• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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291 - We Are Broken

"Your network." Star Swirl stroked his beard. "It is fractured, to say nothing of what else. How do you function?" He leaned forward a bit. "It is as if your mind had been crumbling, then was glued together. Are you aware of this?"

"Not in those words." Silver's right ear twitched before folding back. "You make it sound like I should be dead. I'm not, I assure."

"Or a psychopath." Star inclined his head at Silver. "A raving loon perhaps, and yet you seem nothing but nervous I will reject you. You barely know me. I'm flattered, but why do you care for the opinion of a dusty unicorn?"

"I... think it's a weakness of mine." Silver reached a hoof towards Star. When the older unicorn didn't shy away, Silver booped him gently on the end of the nose. "I hate the idea of making bad impressions on my elders, especially other men."


"Stallions!" blurted Silver, blushing at his mistake. "Other stallions..."

"And yet you have little reservation making an idle sign of affection." He reached to rub where he had been touched. "You have female companions, but even by your words, this is not the end of the story, is it? You said you were 75% something. Explain?"

Silver's ears danced, realizing Star Swirl didn't know about hetero, or homo, sexuality. "Well, you see..."

"So... I gave up," admitted the small mare, sinking to her haunches. "I just turned that part off..."

Night reached a hoof for Cozy Glow's shoulder, but the mare was gone before contact was made.

"I don't need your pity," roared the storm cloud that had been the sullen shape. "I'm just fine! I almost had victory... Finally... It's not fair!"

"I will return, tomorrow." Night rose smoothly, her body but a figment at the time. "We should keep talking. I feel like we're learning a lot. Do you want me to come back?"

"So you can ask me more dumb questions and give me that look?" Cozy's face formed from the clouds, scowling. "I don't need your pity," she echoed all the firmer. "You're just here to laugh at me."

"Perish the thought." Night pointed at herself. "I've been picked on, and had to deal with other's misinformed views. Tomorrow, if you like, I can tell you about mine. You can judge me for a change. Sound fun?"

She did not get a yes. But neither did she get a no. She awoke with a soft sigh, seated on her mat. The visits with Cozy Glow had been going for a small time. She resisted the urge to speak, unsure if the statues could hear her words or not. "Tomorrow," she did utter, gathering her things and moving to continue her day.

"Teacher." One of Fast's students was waving a hoof at her. "How do we go from contractions to, you know, horn stuff?" He pointed up at his pokey horn. "I mean, I sorta get it, kinda works, but shouldn't we..." He started rolling his hooves in a pedaling motion. "Make rules?"

Fast peered at him. "But you just said you can get it, and I've seen you cast contracted spells before. What rules are we missing?"

"The specifics." He smiled as he slipped from his chair and began trotting out onto the learning area, drawing the surprised peers of his fellow students. He tapped the blackboard lightly. "Like this contraction here."

Fast inclined her head at it. "What about it?"

"If you weren't already in the middle of a spell, what's the flex to do this letter? Does it change depending on what's in front of and behind it, or is it the same flex each time? Isn't that worth figuring out?"

Fast tapped down the front of her hoof on the ground, the back of it remaining planted. "Huh... You do have a point there, but we can only do so much at a time. Right now, the goal is to find the contractions."

"Which would be easier if we knew this," argued the young stallion. "They're interconnected." He sat and brought up his fore hooves, clopping them together like two plugs fitting neatly.

Fast approached with a little frown. "You aren't wrong... but we don't have the people and the time to go chasing in two different directions." She pointed back at the seat the smart student has risen from. "If you'll take your place?"

She watched him retreat to his starting point and smiled brightly. "We're making such great progress, and I couldn't without all of you. We're making history! Now, let's turn out attention towards--" Her magic pointed to a new rune.

Maribelle ran a brush across the top of a small mouse-woman's head. "So, how are you liking this new life? Is it everything you wanted?"

"And more, in a lot of ways." Whiskers' eyes were closed, enjoying the attention of her friend and fellow-servant. "The children are adorable, and our master is kind and caring. We are people, not just unfortunately willful tools. If I could get them to slow down a little, I wouldn't mind that."

"They do take you for rides," laughed out Maribelle as she worked on her grooming of Whiskers. "I'm not an expert, but you look tense anyway though. Are the kids that bad?"

"What? No!" Whiskers shook her little hands wildly. "They are wonderful... Their parents concern me more. They love each other, but they don't make any time for each other. It's like they're all running at full speed away from each other." She lifted her shoulders in a little shrug. "I'm afraid they'll look up and notice they're no longer close to one another before they even noticed anything happening."

Maribelle set the brush aside to free up her hand for tapping Whiskers on the nose. "For being so small, your brain is so big. I get jealous."

"Jealous?! You're... big. You can actually do things." Whiskers folded her arms under her chest, peering up at her impressively large friend. "What are you jealous of me about?"

"Whiskers... I have one talent." She reached for Whiskers, who didn't shy away. Gently plucking up the mouse, Maribelle leaned back and placed the rodent right on her chest, allowing her to stand easily. "I'm not that large, compared to ponies and not you. I'm curved in the right places, but the ponies don't care about that. Silver used to care about that, but he's distracted, and working at night. What else do I have to offer?"

Whiskers sank, sitting cross legged on Maribelle's chest. "You are an excellent cushion," complimented the mouse with a smile. "Fine company, a doting servant, and so full of love. If I were well to do instead of a servant myself, I wouldn't be sad having you around."

"You're just saying that." Maribelle inclined her head. "You know, they have cows here."


"The ponies have them." Maribelle shrugged her shoulders. "They talk, they wear clothes, sometimes. The only difference is I walk on two legs. How long before they put me in a little pen, for my own safety? Maybe they'll start milking me around that point, may as well. No reason for these to go to waste." She gently swatted her fatty deposits, making Whiskers wobble dangerously atop them.

"You cut that out." Whiskers scrambled up to her feet, arms extended to help her balance. "Can you even imagine Silver doing that, our Too Nice Prince? Please."

"I wouldn't mind him trying a little," she murmured, cheeks warming faintly. "I'm quite proud of my milk."

"No, I wouldn't say that." Star Swirl studied the would-be prince. "By all reports you've done your duty, but that doesn't make you less... broken."

"Aren't we all?" countered Silver with a little smile. "I've heard it said that the cracks are what make us interesting."

"Perhaps." Star rose to his hooves. "You are interesting then. Perhaps too much? Now, you seem to like me, so I have a request."

Silver blinked softly. "If it's something I can do, probably? What's on your mind?" He sat up and stood much as Star Swirl had. "Adjusting to modern life well?"

"In part." He shook his head slowly. "My study of magic has slowed, exploring this world. I... would like to pick up a project I set down ages ago." He pointed at Silver. "A thing you seem to be quite skilled in."


"I should like a partner." He gestured up at his face. "I'm not a foal, I know I've a few years on me. Still, surely there's a mare that's a proper fit." He held up a hoof suddenly. "Before you ask, yes, I would prefer a mare. They're mysterious and confusing, but... it's time I moved forward, is it not?"

Silver's ears twitched, realizing how suddenly the entire nature of their chat had changed. It wasn't about him anymore. "I could try to look for someone. Would you want this pony to wander Equestria with you?"

"Mm, I suppose they would need to." He turned to the side, shook his head and began walking off. "Nevermind. It was an unreasonable and untimely request. You owe me not--"

Silver was suddenly in front of him. "Hold up a second. You're scared."

"Scared!" He recoiled a step. "I've fought more things than you've ever seen!"

"Except the mystery of a female," noted Silver with a little smile. "Twilight succeeded where you failed, because you weren't even looking in that direction, and you want to go from no friends to married? Perhaps a bit fast."

"I just said it was ill timed." Star scowled up at the prince. "Why are you repeating my words back at me."

"Because I agree with that part, but the next part shouldn't be to give up." He sat and inclined his head towards the door. "It's time to make some friends."

"No wonder you fell in line with her so quickly," He spat in a sudden little barb. "You sound just like her."

"Who? Oh! Twilight?" Silver smiled a little. "Thanks for the compliment."

"It wasn't intended to be," grumped the elder wizard. "And yet, here we are." He took a slow breath. "I am uncertain if I'm ready for that, and you have things to do. You see to your tasks, I will mine. We'll... meet again." He moved for the door. "You're not hard to find."

Silver let him flee, remaining in place and nibbling on a few more cookies before he peeked into the hallway. There was no Star Swirl. With a nod, he headed off. He did have things to do. Dreams wouldn't patrol themselves.

Silver sank down onto the bed, touching his nose to Night's cheek. "I had the strangest guest."

"Oh?" Night quickly calculated a 35% chance of Spike. 25% chance of a new human arrival. 10% chance a castle staffer with a problem, 10% chance of Rough Draft... "Who?" 5% chance of his foalhood bully.

"Star Swirl." Silver made a motion as if stroking a beard. "Poor guy's looking to learn how to be social. That's a feeling I know."

Fast sat up a bit, her elbow on the pillow that had been supporting her head. "We've all been there. Well, not Fast. Speaking of her, how is her class doing?"

"Just fine last I checked." His ears danced thinking on it. "I should talk to her, but Star Swirl! I wanted to help him get a friend, a lady friend."

"You're playing matchmaker?" she asked with a flat expression. "Your own relationships are enough of a tangle, aren't they?"

"Not to get married to, even if he did ask for that first. Just a friend, who happens to be a mare, you know?" He shrugged softly. "Once I had one of those, my life changed... a lot, for the better I think." He leaned in to gently kiss her cheek. "Thank you for changing me."

Night's cheeks lifted into a smile as she flopped back down, resting on the pillow. "You confuse Spike, just to let you know. Make him curious too."

"Hm? Really?" He sank down, distracted by thoughts of his interactions with Dream Spike. "Huh..."

Night used the quiet to contemplate her own things. She had an idea, and she calculated the odds of it.

Author's Note:

What is her idea?! Can this end well?

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