brad, are you sorry for what you did?"

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone..."

"Will you do it again?" Silver raised a brow.


"I'll talk to Princess Celestia. We'll get this worked out. And you should probably stop calling them horses. They're a bit small for horses, don't you think?"

Brad snorted at that, rising awkwardly to his feet. "Their princess is big enough. Small horses are still horses."

"Ponies," offered Night. "The least you can do is call us by what we are."

Silver departed with Night, explaining to the guard that Brad should be handled gently before he went on to find Celestia. That wasn't a hard task, and soon they were seated in one of her favored sitting rooms.

Celestia smiled gently. "You look like you have good news for me."

Silver nodded. "He seemed confused, and lonely, but not inherently vicious. He put up a wall between himself and ponies, refusing to see them as fellow sentients to be dealt with normally, and when the chance to deal with a human came up, well, he bungled that right up." He snorted out a bit of a chuckle. "I don't think he'll do it again, but he should be watched, for his sake. He needs friends more than anything else."

Night prodded Silver in the side. "He's a bit of a jerk if you don't mind that I say so."

"He's hurt." Silver tapped at his chin. "He's afraid. You can be a bit of a jerk yourself if you're pushed into a corner, anypony can be. We should try to help him out of that corner, and he'll become a much happier person, for himself and ponies around him."

Celestia sipped lightly from her tea. "I'm glad you had the chance to speak with him. I'm told you undid his hoofcuffs. I trust you feel he's safe?"

Silver nodded quickly. "I don't think he's looking for a reason to hurt people. I don't think he really wanted any of this to happen. He made a mistake."

"What," said Celestia, fixing Silver in her gaze. "--do you think I should do, as punishment?"

Silver lifted an ear. "Was anyone hurt?"

"He was, mildly. The foalnap victim was freed without injury."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Justice is done. I imagine the victim just wants to be left alone."

Celestia smiled gently. "You are merciful. Good. I had hoped more wouldn't be required, but getting a read on a human is tricky, even those I know well." She reached across and set a hoof right on Silver's head. "The guards mentioned you swapped books?"

Silver drew out his new book eagerly, showing it to Celestia. "It's great, and I've barely started!"

Celestia nodded, though her eyes didn't stay on the book long. "I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. I do hope you forgive me for interrupting your time off."

Night leaned closer to Silver. "I didn't have to leave his side, nor he mine, so we'll let you slide on this one."

Silver thought back to when Luna tried to send him away and frowned a moment before he tucked away his book. "It's no problem, like Night said. I'm glad we were able to help defuse the situation. If he needs to talk, send him to us."

Author's Note:

A bit of a crossover chapter with Damage's excellent story in the Silver Verse. Naughty Brad, you will be receiving our harshest punishment! What? No! We're not going to execute you. How barbaric. No, you're getting a stern talking to and a new friend and you'd best like it!

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