• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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119 - I Warned You

With Silver heading back to the castle with Rough and Trixie at his sides, Night broke off silently. She stalked through the streets. Though much rounder than usual, it was still her city, and she was still a night guard, inside. Concentrating on making her way stealthfully made her more relaxed the more focus she put into it.

"I warned you," she whispered under her breath as she darted from behind one box to the next, her wings twitching restlessly. "I thought you understood the situation."

The sweet-looking building came into view. It was like a great and colorful cake, promising delicious treats. Night bared her fangs at it. The only sweetness she desired was revenge. With spread wings, she launched from the ground and landed on the roof quietly, stalking slowly across as she looked for an alternative way in. "There's a good forty percent chance..."

She found a vent with a grin and leaned over the edge, peering into the darkness only moments before black smoke came billowing out at her in a sudden rush. She was sent scurrying back, falling and wheezing.

"Sorry!" came a familiar voice from below before Surprise popped up through the vent, her mane tinged gray by the soot. "I didn't think anypony was up here! I was just cleaning everything out." She tilted her head. "Night? Hiya! You alright?"

Her surprise was ruined by Surprise. Figured... Night gave one more powerful cough, sending a small cloud of soot into the air before she rose to her hooves. "We have something to discuss."

"Do we? Oh hey! Since you're here, lemme show you around!" She vanished right back into the vent with a much smaller cloud of disturbed soot left in her wake.

Night shook her head as she aborted the idea of a stealthy entry. She took a brief flight to the front door and clopped a hoof on it.

The door swung open almost immediately. "Hi again! I thought you were gonna come in from above. I guess this works too." Surprise tilted her head. "Well don't just stand there, silly, come on in!" She gestured inside with an energetic waving of a hoof. "I'm so glad to see you."

Night prowled past Surprise, shaking out bits of soot as she went. "Are you? Why is that?" She cast narrowed eyes around. The bakery theme was strong with that place. Even the chairs looked baked and sweet. The countertops looked frosted. It was a little world of desserts.

Surprise clopped her forehooves, missing any of the signs of Night's agitation. "Why wouldn't I be? You're a friend. Isn't it great? I've been super busy getting everything just right."

Night turned suddenly on Surprise. "I know that feeling. I'm just getting things close to just right. How would it make you feel if somepony just came along and..." She lashed out a hoof with frightful strength, knocking one of those muffin chairs at a nasty angle from its base. "Ruined it."

Surprise's eyes went wide. "Night Watch! Why?!" Her expression just as quickly melted back into a smile, sympathetic rather than angry. "Oh, I know. You're having mommy issues. It's alright. I'm here for you." She started to approach on two legs, her forelegs wide as if to give a hug. "Come here, auntie Surprise'll make it all better!"

Night hated it. Night hated everything about it. She scowled at Surprise, a growl rumbling in her throat with every step she took. "This isn't about any damned hormones, Surprise."

Surprise tilted her head. "Well, what is it about then? Offer's still available!" She offered her forehooves, but didn't amble closer, to Night's relief.

Night sat on her haunches and took a slow breath. "Right, subtlety isn't working, so let's be frank."

"I'd rather be Surprise. You don't look like a Frank to me."

Night raised a brow behind her glasses at Surprise. "Enough. I told you that Silver was off-limits to you."

Surprise tilted her head the other way. "Huh? We can't be friends now?" Her ears fell. "Why?"

Night pulled out the incriminating photo. "You were doing more than being friends, Surprise. You're wriggling your way into his soft heart. You're going to look at him with big sad eyes, and he won't say no. He doesn't like hurting ponies, Surprise."

Surprise fell back to all fours. "It'd hurt you."

Night flinched. "Yes... Yes, it would."

Surprise rolled a hoof. "So he wouldn't do it, because he doesn't like hurting ponies."

Night scowled. She reared up and her foals apparently didn't agree with the motion. With a sudden thump of a kick from inside, she fell back down with a grimace. "It doesn't... work like that. If he thinks he can convince me after the fact to cope with it..."

Surprise began the motion of the sacred Pinkie Promise. "Well, I swear, I'm not here to steal your stallion, Night. You are my friend too, and if it hurts you, then it's not worth it, period." She tilted her head a little. "I just want a friend." She reached out a hoof towards Night. "I have one, right?"

Night drew a slow breath. The hoof extending towards her was everything she wanted and was furious at all put together. She felt like she was on a razor's edge. She felt dangerously close to a step she couldn't take back. Part of her wanted it... The hoof touched her. She could break that leg. As slippery as Surprise was, she could break that pony. Break her and make sure she never came back.

That was awful. Night suddenly sank to her belly. Tears stung her eyes as she trembled. Surprise came in and took her into a firm hug, and she cried into the harmless pony's shoulder. "You already have him..."

Surprise jerked back. "Huh?"

Night prodded her in the chest. "You were there, in that awful dream of his. That terrible place he shouldn't have ever been in. You know what he saw and what he did. I'll never have that."

Surprise quirked a smile as she sat on her haunches. "I can tell you about it. He was with you most of the time." She smiled. "He loves you."

She began to tell stories of that place. Night sat and listened. With only a few sniffles to interrupt, she listened.

Silver and his parents ran into Night's parents in the hallways of the castle. After Hours nodded at them. "It's been fun, but our daughter is clearly in good hooves. We won't be in her way any longer."

Trixie put a hoof to her chest. "You don't need to be in a hurry. You should be there for the wedding."

Bedtime flashed a fanged smile. "We know where we're needed. She'll send us a letter if she wants us there, but be sure to let her know we're very proud of her."

Silver turned to see Night wasn't there at all. "Don't you want to, at least, say goodbye in person?"

After inclined a tufted ear at Silver. "To be honest." The lunar mare squirmed a little. "We've had about all we can take of this city. It's a lovely place, but it's not our place." She suddenly smiled at Silver. "You should come visit us. You're family now."

Bedtime nodded in quick agreement. "Oh yes! Do come by, and bring your parents." He nodded in turn to Rough and Trixie. "We're all family now, right?"

Rough smiled broadly at that. "Of course. It would be an honor." He giggled suddenly. "I never thought I'd visit there..."

Bedtime raised a brow. "It's true, there are mostly lunar ponies where we're from, but that doesn't mean you can't." He offered a hoof and Rough met it with a clop. "I'll see you all there."

And they were gone, trotting towards the train without looking back.

Trixie snorted suddenly. "She doesn't understand how anypony could be in a hurry to flee Canterlot."

Rough set a hoof on Trixie's withers. "Not everypony enjoys larger cities. Hay, I like my little town."

Trixie prodded Rough on a shoulder. "But here you are."

Rough shrugged before looking towards Silver. "My OC slash son needs me. He's worth a little discomfort."

Silver blushed brightly. "Thanks, dad." He giggled. "You know, you're my OC too."

Rough tapped the ground lightly. "Sorry, you're in my world. You're officially my OC. Live with it." He stuck out a broad pony tongue.

Silver hugged Rough, signaling his acceptance.

Trixie looked around. "Where did your wife go running off to?"

"I noticed that a little bit ago." Silver frowned a little. "She can be mysterious at times. I don't think she was ambushed this time."

Trixie raised a brow. "Is being ambushed a frequent problem?"

Silver frowned a little. "Well, at least once. I think she's fine."

With a sudden pop, Discord hovered over Silver's head. "I thought I told you not to play with those. Tsk tsk, naughty pony."

Silver craned his head back to look up at Discord. "Hey man. What do you mean?"

Discord shook his head with his admonishing tsks. "These." With a deft snatch, he was holding the yellow slime of the reporter. "Now, as much as I'd love to see what happens if you keep messing with these, I do kind of like you a little, so last warning, you really should stop that."

Trixie looked back and forth at Silver and Discord. "Just what is so hazardous about that spell?"

Discord grinned at her. "Oh, if you want to experiment with it, go ahead."

"Pass." Trixie waved a hoof dismissively. "You are Discord, are you not?"

"And you." Discord appeared beside Trixie, holding a cape in one hand that he ran over Trixie, revealing her in full entertainment regalia, fireworks exploding around them. "--are the Great and Powerful Trixie, who's magic can only be eclipsed by her ego."

Rough thrust up a hoof, warding Discord away. "My wife is a fine and good pony. Don't go rushing to--"

"My condolences."

"W-what?" Rough Draft began to burn with fury or shame, perhaps in some combination. "I'm not sorry! She's--"

"Yes yes." Discord patted Rough on the head. "She has you trained quite obediently."

Silver let out a sigh as it looked like his parents and Discord were ready to get into a full-on brawl. "Alright, relax, please. Discord, don't taunt my parents like that. They're not bad ponies."

Discord flashed a grin at him. "Good ponies know how to take a joke."

Trixie poked at her new vest and bowtie. "Trixie may actually like this look..."

Discord threw his arms wide. "Maybe I misjudged you. Anypony with such a fine taste in fashion must be alright."

Rough let out a little breath and plopped down on his haunches. He looked ready to say something to Discord, but the chaos spirit was gone. He shook his head and turned his gaze to Trixie. "You do look dashing in it, dear."

Trixie smiled brightly and reared up on her hind legs. "She does, doesn't she." She did a slow turn, showing off the bedazzled vest made for a Las Vegas performer. It complimented her wizardly attire well enough. With a sudden motion, she drew the new clothing off and held it in her magic, folding it neatly. "Trixie will save this for special occasions."

Author's Note:

Night wrestles with hormone 'enhanced' emotions while Silver gets to say hello to Discord. Who wins? The typos.

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