• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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36 - On the Care and Feeding of Changelings

Luna struck her podium with a hoof, "Halt. We do not understand this. If Silver is willing to accept you as you are, why would you have your marriage annulled?"

Stand In raised a hoof, "I can answer that, at least biologically. We feed on love first, this makes relationships... tricky. While a drone, breeder, or even a leader could draw gently, the love of a Queen is more powerful. It will not be immediate, as your own Shining Armor can attest, but as Silver approaches Fast Change with love in his heart, he will feed her earnestly and deep every time they come together. Eventually, it will harm him. He will become confused, he will get migraines. Eventually, he will die. Because she loves him, she cannot allow him to love her."

Silver trembled in place, wondering if it wouldn't be worth it, to have his dear Fast Change.

Celestia shook her head, "I thought you were simply assuming the form?"

Fast Change gave a thin smile, "I can't be their mother if I don't take it to heart."

Luna let out a slow breath, "Be that as it may, it highlights another problem. How, Ambassador, do you propose to feed this new population?"

Silver shook himself out, "I have an idea for that! The changelings could pay ponies for their time."

Luna looked confused, "Go on?"

Silver nodded, "The changelings are great workers, and terrific at teamwork. They can earn bits working for ponies. In return, they can pay ponies bits to spend short amounts of time in their pods. Only willing ponies, only willing changelings. Assuming ponies are only allowed in for an hour or so at a time, everypony wins."

Celestia raised a brow, "Interesting... And what assurance do we have that only the willing would be used, and that no harm would befall them?"

Silver shrugged softly, "We must start with the assumption that our neighbors are good, or we can't have society. With... Fast Change as their queen, I can't imagine them being anything but... lovely." He wiped away the fresh tears on a fetlock, "Individuals who break the law should be punished, as with any assault."

Stand In spoke up again, "Ponies do not appear to suffer harm for approximately three hours. I would make it two, just in case a pony is sensitive. This would yield sufficient food, on average, for two drones or one leader." She looked to Fast Change. "Our queen, blessed be her chitin, may yet be fed with solid food, though she really should wean onto love, for the good of future eggs."

Celestia took her turn to take a deep breath, "You understand that you ask my people to be your food voluntarily. This does not sit well with me."

Silver tilted his head, "If a pony is born with thin blood and requires regular transfusions, is it a crime to give it to him?"

Celestia tilted her head, "I know of no such condition, but your comparison is valid. If I were to permit the building of a safe place for these changelings, how long would it take to construct these 'pods', and I trust you would not object to royal guards watching over them, for both of our safeties, lest rash ponies do you harm."

Silver felt somepony brush up behind him. He glanced and saw Night had taken up position behind him, and he felt a little better. He looked to Stand In, who replied, "Given our dire situation, we would be forced to cull a good portion of the drone populace to quickly create a bank of pods."

Fast's alien eyes went wide, "What? No! We musn't harm them. They are innocent." She stomped the ground with a hoof, "I won't stand for it."

Stand In smiled gently, "You will be a great Queen... But there is no way we can feed so many, so quickly. Some must die, so the rest may live..."

Fast sagged in place, "I should have left them behind..."

Silver snorted, "If you had, Chrysalis would be leading them to a far slower death. It's... uncomfortable to say the least, but we're doing the best we can."

Stand In nodded in agreement, "They will be remembered, their names engraved on the very pods they help construct. I would not suggest this if I knew another way."

Silver raised a hoof, "Would love make it easier?"

Stand In tilted his head, "Yes. It would require, if we are using those two hour segments as units, twelve segments per pod, or one full day. This could be taken more quickly in person, but that could harm the donor."

Silver shook his head, "I volunteer, but only if Fast Change takes it, and uses the magic."

Fast recoiled with a look of horror, "I don't want to hurt you!"

Silver smiled, "If it means I get to be with you again, I'll suffer it."

Night's fangs found his ear before she spoke, "Both of us will. We are your herd. Our stallion leads us ever to insanity, and I won't turn away now. We will feed you until the first pod is able to be made."

Stand In appeared to be doing math in her head, "That spares the lives of a hundred drones, but some will still need to perish."

Luna stomped a hoof, "Will this outsider, this ambassador of the human nation, outshine you all!? You, who call yourself the elite of Equestria?! Why is his herd the only to offer themselves wholly for the saving of lives, even as strange as a changeling?"

A guard stepped forward, "I have given my oath to protect the people of Equestria. If they will be our neighbors, that includes them. I offer myself to help them."

Another guard stepped forward, not to be outdone, followed by several more. A noble stood up, "If it can be assured that it's safe, I will personally give to the cause." The dam was broken. Soon nopony wanted to be the last volunteer, and most hooves were raised in solidarity.

Fast turned to face the audience, "You've done a great thing. Nopony deserves to die like that, even my little drones. I'll be sure to tell them how kind their new neighbors are." She bowed low before them.

Silver looked to Luna and Celestia, "Then we are in agreement?"

Celestia shook her head, "Your request for an embassy is denied."

Silver blinked softly, "What?"

Celestia gestured at Fast, "It will not be required. Fast Change, as a citizen of Equestria, I will charge you with the care, feeding, and education of these changelings. You will show them how to be model citizens, and you will report and help capture those who turn away from our laws."

Silver waved Fast over softly. When she drew closer, he spoke in a near whisper, "You know I do know a changeling queen, right?"

Fast snorted softly, "I bet they already have a life they wouldn't want to give up."

Silver grunted with frustration, "And you do?! Was I that terrible?"

Fast leaned in and kissed Silver. He felt power rush out through his lips and a throbbing sort of pleasure build within himself quickly. He never wanted to stop kissing her, but she drew away. "You were perfect." She smiled then to Night, and they exchanged a kiss as well. Silver could see Night's expression turn to shock, to pleasure, to disappointment as they broke apart. "I will miss sleeping next to you both." She turned and walked away, taking center stage again.

Night whispered in his ear, "It isn't fair."

Silver couldn't think of a good argument for it. He slumped back against Night. The discussion went on largely without his participation. They discussed location and hashed out laws about changeling feeding habits. Schedules were set, deals were finalized. Little of it felt like it mattered at all to Silver anymore. It all added up to him losing another wife. "Whoever said it is better to have love and lost is a damn jerk. It was a lot less painful just being alone."

Night wrapped her wings around him, and he buried his face into them, hiding from the world as the talks went on. He whispered back to her, "At least we're together. You'll never leave, right?"

Night smiled, baring her teeth, "They'll have to drag me away, and even then I'll find you again, you crazy stallion, father of my foals."

Silver rolled around in Night's comforting grip, nuzzling into her belly and thinking of the life he had put there. It seemed a warmer place to be than to consider the words of his past-wife, still talking firmly to the crowd.

He had done his best. At least someone was winning out of it.

~You can depart~ came the soft words of Luna. They had a curious inflection, and he realized she understood some of his pain. ~Go. You have done your part well.~

Silver slipped free of Night's wings and hopped to the ground, striding from the court quietly with Night following behind. The moment he got outside, bright flashes robbed him of vision. Ponies pressed in from all angles, asking questions in rapid-fire succession.

"Did you always know Fast Change was a changeling?"

"How can the ponies of the city rest well ever again?"

"Do they really drink blood?"

Silver growled softly before his horn lit up. Bright flashes of light escaped it before exploding into multi-colored spectacles of Trixie defeating the ursa major. "Enough!" He stomped a hoof, "The changelings are here. They won't hurt anypony, and they're not going away! Just... get used to it!"

Night's wings wrapped around him and lifted him from the ground easily, "He's had a very busy day, so please, we're leaving." She began to push through the crowd, casually tripping one stubborn reporter to the ground. Nopony was actually hurt, aside their pride, and Night escaped into the halls of the palace, trotting briskly towards their room. She gently set Silver to the ground, letting him walk on his own. "How do you feel?"

He moved to keep up with her, "Awful. Just... this feels odd to talk about with you..."

Night perked an ear, "Go on."

Silver shook his head, "She was the fire. She made me feel... alive. She forced me out of my shell, and I loved it. She warmed me when everything was cold."

Night smiled thinly, "Setting up a real camping trip? A nice solid bedrock to sit on, and a warm fire to be cozy beside?"

Silver shuddered, "It... kinda worked that way. I love you both." He slumped against a chair in the hallway, drawing in a snot-filled snort, "I don't know what to do."

Night moved up and nibbled his cheek, "I can be warm too... But I'll miss her. She wasn't just your fire." She flushed gently, "She... showed me how to love a mare, and a few things besides. She showed me how being... like that... didn't have to mean you were an unfaithful pony."

Silver crossed his forelegs, "She left us."

Night softly bonked Silver on the head, "That sounded like a pouty child."

Silver trembled, "What if I feel like a pouty child? What if I just want my mother to pick me up and tell me everything's going to be OK?"

Night suddenly snatched him up with her forelegs and squeezed him. "I'm not your mother, but it'll be OK."

It would have to do.

Author's Note:

Silver wins! Sorta.

The typos are the true winners.

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