• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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207 - Silver Penny Pt 2

Silver blinked at the outburst, and he was far from the only one. "Sorry… I'm sorry, for your loss." He sat down on his haunches. "She made a reference, to my dream."

“Dream?” Penny was more than a little lost in the conversation, she sidled over to Fast. “What dream? What are they all talking about?” The last was said quietly, likely overheard by the others though.

Fast shrugged softly. "Search me."

“You keep calling it that,” Surprise nearly whispered, “It was the world. The whole world. And then I saw whole other worlds… and mine went away…”

“Okay, Silver, you are getting distracted.” Penny looked from Silver to Night. “He is getting distracted. And for the record, no, I am quite happy with my situation, so don’t try and infer I am not.” She looked a little upset about the last bit, clearly not having liked being accused, but holding it in until the pair got to talking.

Night took an angry step forward. "And what was that… dream, world, vision, whatever. I don't care what it is, but it still means more to you than me or anyone else, that much is obvious!"

“He loved you in that ‘dream’ if that’s what you want to insist it was,” Surprise bowed her head as she remembered, “He loved you and he had faith. He believed in the power of you together. I don’t know how it ended, because I didn’t have faith. I thought I had more important things than what was in front of my snout, but he had faith in you. He would fight the sun, Do you even know what that means? Because I don’t. But Charlie did. And I didn’t. I kept telling myself there would be one more day…”

Night grunted but looked away. She didn't see the book that flopped to the ground in front of her, flung by Silver's magic. "You can read it.. If you want. It's the… basically all I could remember."

Fast reached for the shell-shocked Surprise and casually pulled her into a hug as if there wasn't a heavy conversation going on from all sides.

“Okay, I’m going to make some hot cocoa. Anypony want some?” Penny excused herself from the talk that was so far above her head it was practically in orbit.

“Z-978 does not see why Night Watch is angry?” Z interjected, seeking real explanations, “She has her herd. She has her stallion. They love and are loved. Please explain Why Night Watch is angry. Z-978 is confused and does not understand?”

Night wheeled on Z with a hiss. "I don't have him! He's ready to throw it all away. He wants…" Her words died off as she noticed the book in front of her. She reached out a hoof to nudge at it. "This won't help me if…"

"I did say I'd marry you… You are my other half, Night." Silver looked to her as his eyes sank to the ground, darting.

“Cocoa all ‘round then.” Penny started checking cupboards for mugs and ingredients, finding the cocoa powder in short order. “I swear, when the mathematics teacher in the room is the one confused, there really is a problem.” She was muttering to herself mainly.

“Say something, stupid,” Diane nudged Night. “You’re totally going to blow it. There’s hot cocoa coming and everything!”

Night blinked at Diane's reaction before looking at Silver and away. "I don't want… to be married. I want to have a herd of my own." She thrust a hoof at Silver. "One you don't want to join!"

Penny heard the conversation swing back in a direction she knew. “Right, so get him to tell you why he doesn’t want to.” Penny’s focus came back on Silver, the cocoa forgotten for a moment.

Silver squirmed in place. "I will not be the first prince, I mean, alicorn prince, that is in a herd, that is a male but not stallion… There's a whole cou--"

"I don't care about the country!" Night hissed hotly. "I thought it was you and me? I thought at one point you were willing to face the world for me. Where's that Silver?"

“How can you just not care about the whole country?” Surprise asked in earnest, to be answered by her daughter.

“The same way you don’t care about a whole world until you see you can break it,” the little changeling’s teeth clicked dangerously, “Have you seen that yet, MISSUS Watch? Have you actually paid the world for what you want?”

Cups and ingredients flew around, Penny’s magic wasn’t the strongest, but she had good practice with what she could do. She didn’t even realize what would be the side effect of her using it as she started pouring the drinks.

Night narrowed her eyes at the changeling. "This isn't going to 'break' a world. You're just being--" Her words were cut off as the book rose into her view.

"Read it, please…" Silver gave a little smile. "It may be a stupid fear, but it's my fear. Please."

“It was real,” Diane moved to nuzzle her sister, “We all lost each other again and again. We all thought we had one more day! Just because you call it a dream never made it not real!”

Mugs of hot, chocolaty goodness started to float from the bench to each pony as Penny inadvertently radiated more of her emotions out. “Here we go, maybe it is time for Night to have some time to read? That book seems important to Silver.”

“I never cared what was important to Silver,” the little queen announced as she left the room.

The larger queen, Fast, er, Princess, stuck out her tongue. "Well I do care." She smooched the top of Suprise's head, "So are you going to read that with me or what? I want to know what it says already."

Silver turned dark, as if he hadn't realized there was a danger in more than one pony reading the book he had released. When a mug softly bonked his head, he started, then took it in his magic. "Thanks."

As Penny finally had just one cup left, she lifted it to her own lips and sipped. “Wait, isn’t there a spell that would read it out to us, so we can all hear?” She was, unfortunately, oblivious to Silver’s embarrassment.

Night wasn't so blind, or quite angry enough to read the book out loud. She snatched it with a wing and marched towards Fast. "Fine, we'll read it." She flopped down on her haunches beside her former herdsister and set the book where they could both read it. "I doubt this'll change my mind though…"

“Well, if we aren’t all going to read it, let’s leave them to their book.” Penny drank the rest of her cocoa and set the mug down. “Silver, have you met Fast’s little ones?” She was clearly trying to get him away so Night and Fast could explore the book at their own pace.

Silver looked ready to argue, but he swallowed noisily and raised upright. "R-right, please…" He followed dutifully, even if his ears were down and tail barely swayed with his motions.

Night and Fast skimmed over the book curiously. When one reached to turn the page, the other would hold them still for a moment before letting them go. Fast turned a bright red softly. "A mare?!"

Night didn't look much better. "But he… she… they still wanted me."

"And me," reported Fast with a cocky grin, reading on eagerly.

“Pretty sure the nursery is around here some-” Penny was talking loudly, loudly enough that she suddenly had little changeling larvae racing out and, in the most adorable way possible for such things, trying to bowl her over. “Oh, I think they found us!” The mare was reaching down and nuzzling little changelings, not sparing a single one.

Silver smiled at the little 'grubs' as they were swarmed. "They're both adorable and mildly frightening at the same time," he confessed plainly. "Any care I should take, besides the usual infant things?"

Back in the other room, Night raised a brow at the words she read. "He defied both of them…"

Fast nodded. "He'd do just about anything for you."

"Would!" Night clopped the floor loudly. "Now he won't. Now he's scared... "

“Oh they are just scamps. Here, watch this.” Penny settled down on her belly and suddenly there were half a dozen little changelings riding on her back. “Oh no! I have been attacked by changelings!” Her cry was in jest, and full of mock fear as she was suddenly being attacked by the tiny and adorable swarm.

Silver tilted his head before reaching with his magic to snatch one of the changelings into his mental grasp and bring the little thing right over. "Hello there. Would you like to play a game, hmm?"

Back in the other room, Fast gently patted Night on the head. "Everypony has limits. Maybe you're just attacking this across a line he doesn't want to go across."

"So I should be happy he wants me to be a quiet little wife?"

Fast raised a brow. "You realize this option means I don't get to be a wife at all, right?" She leaned in, nuzzling Night gently. "I want you both so badly… But what I want, and what I get…"

“They want to do nothing but play games when one of their aunts is here.” Soft Spoken, a changeling drone stepped out of the nursery to find her charges.

Penny stuck her head up out of the squirming swarm. “Oh, hi Soft. Soft, this is Silver Watch. Silver, Soft Spoken, the most forgiving changeling I have ever met.”

"Forgiving?" Silver set the little changeling down on his back just behind his head and began marching around with the young one. "Did you do something that needs forgiving?"

Night shoved Fast suddenly. "You don't have to accept that! Look, you can be a part of a herd."

"No, I can't." Fast shook her head slowly. "We're both royalty, and I know what that means…"

"But you wanted to…"

"I want a lot of things." Fast sat up tall. "But I'm princess of these changelings first."

“Forgiving. As in, look at what she has to deal with on a daily basis.” Penny stood up, changelings hanging off of her everywhere. “I have one foal to deal with, and there is three of us to share the responsibility. I have a lot of respect for Soft.” Penny ended up looking at the mare with a smile.

The changeling was unused to having such praise but took it well. “Somepony has to care for them. It gets easier with more.”

Silver glanced over his shoulder at the one changeling riding him. "I only have two to take care of, and they're plenty. My hat, if I wore one, off to any that make it a habit or a calling. Have you met Samantha yet? She's watching them now."

Night looked more and more deflated. "I'm not a princess."

"No you're not." Fast shrugged a little. "So? I mean, Silver wants you, but what he wants and what he gets… If you want to be free, to do the stallion thing or whatever else you have in mind, well, power to you." She thrust a hoof up. "I'll support you, as a friend, but I won't join you."

“I don’t think so.” Penny looked up to Silver, she had rolled to her back in the hallway, still being swarmed over. “Don’t tell me you are working on that herd of yours even during all this?”

Silver blinked. "What? No! No… I mean, she did join, then she was stripped out of it… She's a special person, kind of touched in the head. She's a genius, but she doesn't see the world the way others do in a rather drastic way, romance included."

Penny smiled. “Well, I am glad she found somepony then.” Penny was noticing the larvae moving a little slower now and looked up to Soft. “Bedtime, soon?” She got a nod back and a knowing smile.

Author's Note:

There's two conversations going on at once at the end. Confusing? Good, so is Night.

Fast, I'm not sure you're helping, or maybe you're trying for a specific typo?

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