• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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3 - After Class

Class had ended, and Silver was about to depart when Lyra caught his eye and gestured with a twist of her head for him to go with her. Silver shared a sidelong glance with Celine, and soon both were moving after Lyra. She led them both into the dorms and entered a room, locking the door behind them, "Alright, David, my man, you're--"

Celine shoved Lyra with her magic, "You're testing my patience. His name is Silver Lining. And nopony bites his ear like that unless it's me."

Lyra snorted, then burst into laughter, "You are the most adorable thing, but seriously, don't do that ever again." She locked eyes with Silver, "Do you have any idea how illegal it is for unicorns to research outright war spells? I'm talking research as in learn what's already there!" She reached out and bopped Silver gently on the nose, making him frown, "Did you really make that on your own? Bon Bon owes me some bits. Humans aren't magic my flank."

Silver's confusion seemed to lift as he nodded his head, "I did. I took the symbols related to heat and pressure and played with them until I got it just right."

Lyra's brows raised as one, "Damn, son, that's so dangerous! Trained wizards lock themselves in dark holes in case they explode when they try that. You never know what you're going to get." Her horn glowed as she reached into Silver's saddlebags, rooting about.

Silver squeaked softly and swatted impotently at the magic, "Stop that! What are you looking for?"

Lyra snatched Silver's notes and brought it over, eyes scanning it quickly, "Your writing is awful. What is all this?"

Celine bared her teeth. With a bright flash, Lyra was pinned to the ground under her magic, "Enough! Stop ignoring me." Celine grabbed the notes out of Lyra's limp magical grip and gave it back to Silver as she stomped up to Lyra, "It is only because I know Silver rather likes you that I don't become more angry. Explain yourself. I am his first wife, and will protect him."

Silver flushed gently at the accusation, true as it may be. "It's true, she is, and she will."

Lyra sat up as the magic lessened, "Hey, relax. I'm on your side. I just wanted to see what you wrote down, chill. I was friends with Mr. Human over there long before you were, first wife." She shook herself out, then looked back at Silver, "How are you going to have a herd with one mare, or are you hiding a few others?"

Celine put herself between Silver and Lyra, "We have not selected a second mare. I have my eyes on one, but I respect Silver's decision to be patient."

Silver moved up and gently nipped one of Celine's ears gently, "Thank you for that, and relax. I really don't think Lyra is out to get us."

"I'm not," agreed Lyra. "You have no idea how happy I am to run into you again. So how's the horn life treating you?"

Silver wobbled a hoof, "Mostly good. I have an enchanting wife, made some friends. Rough got married to Trixie--"

Lyra's eyes went wide, "Beatrix Lulamoon, and Rough Draft? Seriously? That's a crazy couple!"

Silver smiled, "They love each other dearly. Uh, and I got my cutie mark recently for making that spell." He turned to display his scribbled notes of a mark when a knocking came from the door.

Lyra tilted her head before rising to answer it. On the other side of the door was Night Watch. "Hi. Mind if I join?"

Lyra stepped aside after a glance at the other's nodding heads and Night Watch trotted in, kicking the door shut behind herself. She looked over Lyra, "Lyra Heartstrings. I have orders about you."

Lyra blinked softly, "Good ones?"

Night flashed a bright smile, "I was told to stop you if you try to seduce Silver."

Lyra went red in her cheeks, "What if he seduces me, huh, did you think of that...?"

Celine's wings popped out wide, "He wouldn't! I think..." Her wings began to fold back in as she looked at Silver with fresh doubts.

Soon all their heads were directed at Silver and he began to squirm. If the age difference were ignored, he still kind of dug Lyra's energy, and his growing appreciation for pony anatomy said she wasn't an awful looker. "I would only do that if you suggested her first, my first wife."

Celine jerked back, "W-what? You, I mean... Thank you... Does... that mean I can resume looking?"

Night Watch adjusted her glasses idly, "What were you discussing before I got here?"

Lyra gestured at Silver, "Do you know what he did?"

Night tilted her head a little, "Which? That he's an alien?" Lyra nodded. "That he's had his age restored by Princess Luna?" Lyra nodded. "Or do you mean his terrifically illegal spellcrafting?"

Lyra threw out her forearms wide, "All of those things, but mostly the last one. You're a night guard, right?" It was Night's turn to nod, "So why isn't he already arrested? Not that I'm complaining."

Night directed a wing at Silver, "I reported him immediately, as it is my duty. Princess Luna said to continue watching him, and that she would bring the matter up with her sister immediately. That is all I know. No order was given to take him in, so I didn't."

Celine leaned in close to Silver, whispering, "Does it mean that?"

Silver leaned into her in return, rubbing his snout against hers softly, "I have questions about that, later." He turned to Lyra, "How long will you be here, at this school?"

Lyra shrugged her shoulders, "Well I have to be here for a year and change. After that, it's up to me. I could stay on, or go back to Ponyville and try to patch things up with Bon Bon." Those shoulders sagged, "It's been kind of lonely."

Night Watch tapped at her chin lightly, "Forty percent odds she's hoping Silver will feel bad."

Lyra blinked at Night, "What's the other sixty?"

Night shrugged softly, "Thirty says you're genuinely sad, twenty says you're directing it at me or Celine, but that would be ineffective at best."

Lyra shook her head, "You're a crazy bat--"

Night's wings flared and she bared her sharp teeth, "I am not a bat..." she growled out.

Lyra put up her hooves quickly, "Sorry sorry! Geeze, I didn't mean that. Peace."

Night huffed softly, then opened the door, "Come on, we can't sit here in Lyra's room all night. Questions would be asked."

Silver and Celine trotted out shortly, with Night trailing behind. Lyra called out before the door closed, "See you tomorrow!"

As they made the short trip back to their own room, Celine asked, "Do you fancy her?"

Silver rolled his shoulders, "I was told not to, because she's older than me now."

Night pressed at her glasses with a wingtip, "That is not an answer."

Silver huffed, "Let me be crude then. If she offered a fling, I'd probably... be really tempted, but I'm not hunting for flings. If Celine nominated her, I'd probably not object. She's crazy, but mostly the good kind. She likes me, and she likes playing the same things I do. We can talk without either of us feeling awkward. As a minor bonus, she already knows my past and likes it."

Celine rubbed up against Silver's side, "You would get sad, later."

Silver lifted his shoulders, "Isn't that always the case? Somepony has to die first, awful as that is to think about."

Night huffed softly, "Topic change, have you considered what specialty you wish?"

Silver paused in front of their door, "I've considered, but not decided. Is there a rush?"

Night shook her head, "Got all term to think about it." She reached with a wing and opened the door as well as a hand would. She trotted in at an easy pace, followed by Celine, and finally Silver.

Fast Change was there, asleep, as a female pegasus. Silver wondered a little at how he knew she was currently a she. The shape of the snout was a hint, but a dozen other little markers seemed to be obvious. "I didn't think he/she could be asleep while doing that," remarked Silver.

Night glanced at them, then shrugged softly, "It's clearly their special talent. You saw their cutie mark, didn't you? A unicorn working within their talent can do some amazing things."

Silver suddenly pointed out, "You know Lyra's a huge roleplaying fan."

Night blinked owlishly through her glasses, "She is?"

Silver bobbed his head, "I ran for her at the con. She has a human sorcerer she's really proud of."

Night smiled guardedly, "Maybe I'll forgive her the bat comment, this once."

Silver gave Night a hug before he realized what he was doing. Night was warm, soft, and rigid as a board. As he took quick note of this, the world spun around him. He hit the ground solidly and was left staring at the ceiling. "I... feel like I actually deserved that one..."

Night huffed, "You did. Ask next time." She looked to Celine, "Sorry for dinging your stallion, but he didn't keep his hooves to himself."

Celine didn't seem upset about the assault, simply helping Silver back up to his hooves. Celine looked Night over appraisingly, "That was a very smooth takedown."

Night smiled with pride, "It's preferable to subdue ponies without harming them. We're not savages after all." She reached out a hoof and softly tapped Silver on the nose, "You're still awkward."

Silver blushed softly, "It's... true, but I try? Sorry."

Night waved a wing dismissively, "I'll forgive you if you set up a Humanway game. This time, you run it, and Lyra and I will play."

Celine shuffled a little, "Can I also play?"

Night tilted her head at Celine, "Do you know how?"

Celine shook her head with wilted ears and Silver moved to nuzzle her frown away, "Don't worry, I'll show you. We'll have a character for you made up in a jiff."

Night clapped her hooves together, "Great, three players it is."

"Four," came a voice. They glanced over to see Fast Change sitting up. She looked at them as she stretched her wings, "Count me in. I don't know how to play that kinda thing, but I've heard of it."

Silver nodded at Fast Change. Showing two players was about as hard as showing one, in the end. He clapped his hooves together and rubbed them softly. "I have a gaming group. I didn't think that'd happen."

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