• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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224 - Heavenly Concert

Silver vanished from the meeting hall and stalked back towards the castle with a building frown. "Don't like it." A powerful magic swept over him and he started moving to a beat he couldn't hear, but he could feel. "How will I save them?" he asked in a song. "How will I show them? Bringing darkness from my world!" He was swept up in a fit of music magic and he rose to two legs, doing a spin to find a pony there to meet his hooves.

"In the darkest nights," she sang. "The moon shines bright! Guided by silver light, we will find our way free!" She gave a powerful pull and sent Silver spinning.

But he was far from out of control. He was in full throes of the magic he had not felt in a while. He spun and danced as the ponies around him sang out in chorus. He fell to all fours and Samantha was in front of him. "I've been swept up in the dark."

Night pushed in from his left. "We won't let you fight alone!"

"I will use all that I've learned!" He gathered both of the mares he loved close as he rose to his hind legs. "The light does not shine alone!"

"Does not shine alone!" sang out the ponies in the street, taking part of the song they knew nothing of, not that Silver did either.

He marched with Night to the right and Samantha to the left. Her scientist daughter sang on, "I made so many mistakes. I'll do what it takes. I pushed so many down, without knowing exactly how. I'll take one as a son, show some ma--"

Silver blinked internally. What was Samantha talking about? He wanted to find out, but the song would not be denied.

"I'll be the light for my friends, even if I can't be the end, of all their suffering!"

Silver turned for the court he was told to not enter. Only foreign dignitaries were allowed there, and only at a specific time, like when Celestia and Luna needed to speak to them privately. "We need to gather all sides. If we mean to turn this tide!" he sang out, though he didn't want to storm in on them.

It was answered for him as Celestia, Luna, and a large buffalo emerged, also swept up in the potent display of harmony. "It was a pleasure to speak to you!" sang Luna.

"We will make the dreams of both our people come true," continued Celestia.

"A delight to speak to you, today and any dayyyy. I'll tell my people what we said. Until next time comes our way!" He bowed to them and trotted off with an energetic bounce.

The magic of the music faded and Silver felt himself go a little limp as control passed back to him. "Celestia, Luna, we need to talk."

"Prince Silver Watch," spoke Luna. "Your tone implies something serious has happened."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "This way. Privately?"

Silver looked for his wife and daughter, but they were gone. They had played their part and fled when he wasn't looking. They wouldn't remember any of it, but he did. "Just the three of us is fine. There are important things to discuss."

He followed after them as they trotted. Celestia moved to his side, looking down at him, but not nearly as down as she had before he became an alicorn, and he got a little taller each day. "I sense that this is a grave matter."

"A human has achieved public invincibility against direct attack, after already showing, at least to me, that he means very little good to Equestria as a whole."

Luna raised a brow. "Perhaps it would be better to start from the beginning. What has this human done?"

Silver nodded. "Alright, I ran into him first just at the office, using the obviously fake, but doesn't matter, name of John Smith. He asked a bunch of questions that I didn't like while not answering any of mine, then went off and started the AmNeigh 'thing' that had ponies engaging in crooked economics to screw each other over, or just sell slightly over-priced common goods."

Celestia nodded. "Deplorable, but not unrecoverable from, we'll--"

"Not done." Silver shook his head. "He already blew the whistle, but he made sure ponies took the fall for it while he got the credit for blowing the whistle, and now he claims to be a friend of the lunar ponies." He looked to Luna. "Which he claimed you were ignoring."

Luna turned dark as rage clouded her features. "I'll tear him apart!"

"You'll do no such thing." Celestia sighed as they went. "If what you report is accurate, outright attacking him would only feed his public perception while starving ours. He's made several intelligent moves." She reached out and poked Silver. "Humans play for keeps, whether nice or not. The way I see it, there are several actions available to us."

Luna perked her ears. "Does it involve forbidden magic? I would be ha--"

"No." Celestia quirked a smile. "Violence is not the answer. One, we should send a trusted soul to work with him, publicly. We should give public support for his initiative while reminding him that such a thing would be under the jurisdiction of the Canterlot authorities. Our agent will ensure the money given to him goes to the right places and in a legal manner, and will look good for us that we are actively supporting a fine initiative, even if there are problems lurking out of their sight."

Luna snorted softly. "It sounds to me that he believes you write all the laws, sister dear."

"That is a mistake on his part." Celestia nodded. "I may be accepted as the highest, but I am far from the only source of laws, especially at a city level. I expect local nobles will feel slighted that he moved around them by moving around me. He didn't follow the proper steps and make the right friends. He's doing it all by brute force and charisma, which will carry him far, but not every pony is as patient as I."

Silver perked an ear, thinking about the friends and contacts he just recently made. "Should we remind them of how rude he's been?"

Celestia nodded. "They see you more as a peer than someone over their head, currently, you're in a fine position. However, remind them that any public action taken against him makes him a victim, and those attacking him villains. This is a battle that will be won through subtlety." She smiled faintly. "I wonder what it is he truly wants. It seems a shame to become opposed to such an obviously resourceful soul, even if we must."

Luna looked over to Silver. "How did you come to know this, I scarcely heard of this 'AmNeigh' thing before this."

Silver pointed out to the city. "One of the guards, yours, pointed out that a meeting was going on while you were in the meeting. Oh, I talked to Filthy, he's in good hooves, so I wouldn't worry about him. Anyway, I showed up at his meeting and saw it myself. It's a mess, a horrible mess that ponies are eating up."

Celestia settled beside a table. "They are good souls, and he is taking advantage of that. Part two, we should separate him from the public he's made into a friend, but not through violence." She smiled faintly. "If he wishes to assist the Lunars, then starting at the source would be wise. Why, we'll even support him fully. I'm sure the lunar ponies would support him as well, and he'll make a fine mayor of their town, outside the sight of most, hmm." She looked calculating, running through the odds. "That's for later. Acting too quickly on this will backfire."

Luna got a distasteful expression. "You would send him to my ponies? Why?"

Celestia rolled a hoof. "If he accepts, he will endeavor to consolidate his power, meaning any town he's assigned to will likely flourish, but making a small place into a large place is quite a long project. Tell me, Silver, how long does the typical human live?"

"Seventy to a hundred years?" ventured Silver. "Why?"

"He'll perish long before it becomes a concern." Celestia nodded. "He will be allowed to live a long life pursuing his goals, then become too old to do so, and, with hope, he will die surrounded by love, not hate. Perhaps he will leave an impact we will appreciate and help the ponies he's using now to further himself."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Too slow for my tastes, and I would have him monitored closely even in such a case."

"Of course," agreed Celestia before looking to Silver. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. How have your coronation lessons gone?"

Silver started, jumping mental tracks. "Oh! Fine, really. Learning all the steps is a challenge, but I'm doing it. When are we scheduled to go?"

She pointed at Silver. "We need to arrange the public observance of the herd-joining, which I feel is soon, but this puts it back a little. We don't need to provide him with more ammunition to use against us, so we'll keep things that might stir the public off the schedule for now. Let's deal with this 'Mr. Smith', and move from there."

Silver turned for the door. "I need to talk to some others, but I'm glad we seem to be on the same page."

They shared nods, and parted from one another. Silver moved to find his family, perhaps to get some answers from that line in the song. Just what was Samantha up to?

Luna watched him go before looking to her sister. "It's good to see his loyalties are true to us."

Celestia nodded. "I could not have asked for better, save for a human more sympathetic. That's beside the point. There's work for you to do."

"That there is." Luna shook herself out. "Human or pony, his dreams are my domain. I will at least learn of his motivations, if not his methods."

"Be careful, sister. He does not appear to be the sort to be caught unready."

Luna nodded and they shared a little nuzzle. "I will take care, and tell you what I find. Good luck, sister. You have words to speak." She turned and left purposefully.

Celestia was left alone and allowed a faint frown to touch her features. Banishing the human, even to such a cushy job, was unlikely to result in peace. What did he want? What Luna found would be vital. She rose to her hooves and moved to the balcony before she nodded and spread her wings, but before she could launch, a soft tapping came from the door. She turned to see Samantha entering. "Forgive me, for I have broken the Golden Rule, again." She hung her head low.

She turned to face the unicorn and the small lunar colt beside her. "What brings you here?"

"I know you removed most of my trackers, so I just put one on you to see where you were," she admitted. "Please don't be angry."

Celestia gave a gentle smile. "You are a resourceful pony. What did you want to talk to me about, and who is your little friend?"

"I'm not little!"

"Of course not, but you will surely get larger," argued Celestia, though her eyes were generally on Samantha.

Samantha put a hoof over the colt. "I was involved in this AmNeigh thing that you have likely heard of? I was a great salespony, even if the product was false, and I made friends, several of which are lunar ponies. They need my help."

Celestia blinked softly and sat down, suddenly interested. "You don't say?"

"I do say! You are hearing me correctly? I wish to adopt this colt. I will teach him well and feed him and see him properly educated."

Celestia held up a hoof. "I think there's something..." She bit off her comment. Samantha, though insane, perhaps could be used as a sign of unity. "Are you good with numbers?"

She perked her ears. "I like to think so. I was taken in by this recent incident but once I started asking the right questions, the numbers gave the right answer. I will be more careful in the future."

"Very good..."

The colt looked up at the alicorn before him. "You're, um, damn big."

"That I am," agreed Celestia. "But you will not be harmed here." She spread her wings and nudged both along. There were things to discuss.

Author's Note:

I'm back! Here, have an extra large episode, with singing, to celebrate.

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