• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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79 - Just a Taste

Silver relaxed, scribbling in his book some idle thoughts of a new spell he hoped to get working reliably, when he heard Night moving. He looked up to see her approaching the basket. "Oh, how did I miss this?" She plucked free a small package of chocolates. "This isn't like the others. Think it's any good? I never--"

She didn't get to finish asking as Silver's magic released the book he was reading and slammed against the chocolates, smearing them against the wall while he panted, heart pounding in his chest. Night glanced between him and the mess he'd made. "Message received, no chocolates..." She raised a brow from behind her glasses. "Now tell me what that was about."

Silver took a moment regaining his breath and forcing his body to come down from the adrenaline high it had plunged into. "I'm sorry, it's another dream thing..."

She hopped up beside him and settled against him. "They haven't led you wrong on the important parts. Tell me about it?"

Silver raised a quivering hoof at the mess. "I made some people very angry in my dream, and they sent food and chocolates, claiming to be happy. It made Celestia and I very sick, and outright killed a pony. The one that died, she ate the chocolates." He looked to Night, visibly rattled and shaking. "Too many things matching up. A female, a lover, eating poisoned chocolate. I'd rather destroy harmless chocolate than risk that."

Night frowned a little. "Horrible." She hopped down. "But now you've made me curious."

"Not enough to try some, I hope!"

"Of course not." She approached the chocolate and brought out a small jar that she scooped some of the mess into. "Enough to have this looked at as soon as we're back in Canterlot. I'm curious if your hunch was right or not." She popped a cap on the jar and stuffed it away. "Whether you are or not, I appreciate the thought behind it."

Silver relaxed and flopped, his head resting on his forehooves. "Sorry for making things tense like that. I just--"

Night held up a hoof. "I'm not going to be angry at you for trying to protect me, Silver. That's something I'd hope any married pony would do for their spouse." She inclined her head towards the basket. "Do you think the rest is suspect then? She seemed sincere in her thanks."

Silver sat up, considering that. "The problem is that she isn't the only source. She gathered it from her constituents, so it just takes one with a grudge and a willingness to act on it." He grabbed the basket with his magic and dropped it into a waste basket with a dull thump. "Better safe than sorry."

Night snorted with annoyance. "I wanted a snack..."

That got Silver up to his hooves. "I'll get you something delicious then." He hopped down from the bed, his magic grabbing the waste bin and its contents. "May as well empty this on the way. You relax for a moment, I'll be right back."

"Oh no you don't!" She moved in against him. "I go where you go. I'd follow you into the restroom if I thought it'd help." She raised a brow. "And wouldn't tweak out everyone."

Silver colored. "Let's not talk about my peeping wife. I didn't know you enjoyed... watching."

Night narrowed her eyes. "You marry a mare called Night Watch and get surprised she likes watching things?" She swatted him with her good wing. "Let's go."

They dropped off the suspect fruit, then found their way to the dining hall. Flash was already there, clearly enjoying time off with a sandwich of some sort.

Silver raised a hoof and waved in greeting. "Hey there, Flash." He hopped up into a seat, and Night settled beside him. "What's on the menu today?"

Flash swallowed what he had already begun. "Oh, Ambassador Lining. Good evening. Uh, these are just snacks. If you want a real dinner, you should ring the bell."

Night reached out with her good wing and snatched one of the sandwiches before sniffing at it. "Mmm, it'll do." She devoured it without any further ceremony, tearing into it as only a few other non-lunar ponies could match. "Mmm, compliments to the chef."

Silver tilted his head at her. "Take it easy, love. It's not running away. You should enjoy your food."

"I'm eating for three. I'll enjoy it more when I'm not starving." She grabbed another and ate it more slowly, even pausing long enough to grab a glass of juice and wash it all down.

Silver looked across at Flash. "You don't have to call me that every time. Silver's fine." He smiled a little. "So, you came up from Canterlot too, right?"

Flash nodded at that. "They asked for volunteers to help Princess Cadenza, and I signed the dotted line." He took another bite and swallowed before continuing. "We wanted to help get the Crystal Empire back on its hooves. It's nice to have backup." He looked between Silver and Night. "Even if you seem to be rushing right for the heart of the problem."

Night held up a hoof. "At no time do either of us claim to be the sole heroes of the day. The ponies here need you, and it's good to know they're being watched over by such thoughtful guards." She smiled, fangs displayed. "I was a night guard before, you know."

Silver bobbed his head. "We'll probably move along soon, if things go well, but the job won't be done, and we're glad you and the other guards are here, keeping the peace. It's not as celebrated in newspapers, but it's important."

The compliments brought a bit of a smile to Flash's face, and all three ate with idle conversation for the rest of the meal.

A guard stepped in before they were done, dragging a resisting and thrashing crystal mare. "Sir, she was snooping around the heart."

Flash tilted his head. "That isn't against the law." He hopped down and approached. As she wriggled, her cloak came up just enough for Silver to catch a glimpse of her cutie mark of the rod of Asclepius . "What was she doing?"

Silver and Night rose as one and spoke in perfect harmony, "Radiant Hope?"

Flash, the guard, and the new pony froze, and looked to them. Radiant shrank back a step. "Y-you know me?"

Silver hopped down from his chair. "We do. We've been trying to find you."

Her ears pinned against her head. "What for?"

Night advanced to his side. "Sombra is hurt, badly."

She shrank back half a step before she stopped. "Wait, you... Why?"

Flash nodded. "It's true. Search me why, but our orders are clear. If you're willing to help, you're to be brought to Princess Cadenza immediately."

Radiant shook her head and stood up a little taller. "This isn't how I planned... Are you serious? You'll... You'll let me see him?"

Silver raised an ear. "What did you plan?"

She waved it off. "Nevermind that." A little nervous laugh escaped from her. "This is much better! Please, let's go."

The guard and Flash moved to escort her away, but it was without force. She seemed quite eager to almost prance along with them as they led her towards where Princess Cadenza awaited them. Silver turned back to Night. "It's nice when something works out without drama for a change."

Night snorted softly. "I almost don't even know what to do with it, but yes, no complaints here. One thing bothers me a little..." She rolled a hoof. "She's awfully old, for a standard grade pony."

Silver raised a brow. "She is..." He sat and frowned thoughtfully before it clicked. "Do you think she heals herself? I mean, of aging. Maybe her healing is that strong?"

Night's eyes widened a moment. "That would be... No wonder she was sent to be trained. Why isn't she already a princess?"

Silver lifted his shoulders. "I couldn't answer that. I'd like to know, out of curiosity, but it isn't important to getting this mess straightened out."

Night pointed where the guards had gone. "Should we be following them?"

Silver considered that. "For once, let's leave this in their hooves." He moved to nuzzle Night's cheeks. "I have a wife to dote on. Let's head back and get some sleep."

She smiled gently with a little warmth in her cheeks from his words. "Alright. If you're sure." She went with him, and they forgot the matter for the moment. They had each other, and that was enough for the two at the time.

Elsewhere, Cadance was being hurriedly approached by the envoy of guards and Radiant Hope. She would have to face Sombra once more, perhaps on better terms than the last had turned out.

Author's Note:

Why is she so old? Entirely headcanon on my part. I don't think the comics ever really cared to look at the issue, but it makes sense to me.

Things are coming together nicely, but it only takes one typo to throw things off kilter.

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