• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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165 - Royalty Denied

Silver was led through the hallways, Samantha and Night at his sides and back. Other ponies were slow to notice things had changed. If he kept his wings folded tightly, the pony perception seemed to shield them from noticing he had become something more, and he was alright with that. No need to rush.

"S-Silver?!" A startled and frightened Carrot Plate stood before the procession, jaw dropped and eyes wide. Given enough ponies, Silver figured one would have to notice, and why not someone he knew? Destiny loved that kind of thing. "What happened? You?!" She glanced left and right quickly. "This is where I get banished, isn't it?"

Silver smiled a little. "We already had this conversation. Why would I banish you? You made a mistake, you paid for it, it's done." He extended a wing half-way. "How do I look?" Why not get an outside opinion while the chance was there.

Carrot Plate shook herself out. "It looks... Really, you?!" She flopped back against a table beside her. "I attacked a future royalty..."

The guard before Silver cleared his throat. "We should keep moving." And so they did, leaving Carrot Plate to gather her wits behind them.

Samantha came up on his right side. "You look great!"

Night said nothing. She looked deeply occupied in her head as she followed along. Silver wanted to broach the topic with her, but they were far from alone, and he felt certain it was no public matter.

He spread his wings and gathered up his wives at his sides, with the side bonus of getting his foals for no additional fee. His family was close, and he intended to keep it that way.

Together, they entered one of the dining halls. The guard at their front pointed to the table. "Please wait here. We'll bring Princess Celestia at her earliest convenience."

How was it that important business always ended up around a table of food? Silver moved to take a place at the side of the table. He wasn't presumptuous enough to take one of the heads of the long table. As he sat, he worked his wing this way and that, feeling the subtle differences between the bird-like wings of pegasi and the bat-like wings of lunar pegasi. Even internally, there were differences, though he still felt like he had a leg up from his dream time. The wings didn't feel like alien parts, just different in so many tiny ways.

Samantha reached for one of the flexing wings and grabbed it in her hooves. "Did it hurt? I can't imagine growing two new limbs would be easy or painless, to say nothing of all these feathers!"

Silver brushed that wing over Samantha's snout, and she sneezed. He could see why Celestia loved doing it to him. She seemed so adorable and innocent at that moment even as she looked faintly dazed from the forced sneeze. "Funny thing, but the actual transformation was entirely painless, I had to endure pain before it."

Night perked an ear. "Before it? What... What happened? Can you please tell me now?"

Silver reached with his other wing, encircling Night. "It's almost over, so, yes, I can say a lot now. I experienced a lot of 'it could have beens' in Equestria. 'What if's, if you prefer. What if Sombra had taken over the Crystal Empire on his return and waged a war on Equestria, a true war. What if Nightmare Moon had come back and won, ruling the world in perpetual shadows? They were all fairly grim, and ended in a world completely destroyed. Just... ash in the wind."

Samantha blinked rapidly. "Fascinating. Oh, I wish your trackers had worked while you were away. The readings I would have gotten!" She clopped her forehooves together with excitement. "It's alright, you're back now and that's much more important. Congratulations, you've raised from third favorite subject to first, no, second. Yes, definitely second favorite subject."

Night tilted her head faintly at Samantha. "You have a list? Who's the first?"

Samantha pointed at Night. "The lunar pegasus that produced two entirely new tribes of ponies, of course. I may be a little biased, since she's also my alpha mare, but I gave up trying to be not-biased when it comes to you two, and these two." She nuzzled each of the foals at her side. "I'm just going to be all biased, but I'll take good notes, and hope it's helpful to somepony."

Silver glanced between his wives. One was all smiles, practically bouncing with building joy. The other was quiet and brooding. He turned a little towards the brooder and leaned in. "What's wrong, First Wife." The title was more than a pet name, it was her legal standing. "How can I help turn that sour expression bright again?"

Night glanced away and back at Silver. "You're changing, again."

"I am." There wasn't much he could say to change that. "In a bad way?"

Night pointed at herself. "I haven't... I never change..." She grit her teeth a moment. "I'm the same bat pony you ran into, just a little older."

Bat pony? Silver knew Night had to be seriously upset to use that term. "You have grown and matured in wonderful ways, Night. Do you want me to start counting them?"

Night scowled at him. "You're just being nice to your wife. I haven't grown."

"But you have." Silver sat up. "Let's start with the most obvious. You're a mother now, and no pony becomes a mother without changing, certainly not the loving sort of mother you have become."

Night squirmed a little. "Great, I can get pregnant. Big accomplishment..."

Silver prodded Night in the chest. "Despite what they say, you did as much, if not more, to bring peace to the umbrum. You took a pony mad with pain and desperation and turned him into a friend. The umbrum owe you so much, and you wouldn't have done that when I first met you. You have changed, for the better, I say."

Samantha leaned around Silver. "You used to be scared of me, but now we're herd-sisters. You changed, and I'm so grateful you opened your heart to make room for me." She rubbed at her cheek. "I know I'm not the perfect partner, but I'll keep trying to change, to grow, just like you want to. We'll grow together, as a family."

Night quirked a little smile. "As a family... But this..." She gestured at Silver broadly. "You've jumped past us, to a plateau far over our heads. You can do everything we can do, in theory, but better."

Silver snorted softly at that. "I doubt I'll ever be the warrior you are, Night. That isn't something a few lessons gives you. It's part of who you are."

Night jabbed him with a sharp hoof. "You say that! I've seen you fighting when you take it seriously. You have some warrior's spirit in there, you just don't bring it out very easily. You don't... like hurting ponies. Please don't change that."

Silver nuzzled at her cheek gently. "Then be my lovely warrior, grow with us, but never change that."

Night shuddered softly. "That all sounds lovely, but you're... You're a wizard. You're a wizard with even more magic now. What do you need me for?"

Silver nudged at her shoulder. "First of all, we didn't become partners out of a 'need', not like that."

"I won't be useless!" She suddenly screamed.

Celestia tilted her head at the door. "Is this a bad time?"

Night shook her head quickly. "No. No... Sorry." She curled up a bit on herself but went quiet.

Samantha waved at Celestia eagerly. "Look what happened!"

Celestia approached the table slowly. "I see..." She was quiet a moment as she circled around to take a place opposite Silver and his family. Nopony took the head of the table. "So it happened."

Silver tilted his head faintly. "You sound far less surprised than I thought you might be."

"Oh, I am." Celestia rolled a hoof. "I expected to be the one to guide you through this step. I took it for granted. Cadance, Twilight, I guided them both to this point, and I saw no reason why I wouldn't for you as well. Did you carry yourself through that place? That is more than I would have guessed possible."

Silver was ready to explain Star Swirl's interference, but the words would not come to him. He ended up just looking awkward and tongue-tied.

"You have surprised me again." Celestia smiled gently, extending a wing to brush over one of his own. "We'll have to plan a coronation."


Celestia blinked softly. "I know you're probably very nervous. I rea--"

Silver held up a hoof. "It's not about fear, or trying to avoid responsibilities. I'll face those, but let's be smart about this."

Celestia raised a brow then. "Explain?"

Silver smiled a little. "Twilight was a Canterlot pony from the start, a unicorn, raised by you basically. Her ascension likely caused the least ripples. Cadance, a pegasus, probably more of an upset, but you adopted her, and she was, at the least, a pony." He directed a hoof at himself. "Too many know my past. If you declare me prince, it will create bitter and intense hatreds. I will earn that title, not be given it. I'm no princess ponies can write off to destiny. They don't understand the idea of a prince, not like this. I will show them first, then bow my head and be crowned by the very same ponies that would have hated me before."

Celestia's doubtful face turned slowly to a radiant smile. "I see. I confess, I was certain you would be frightened. Your..." She faltered, glancing between the two ponies in the room that hadn't read the journal. "I'm glad I was wrong. Will you remain an ambassador then?"

Silver smiled at that. "Why not? People still need me, and I can still help that way. A pair of wings doesn't suddenly get me out of those responsibilities."

"Don't dismiss them." Celestia waved a hoof gently. "What you have earned is much more than a pair of wings. Though you've chosen to delay your coronation, you are, in private, my peer." She raised a brow lightly. "I am still amazed you managed that on your own. To reforge your own body from the aether..."

Silver wanted to argue that. He had done no such thing, but the words eluded him and he ended up just looking awkward again, more like he was embarrassed from the praise instead of trying so hard to explain how he hadn't performed the miracle Celestia thought he had. Darn Star Swirl, was he that insistent on not being known?

"Luna will be ecstatic."

All three of their heads turned to Celestia. She looked between them. "Is it not obvious? When she hears you have ascended, that will change things. She is no longer inherently above you in station."

Silver paled a little, realizing what Celestia meant. Luna would become the hunter, and he the hunted. "She musn't! Certainly not before I earn that crown, least of all. If ponies see her chasing after me, that will ruin the entire thing."

"I suppose that goes for me even more than Luna." Celestia quirked a little smile. "It's just as well, we haven't grown that close."

Silver heard a defeated tone in that statement and wanted to argue it, but... did he? Suddenly everything felt confused and dizzy. "Let's deal with politics first. No new members in this herd until then."

Night suddenly quirked a smile. "Nefertari is going to be so upset to hear that."

Silver winced. "Be... that as it may, I'm not changing my mind. No herd changes until this is settled. This isn't a game."

Author's Note:

Two above 2k updates for my stories today? Madness! Utter Madness!

Behold as the typos of Silver's life unfold for all to see!

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