• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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75 - We Learn From Each Other

Night tapped Silver on the end of his nose when things seemed to grow quiet. "You naughty stallion. You've corrupted me." She tilted her head. "What would the princesses say?"

Silver squirmed beneath her weight. "What did she say?"

Night flashed her fangs. "An acceptable answer. She was quite proud of my actions, even including the parts I took from your playbook." She leaned in, snouts coming close. "I looked for a peaceful answer, even when I was ready to rip the other party in half."

Silver's eyes wandered, noticing her wing was in a bandage against her side, tight and bound. "Are you alright? I mean, sorry. I'm very proud of you." He smiled. "That doesn't stop me from worrying about my favorite lunar pony in the world."

Night glanced back at her injured wing. "I won't be flying a little while, but I'll be alright." She touched noses then, gently rubbing. "Well, not going to ask?"

Silver's perked his ears sharply. "Huh? Oh! Who did you make peace with?"

Night held out a hoof. "You can come in now."

The door behind her opened as a pony of shadow entered, strange butterfly wings of billowing fog at its side and eyes shining with an alien power and teeth jutting like a grinning skeleton. "Is this wise?"

Silver tensed with reactive surprise and fear, but Night held him gently and firmly. Her presence and ease soon soothed the urge to fight or flee, and he began to look over the pony. "What are you, if you don't mind my asking?"

The stranger dipped his head. "I am your enemy."

Night reached back and swatted the pony on the nose. "You are not."

The shadow pony took a step back, rubbing his foggy nose. "You say that, but the ponies of this place... They are creatures of light."

Silver squirmed and Night let him rise up to his haunches. "Oh, well, nice to meet you, but calling you 'enemy' sounds kind of messed up." He offered a hoof to the unnerving pony. "I'm Silver. Silver Lining, ambassador from Equestria."

The pony hesitated a moment before reaching out and touching hooves with Silver. "General Dark Pass, of the umbrum." He sat up straight. "An ambassador then? Then I can speak to you with authority?"

Silver nodded. "I should think so. Celestia has taken my reports seriously thus far. Please, tell me about you, and your people."

Dark looked between Silver and Night before pointing at Night. "She understands me, as a fellow creature of the night. You..."

"Are in love with her beyond all words." Silver smiled gently. "The night holds many secrets, and some of them are very sweet indeed."

Night moved in beside Silver and threw a leg over him, hugging. "You know we're a couple."

Dark nodded slowly. "To know, and to know..." He let out a slow sigh, fog wisping from his snout. "We were once a proud people, with a nation to call our own. That was long ago, so very long, even I only have the dim stories of my grandsire to work with. The crystal ponies did this to us, destroyed us, crushed us, and left us for dead."

Silver leaned forward a little, looking over the pony with inquisitive eyes. "They didn't strike me as the warring type. When push came to shove, you crushed them and enslaved them, through Sombra. How is it they harmed you?"

Dark raised his forehooves, clopping them thoughtfully. "You know of the Crystal Heart, do you not? It was created in ages past. While benign to crystal ponies, it is death, slow or fast, to our kind. Every time it is activated is like the ringing of our final bell. Its mere presence keeps us locked away underground."

Silver rolled a hoof. "And yet, here you are." He squinted. "There has to be at least two of you."

Dark let out a dry laugh, almost wheezing in sound. "Picked that up? Yes, I have one subordinate remaining... Of course there is also Sombra, but he is destroyed and useless to us."

Night raised a brow. "I suspected but..." She nipped at one of Silver's ears gently. "I like seeing proof that he's clever too."

Dark shook his head. "My wife passed with the last tolling of that glimmering bell. We'd both managed to escape while Sombra lived and hid away, awaiting the day he'd destroy the infernal thing, but he never did. Then it was struck, and she faded from this world." He put a hoof to his chest. "Now I only have my daughter... and I won't let her be killed by it."

Silver scowled, glancing fitfully around the room. "They won't give up the Crystal Heart, but this is wrong. This..." He looked up at Dark. "What if we offered a home away from here? Could you live in peace outside the Frozen North?"

Dark smiled, like a leering skull. "So easily you see our side?" He looked to Night. "It seems I owe you an apology for doubting."

Silver raised a hoof. "Could you? All of you?"

Dark shook his head. "While I would prefer to have my home restored, I would accept it, if peace was to come with it. There is the matter that my people are trapped, dying. While my daughter and my assistant and I could go with you, we would be betraying them all to a miserable death." He brought down a hoof with a clop on the tiles. "I won't do that. My wife would never forgive me."

Silver tilted his head a bit. "Question. Why haven't you attacked the crystal?"

He snorted out a bit of rolling darkness. "Would that it were an option. To come close to it is to know new pain. To touch it, madness. It would also reveal us for what we are, and you can imagine their response to that."

"Panic, shock, running around in circles?" Silver rolled his hoof as he listed each. "Then the guards and an angry princess."

"I am not an angry princess." Cadance stepped in around the shadow creature with a wary eye on it. "But there remains a little point." She glared at the creature. "You hurt my Shiny."

Dark said nothing.

Night shook her head. "We killed his wife, and countless others."

Silver nodded quickly in agreement. "Can we start on the road to peace?"

Cadance let out a slow breath, glancing between them. "One thing." She looked to the open door. "Come in." A little form of shadow and horror came bounding in. "Your daughter. Do you truly love her?"

Dark tensed even as she let her vision slip. Though the creature before her was one of shadow and horror, the line between him and his daughter was unmistakable in its intensity. The parental and family love flowed powerfully in both directions even as Under Stone leaped at her father and hugging him around the neck. "Father!" Dark put a leg around her, holding her tight.

Cadance shook her head slowly. "I can't... Even an enraged dragon feels something for their hatchlings." She looked to Night and Silver. "I don't mean to be superficial, but others will be. Look at them. How can there be peace?"

Silver put a hoof at his own chest. "By the power of friendship. Give them some room where ponies aren't using the land, let them recover, and become productive people again. Even if their appearance is unsettling, I'm sure their art, their unique perspective, and their craft will become valued in time."

Dark leered with his grinning skull of a face. "You were right, fellow creature of the night. He is a bad influence."

Cadance rolled her eyes. "There's something we can all agree with." Even as Silver's face became taut and his eyes looked away, she reached for him, stealing him from Night for just long enough to hug him. "We mean it as a compliment." She released him and looked back at Dark. "Your people are still imprisoned, from what I gathered. Harming the Crystal Heart is out of the question. How would they be freed, if we agreed?"

Dark scowled then, placing his daughter on the ground where she began to roam the room, exploring. "Sombra knows how to remove that barrier, even if he never destroyed it. The traitor could be our salvation, if he even existed."

Silver glanced between Night and Cadance, receiving subtle nods. "He exists. We're working on restoring him."

Dark sat up, confusion running over his alien features. "Truly? Why would you assist him? Though he failed at his task, we are certain he is no friend of yours, and he is still one of us, an umbrum..."

"First." Silver rose to his hooves. "We need to get everything above the table here. Can you call your friend? No more hiding."

Cadance nodded easily to the request. "That would put me significantly at ease."

Night fiddled with her glasses a moment. "To be clear, he will not be jailed. You are all basically envoys of your own people." She smiled, exposing her fangs. "That would be almost as rude as arranging somepony's Ambassador to be attacked in the streets."

Dark let out a little cough. "Yes, of course..." He rose to his own hooves and turned for the door. "I'll need to locate her. I will return." He gestured at Under even as she pulled a book free of a bookshelf. "You have a hostage."

Silver tensed. "Please! She's not a hostage, Christ."

"Who?" All the ponies looked curious.

Silver reached out with a hoof and patted Under gently. "Sorry, old saying, but she'll be watched over and cared for. I hope we never reach the point where a child is considered a hostage. That's terrible."

Dark departed, taking on the form of a dark-furred pony before he stepped outside and began to wander.

Cadance looked to the others. "And you're quite certain he's safe?"

Night nodded. "We've come to an understanding, as creatures of the night."

Under Rock tilted her head at Night. "Will I get cool fangs?"

Night smiled at the small shadow filly. "I don't think umbrum get fangs, but I don't get to be made of shadow. We can't get all the cool things at once, I'm afraid."


Silver lifted his shoulders. "I don't get fangs or shadows."

Under stuck out her tongue, roiling shadow as it was. "You're a stupid day pony. You don't get anything."

Silver recoiled at the response even as Under turned her attention back to her book.

Cadance coughed softly into a hoof. "Well, I'll leave her in your care then. I believe Auntie Luna would like to speak with you, Silver, when you have a moment."

Author's Note:

Under Rock is best shadow filly!

Has peace come within sight, or is that just a little typo of fate waiting to come undone?

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