• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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246 - Catch a Jackal By Her Tail

The lighting of the room dimmed. The room was under his control. With his magic spread as an even presence all through it, he could feel it all. Even Nefertari's subtle twitches, normally too fast to behold, became obvious. Light spilled up under Silver's head, illuminating him from an unnatural angle. "You have issued a challenge, but I can't be sure you're prepared for the consequences." His voice was dark and ominous.

Nefertari's claws clenched as a soft chuckle escaped her. "This is an interesting side of you. Mmm, yes, I will accept this challenge. Show me what you have."

"You don't understand." He circled her slowly, hoofs lightly ringing on the floor. "This is about you. You're entering a whole world of mysteries and exploits, where your decisions will not only affect your own success, but the fate of the world around you."

Nefer's left ear quirked as a her lips peeled into a smile. "This is the strangest courtship entreaty I have ever heard."

"You will only court with danger." He brushed against her left-hand side, bumping her. "But the rewards will be many, if you're up for it."

"Enough." Her left hand lashed out to catch him, but his magic contracted around her hand, holding it still just long enough for him to dance away. "You've grown more practiced, I see. Good, you'll need it... But that is not what we are here for."

"No, it is not. We have come to settle a far more serious affair."

A knock made Nefertari jump slightly before her eyes rolled. "You are throwing me off balance, my deliciously confusing male. Allow me a moment to send them away." She turned towards the door the sound had come from.

"Oh no, you will do no such thing." His magic squeezed her everywhere at once in a full body embrace. "They are here to suffer the trials with you, my new wife."

Nefertari's brows rose together. A group play, as the first? "I may have misjudged you..."

The door swung open under the influence of his dispersed magic, revealing not one but two faces. Night Watch and Samantha stepped into the room. Samantha was giggling wildly as Night reached a wing into her saddlebag and drew out a smaller little silk bag.

"The rest of the party has arrived." Silver closed the door behind them with a glance. "This is your last chance for escape. We would not hold it against you, Nefertari. There are many who quail before such challenges."

Samantha's horn glowed as she drew her own small bag. "You have to stay! You just have to! Nef Nef, I will be so very sad if you don't join us. Besides, it's your room." She looked around. "Where's your see-through friend?"

Nefertari shook her head slowly. "Silver... She is your adopted daughter!" She waved a hand at Samantha wildly. "I heard you were a depraved beast at heart, but this is too much! Does... she even know what it is you are offering? She is... a curious case. Wait, you've do--"

Night raised a hoof towards Nefertari's lips. She moved to hop away, but Silver's magic held her still. Her fury was not to be denied so easily. With a roar, Nefertari threw aside the magic and blinked several feet away. "I demand answers!"

Silver waved at the bed, where light shone down on it. "The call to adventure can be heard by everyone here. Will you answer it?"

Night adjusted her glasses. "Of course, we have to make your character first."

Nefer's clenched fists slowly dropped. "Character?"

Samantha hopped up onto Nefer's bed and plopped down on her haunches. "Of course. Behold!" She drew a little miniature from the bag she held in her magic, revealing a pony made of gears. "I am a clockwork alchemist! My intellectual answers will save the party."

Night drew her own figurine, revealing a figure that looked much like herself, if one forgave the horn that graced its forehead. "And I am princess of the lunar ponies. My mastery of the night will keep evil at bay."

Nefer's fists slowly unballed as she took a step back. "You... are joking."

"There are no jokes here." Silver shook his head. "Only adventure. Come, my exotic wife, join the family. A family that adventures together, stays together." He gestured at the bed. "I will be the guide for this excursion."

Night stepped up onto the bed and sank down on her belly. "Have you played this before?"

"I... have not." Her eyes darted from one 'combatant' to the next. "I gather we are... not consummating things then?"

Silver's light moved to cast more dramatic shades across his face. "Oh, we will be, just not in the fashion you expected. To be a part of this family means to accept our eccentricities. Come forward, set aside your expectations, and be welcomed into our world of mystery."

Night pulled free a clean sheet of paper. "Come on. I don't know what he led you here with, but you're in it now. We'll get you set up in no time at all."

Samantha was giggling with joy, making her figure dance back and forth. "A shame my colt isn't into this..."

Nefertari's tension ebbed as she took her first step forward. "Very well... This is a challenge, as you have promised. I firmly believe you are more the fool for this. I know what you wanted, but you wish to play a game instead? Very well! I will humor you."

She joined the equines that were crowding her bed. She would assume the role of a mysterious anubite assassin, whose motives were hidden, but her deadly force was less so.

"Now then." Silver sat up tall. "Last we left off, Princess Leathermoon--" Night perked up. "--had just found evidence that dissent was forming against her."

Samantha raised a hoof, waving it wildly. "Oh oh! I got some intel on that." With a pop, a scroll appeared and flopped on the bed. "The peasants are being riled up by foreign agents."

Nefertari snatched the scroll with unnatural speed. "You know nothing of those arrayed against you."

Night sprang up to her hooves. "Are you one of them?!"

"I should think not." She huffed softly. "I would not be so crude in my methods... You clearly need a new perspective."

Silver spread his wings wide. "Just as you begin to discuss this, the door opens with a bang." The door to the room actually slammed open for emphasis before closing itself. "Several armed ponies wearing cowls and wielding swords in their mouths step in. They look like they mean business."

Nefertari flexed her fingers, fully showing her deadly claws. "It seems my services are even more desperately in need. Their poor timing is your fortune." She looked to Silver. "I shred the interlopers, but keep one alive and squealing."

Night cleared her throat softly. "You can try, but you have to roll." She pulled out a die that looked quite similar to the one on her rump. "Here you go. Your odds are... two in eight."

Silver nodded in agreement. "It will be a great showing to summarily dispatch them all. Are you sure you wish to set your goals so high?"

"There is no point in holding back." She plucked the die from the end of Night's outstretched wing. "I would prefer to rely on skill than the cast of some dice..." She flung it almost petulantly. "Let us see what the spirits have in store."

Night's hoof suddenly came down with a muffled thump, trapping the die between her hoof and the bed it was rolling on. "Nefer..."


"Using Shamanism to influence dice rolls is against the rules. I saw that."

Nefertari's teeth were shown in a grand smile. "You're getting better than I had first assumed. It is a delight to be surprised in that way."

Night slid the still hidden die back towards Nefertari. "Care to try again?"

Nefertari snatched the die up the moment it came into view and let it tumble without any entreaties to the spirits. It came down just one short.

"Close. You slam one pony up against a wall, letting it slide down as you lash a foot back to catch another across the cheek as it tries to sneak up on you. You feel so confident in your actions that you fail to notice a third closing in quick and he brings his sword in a lethal arc!"

Samantha waved her figurine in the air. "I use a pneumatic intervention!"

"The loud ring of metal echoes in the room as a sudden protrusion of metal fires out from Samantha, knocking the blade aside." Silver gave an easy smile. "It seems your new companion's been saved."

Nefertari's nose wrinkled. "Allies have their place."

Night flared her wings. "I pounce the one left and pin him to the ground."

"Under your great size, you throw the last assailant to the ground."

"Great size?" Nefertari glanced aside at Night, then back at the larger Silver.

Night pointed at her figurine. "I'm a princess, remember? I'm bigger."

"May as well enjoy our fantasies." She chuckled softly before she sat up. "When do I get a figurine of my character?"

Samantha bounced in place, giggling. "I'll make one for you! I mean, after the game. It's not like I can just magic it up." Her eyes slowly fell on Silver. "Unless you know a new trick?"

Silver's cheeks warmed a little. "Well, I guess we could..." His horn glowed softly before a soft thump was heard at the door. It nudged open, several books slipping into the room. "If we took a little here..." He began to sweep over spells. "And some of this... Put it together...." A quill appeared, scribbling out a new spell as he borrowed bits of arcane from different places.

Night leaned in towards Nefertari. "Have you seen this before? It's his talent."

"What, exactly, is he doing?" She frowned at the many books of pony magic floating about. "Is he making a new spell?"

"That is exactly what he is doing." Night waved a hoof at Silver. "Ready?"

"As ready as I will be." He set the books aside in a pile. "It's been awhile since I got to do that, I really need to do it more often. Nefertari, this will probably tickle, but should be harmless. Imagine your character clearly in your mind and go ahead and take the stance you want her to appear in."

Samantha thrust a hoof up. "I call dibs on next!"

Night let out a little laugh. "I'll go after Samantha."

Nefertari threw her hands down. "Why are you two so eager?! You already have figurines."

Samantha nudged her figure. "And it's lovely, but if I can have one made by Daddy Silver, well, I'm not going to pass that up."

"Ditto." Night adjusted her glasses. "Besides, it will be custom made and if it's any good at picking up what we imagine, yes, I want that."

Nefertari slipped from bed. "Very well. My killer..." She captured the sight of her fictional character in her head as she took up a battle stance.

Silver's horn glowed brightly, drawing in the faint silver haze from across the room and refocusing that magic to a new purpose. A thin scanning line ran down across Nefertari's form from the tips of her fuzzy ears down to her clawed feet and back up again.

It did tickle just as promised, but more than that, Nefertari could feel something in her head wriggle just faintly, tickling in a whole unknown way. It was the power of her new husband, and she gave a low growl at the feel of it.

The silver magic folded up on itself and began to swirl around in a tightening sphere until, with a pop, appeared a metal figurine of an anubite in very ninja-like attire, in the same stance Nefertari was in. Every detail that Nefertari had imagined had been brought to life, colors included. It hovered a moment before flopping to the bed.

Silver let out an explosive gust of air. "That's tiring."

Samantha gave him a pat. "Pity you have to do it two more times."

Author's Note:

And so Silver invites Nefertari to play games on her bed and calls his wife and daughter to join in! How indecent...

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