• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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273 - Conquest

Silver realized he had been parked on a grand pillow. He wasn't sure exactly what moment that happened in. When he wasn't paying attention, life itself could slip past him without taking note of the steps in the middle. The servants had been clamoring around and at him.

Right, they led him there, he remembered. He had laid down. "I feel I should say again, I don't really require any, uh, more bed warmers. I have wives, and I'm not... needy? Like that."

The cow raised a brow at him as she crossed her arms, lifting her generous chest in the action. "Did you have servants before, Good Prince?"

"No, though how does that change anything?"

She lifted one hand, the other holding that arm's elbow. "It's easy to get used to being hungry when one must. Stop denying it out of hand and allow what happens to happen. We will obey the same kindness you have extended to us. If you tell us to stop, we will, but don't wall us away so quickly."

The vixen laughed softly. "Well put, but I have more to offer than what rests on my chest or anywhere south of my beltline. When do you intend to inform the sultan of your selection?"

The kirin closed her eyes and shook her head at once. "Is it not obvious? He awaits the one servant he did have, though he did not refer to her that way."

His teeth set, but finding her would be hard. He would have to trust she came home safely. "I do want her at my side." In part because the sultan could get angry if he knew the political trouble was not immediately at his side.

Slow Step gestured ahead as they ambled. "Close to out."

Sheba could smell it, the teasing of fresh air, not stagnating under so much stone. "Good, I'm done with these tunnels."

The diplomat inclined an ear. "Did your prince tell you what he wished of us?"

Sheba threw up a lone hand. "Of course not. You don't have what he wants, and you don't want to hurt him, so I have no particular need for either of you."

A paw landed on her shoulder. "Promise. You promised, to see my--"

"--Yes yes, I'll do that, before I leave the city," she quickly placated, bring a smile to Slow's face. "Where do you live?"

He pointed to the left. "West side, three story house, pale blue, stone. On second floor. She will like meeting you, I think."

She nodded softly, glancing towards the diplomat. "You do know he'd be fine speaking to you again. You left a good impression."

The male cat that was a diplomat softly smiled. "This is good... I followed a hunch, and I think... I made the correct decision. Still, I must find new work, and a diplomat has little work beneath another diplomat."

Sheba's snout wrinkled. "You're thinking far too small."

"Mmm? Enlighten me." He veered closer to her as they walked. "I would hear your wisdom."

Sheba's eyes lifted to the ceiling a moment. "No one person can be in all places. Silver's attention only extends so far, and in one direction at a time often, as is the case with most. If he had a trusted diplomat he could make use of..."


"Yes, ah." She snorted softly. "Really, defeating yourself before taking the first swing. You should be ashamed. He is a gentle prince, what do you fear? The worst answer you will get from him is a simple 'no', likely couched with support and encouragement."

"I understand," spoke Slow Step encouragingly. "It is a little scary, to talk to a new boss. Fighting is easy, getting a job, harder... I will have to find a new one." He sighed wistfully. "Does the nice prince need me?"

"He has a guard," casually shut down Sheba, waving him off. "And many more back in pony land. Afraid he isn't looking for this."

"Oh," he sadly accepted. "Come soon. She will be so happy." He smiled gently, advancing just a little faster as they came towards the light of the noonday sun. The cave exited out into the dunes. To their left was the city some half a mile away.

Sheba smiled with victory. "Fantastic. I will rejoin my employer."

The diplomat raised a finger. "May I accompany you?"

Her nose wrinkled at that. "Mmmf. Fine... He'd complain if he ever learned I declined it. Stand still."

"Wha--" He was plucked up from behind by Sheba moving far too quickly. The world became a blur. He didn't even feel wind rushing past. He struggled to describe it to himself, but everything was lost, then found.

They were inside a palace. There were many pretty servants, some gathered around the relaxed form of a pony prince he knew. Sheba casually set him on his feet. "I am back, with a guest." She gestured to him as he wobbled, recovering from his trip.

Silver sat up sharply, a smile on his face. "I didn't think I'd see you again." The expression dulled. "How much did he know?"

Sheba waved dismissively at him. "He was a fool, just as I, and that bear. Sweet promises of easy solutions."

"Y-yes, it is true." He dropped to a knee. "I am ashamed to know my talents were put to such work, but I have only myself to blame. As an ambassador, understanding what you speak is so very important, and in this, I failed."

Silver inclined his head. "But you knew, in here." He set a hoof on his own chest. "I feel certain."


"Why else did you leave the map behind for me to find?" Silver smiled softly. "You tried to talk me into it, but you left me the key to stopping them."

"You have seen through me." He dipped his head. "You are the, uh, diplomat of Equestria, are you not?"

"One of," Silver corrected. "Equestria has a few good spokesponies willing to meet new people and share."

"Would it... ever consider a diplomat who is without hooves?" He displayed the soft pads of his hands, wriggling them at Silver.

"Would you be happy living in a country full of them?" asked Silver, turning it back on the diplomat. "In either case, I don't think I caught your name? You know mine."

"I do." He smiled a little, sinking to sit properly before Silver. "One of the disadvantages of fame. I am Safir Naem, but Safir will suffice. By what name do you prefer?"

"D--Silver." His cheeks warmed. How long had it been since he almost used his so very dead name? He felt quite silly for reaching for it like that. "Silver will do. Among, uh, proper people, Prince, or Prince Watch."

The kirin suddenly sat down between them, her eyes on the ambassador. "The prince has a great deal of servants, as you can see. His time is occupied with great matters. What do you want?"

Silver hadn't asked for someone to intercede for him, and yet the kirin was. He wasn't sure how to feel about that... "Join the others. If you're serious, stay with them, and I will let you plead your case to Celestia, when we return. Uh..." Crud... "What was your name again?"

"Safir," provided Safir. "A diplomat that struggles with names? That must be quite trying."

Silver felt blood rushing as he rose to his hooves. "Yes, uh, let's see if the sultan's ready to see me, Sheba." He had learned her name, at least.

Sheba was at his side. "An excellent idea. Ah, did you find what we came for? Neither Safir nor Slow Step had anything interesting on them."

Safir patted his pockets, not remembering being searched.

With a glowing horn, he almost drew out the terrible artifact, but aborted the motion before it ever got free of his saddlebag. "I did, but I will keep this to myself. Let's go." He led the way from the room, Sheba beside him. He could see a guard at the entrance to the hallway.

"Good afternoon. Is the sultan still occupied?"

The cat guard perked an ear. "Ah, esteemed guest. He said to wait until you emerged, something about being busy getting to know the servants. He awaits your presence."

Sheba flashed a bright smile. "How thoughtful of him." Silver was certain he heard sarcasm in there. "Let us be off."

Following the guard, they were soon in the throne room. The sultan sat upon his throne with his welcoming smile. "Good prince, you join us once more, and you appear intact, which is good. Do you carry news from your sojourn into the city?"

Silver inclined his head lightly, stepping forward with Sheba at his side. "I can confidently report that the threat has been contained. The people of the city, and the world, are safe." For now. He hoped to eventually make that more permanent. "I also made a decision."

"A decision?" He leaned forward, hands on his knees. "Tell us what you have decided."

"First, in regards to your gifts. Thank you for them. I will treasure them, and Equestria thanks you for your generosity."

"You are most welcome, that our allies remain ever thus." He clapped his hands once smartly. "Have you chosen a servant to accompany you in this dark time?"

"I have." He nodded once, trying to keep the hint of uncertainty out of the motion. "I will take them all, as you offered so generously. I was without servants, but you have addressed this with only the skill a sultan as yourself could see to. I will leave, uh..." He struggled to remember her name. "The unicorn, a mare? I will leave her. Equestria has enough unicorn mares."

He felt bad saying it. They were unkind words... "But the rest interest me." I want to protect them, was more of what he thought. "Thank you."

"Hmmmm..." Silver could see him considering. Would he object to his claim. He would look lesser in doing so. "Such a bold and eager young prince, taking on so many at once. Beware you do not become overwhelmed. Your servants have no order, and when there is no eldest to set the rules, they begin to set their own rules. Be wary, or they will own you, Young Prince." He touched his fingers together. "Are you quite certain the threat has passed?"

"I crushed... one of them beneath my hooves. Their leaders are scattered and their artifact no longer in their possession. Let us breathe... a little easier, knowing this will not be used against us." He let out a sudden sigh. "Really, who thought that was a good idea?!"

"Who indeed...? I wish we could have learned that... Still, I will not complain if it is truly put to rest." He stood up from the throne. "You will require a vessel."


"To return with. You have too many servants, and too many riches. A poor replacement for your wife, I readily admit, but far much more in simple... girth. You will need a vessel to carry it all home. I will lend you one, with a crew, but they are not a gift. They will return once you are all safely away."

Silver felt his ears raising on his own, directed at the sultan. "That would be very nice." He hadn't considered the logistics of getting his new workforce home, and he felt silly for not considering it. "A silly thought, but you have many many more where they came from, I do hope? Taking all the kingdom's servants at once would be very rude."

"It would be." He smiled, sharp teeth displayed briefly. "But I am a cat of my word, and we will sooner replace them than you your wife, so this is something we will bear. Hmm, if you are feeling thoughtful, perhaps you would leave the mouse behind? I have a few uses for her."

Silver tensed, having a strong feeling the mouse would have no good future, being in a place she didn't want to be, with a sultan that likely was aware of the fact.

Author's Note:

Silver does NOT reveal he has the death artifact. Good call?

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