• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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4 - Settling in

School began in earnest. Despite Lyra's antics in private, she was an eager and professional teacher, mostly, in public. The class pared down over the first week. "As some of you noticed," said Lyra, standing on two legs at the front of the class, "Some of your classmates are not here. A few of them were sent home, either of their own choice or because we, as a school, decided it wasn't a good fit. Most of them are in remedial classes for a few things." She tapped her hooves together, "Insufficient throughput, grace, or symbol memorization are things that have to be addressed before we get into the real stuff, and we're going to make sure they have it before they continue." She put her hooves on her hips and leaned forward, "I don't want to hear any of you ragging on them if you see them in the hallways. Some of the best wizards around needed help with the first few steps before they got into a good gallop. Alright? Cool." She sat down on a chair behind her desk, "For the rest of you, class begins now."

Silver was surprised, but delighted, to hear he wouldn't be put in a symbol memorization class. What a nightmare that could have been! He watched Lyra as she spoke, wondering if she had put in a good word for him. Lyra began describing a spell using the magic alphabet as she walked up and down the aisles. As she passed Silver, she dropped a scrap of paper on his page. Silver quickly unfurled it to reveal the spell written out clearly with little pattern marks, negating his need to memorize the letters. He flushed red, feeling thankful, and yet... Ugh, why did he need a handicap at all?

Lyra settled back into her seat, "This spell will help you bond with your heart crystal." She pointed to a pony with a heart-shaped crystal, "See how yours isn't glowing like some of the others? When magic is pushed through it, it gains its glow. This glow varies depending on who does the pushing, but is permanent. Its power also varies depending on who activated it."

Silver glanced down at his lavender heart crystal and his heart began to race. Twilight had activated his so long ago, trying to undo Lyra's mistake. He had a little slice of Twilight's magic dangling around his neck. The very idea of it was... exciting, and a little illicit. Did she realize the gift she had given him?

"Don't worry about not being at your best. The stone is tied to you, forever," continued Lyra as she hefted up her own stone, "As you gain experience and power, the stone will upgrade with you. It is the single most important tool to an enhancement wizard and you should treat it with all due respect." She waggled a hoof, "Which means don't use it as a paper-weight."

A soft scrape was heard as a student quickly grabbed hers off of her notebook, blushing guiltily. "Anyway," said Lyra, "I want you all to practice that spell and get a good feel for channeling power through it. Just like channeling practice with your horn, this is an important, if boring, step to becoming totally badass." She raised a hoof as her horn glowed and the hoof became a paw, and the arm attached to it became that of a diamond dog, "If you want this, you need this." She grabbed her heartstone in the new paw. "It is you, you are it. I can't repeat that enough times."

Silver raised a hoof.

"Yes?" asked Lyra, looking at Silver.

"I have a funny question..." said Silver with slightly shrunken confidence from all the eyes that settled on him, many with less than approval.

"Go on," said Lyra, making a twirling motion with a new finger. "I bet it's a good one."

Silver tilted his head, "I hope, but, uh... what are changelings? From what you've shown so far, any unicorn could learn their magic, and they don't even have the... You know?"

Lyra nodded slowly, "That is a very good question that I didn't expect to come up outside of Polymorph 101..." She slapped her paw against her other hoof, failing to make any satisfying clap. "Basically, any magic can be abused, some easier than others. Polymorph? Pretty abusable. Some ponies get a little drunk on the adoration they can get. If you can be what everyone wants to see, you start to forget what it's like to just be, you know, you?" She leaned back in her chair, making it squeak softly, "A long time ago a very talented polymorpher went down that road and didn't come back. She was the first changeling queen. When she got so full of herself, she ditched her heart stone, and lost her real heart. The nasty holes you see in changelings come from their insides being eaten out. Their hunger is constant, and when it's not fed, they go full cannibal mode on themselves."

Various ponies murmured around Silver as he shook his head, "What stops ponies from becoming changelings now?"

Lyra lifted her shoulders, "We try to teach them better, but, really? Anypony could fall. We keep a close eye on those who take the specialty." Her arm snapped back to normal, ending in a hoof again. "Me, enhancer. I like fingers, but I'm way too in love with my natural dashing appearance." She flashed her teeth brightly at the class, getting some soft groans in reply. "Everyone's a critic. Does that answer your question?"

Silver frowned softly in thought, "What if a changeling didn't have holes?"

Lyra smiled, "That's impossible, but if there was one, I think that means you could bring them back to being a normal pony if you put a heart crystal on them and showed them how. That's enough fairy tales for one day. Get to practicing." She clapped her hooves together twice with satisfying clops, "I expect to see all those stones shining by tomorrow."

Silver meandered towards the cafeteria with Celine trailing with him. Silver glanced towards her, "You don't have a heart crystal."

Celine shook her head, "Don't need one."

Silver tilted his head, "Why's that? I thought you'd be practicing with us."

Celine held up a hoof, "I'll be fine."

Silver let it drop for the moment, moving into the cafeteria. He piled foods up onto the tray, picking a little of many different foods to sample. He spotted what looked to be some ribs and grabbed it, setting in his plate with the rest of the otherwise vegetarian diet. When he arrived at an empty desk, Celine slid across from him, but her eyes were on his plate. "What?"

Celine pointed at the ribs, "Ponies don't eat that."

Silver fidgeted a little, "Don't, or can't?" With a surge of rebellion, he quickly lifted the ribs up and bit into it. The grease splattered over his muzzle as he worked the meat. His flat teeth were absolutely terrible at pulling the meat apart, but persistence let him get some off and soon he swallowed it. It had a lot of flavors he hadn't even realized he missed, but there was a little something off about it.

Celine made a face at him, "If you get gas? I'm kicking you out into the hallway."

Silver set the ribs down, and started on the far easier-to-consume sprouts, "I just wanted a taste. No harm in that, is there?"

Celine shook her head slowly, "I suppose not in your case..." She settled, her head resting on her hooves as she gazed at him, watching him eat. "We only have so long."

"Huh?" asked Silver, "Why the sudden down note? We have tons of time. We're too young to be even bringing that up." He huffed softly and lifted an apple into reach, crunching into it, mmm. "You last as long as I do, right?"

She smiled gently, "Of... course."

Silver dropped the apple from a limp mental grip. It bounced off his other food. "Oh god, what are you hiding?"

"Hello," said Night Watch as she suddenly parked herself at a ninety-degree angle from both of them. "You like ribs too? You gonna finish that?" She snatched Silver's ribs away and began devouring them eagerly. "Why are you two looking like that?"

Silver was staring at Celine intently, and Celine just looked away. "Guys?" asked Night, setting down the finished ribs and using a cloth to clean herself.

Celine suddenly stood up, "I have to go." And she hurried away from the table. Silver tried to stop her, but anxiety was not a friend to coordination, and he did little other than fall over instead of standing up. She was gone.

Silver looked where Celine had gone, doing little until Night's wings gently pulled him up back into his seat. "Equestria to Silver Lining."

Silver blinked softly, "Hey Night, sorry... I... Ugh. Did I piss off Celine?"

Night shook her head, "She didn't look angry."

Silver let out a slow sigh, "What did she look like?"

Night waved a wingtip at Silver, "That would be telling."

"It's for her!" exclaimed Silver. "I'm worried about her. Please, as a friend."

Night Watch sighed a little, "She looked like she remembered something very sad. So... topic shift." She gestured with her wings as much as Silver remembered doing with his hands and fingers as a human, "You know anypony who attends this college can't attend the Equestrian Games?"

Silver nodded mutely, but then a thought came and he clopped his hooves together, "Duh! We have to prepare!" He dashed for the door, with Night following a few steps behind.

"Prepare for what?" asked Night, adjusting her glasses as she went, "I want answers, Silver."

Silver ducked into the dorms, "Room first, then tell." They arrived shortly at their room. Nopony else was present, neither Celine nor Fast Change. Silver moved over to his bed and sat, "I've seen the future."

Night blinked slowly, "What?"

Silver bobbed his head, "I have never been more serious. Some time after the... uh, when are the Equestria Games?"

Night gestured forward, "Next week?"

Silver frowned, "I don't know exactly how long we have, but everyone's magic is going to be sucked up." He made a loud sucking noise, "Gone! It'll come back, but... Celine is magic. She's already preparing to die." He stomped the bed he was beside with a hoof, "I'm not letting it go like that. We have to hide."

"Hide from what?" asked Night, "I should report this to Princess Luna."

Night turned away, but Silver quickly put a hoof on her shoulder, "She already knows. What's important is keeping Celine safe."

Night shook her head, "And everypony else is worth nothing?"

Silver growled impotently, "They'll be saved by rainbows. They're fine!"

"Rainbows?" asked Night skeptically. She flopped on her haunches, "Are ponies going to die?"

Silver shook his head, "I don't think so. Only Celine is magic. Everyone else will just be tired for a little while. Please, will you help me?"

Author's Note:

Dire portents! What will Silver do?

Besides hunt for typos.

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