• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 7,820 Views, 6,677 Comments

Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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158 - It's Her Holiday

As Silver and Samantha pushed to catch up with the others, the crowd suddenly parted. Luna was there, approaching them. "Ambassador Silver Watch, a commendable outfit." She tilted her head as she looked Silver up and down, her eyes flashing with... something. "You remind me of somepony..."

"Star Swirl?" ventured Silver. "Nice to see you, Luna."

Luna nodded at him lightly, then leaned in close. "I believe I have seen what you have seen," she whispered softly. "I will seek to avoid this fate as well. If I do my part, by not doing my part, you should be safe."

Silver blinked owlishly at the cryptic promise of defense. "What are you talking about?"

Luna shook her head softly. "How are you enjoying this holiday?"

Samantha flashed a bright smile at the royal pony. "We're having lots of fun! Did you see the others? They ran ahead of us."

"We are afraid we haven't, but we wish you well in your merriment." Luna moved away, the crowd parting before her as she went without another word.

Silver frowned a moment before shaking his head. "Let's catch up with them." Figuring out any mystery of Luna's could take the whole evening to no avail. He decided to focus on what he could do, which was be a source of happiness for friends and family.

They made quick progress through the crowd, aiming to catch up with Tumble and Nefer.

"Please don't hurt us!"

Night scowled down at the cowed changeling beneath her hoof. "Give me a reason not to."

Another changeling close by gave an uneasy smile. "Queen Fast only requ--"

Night blinked. "You're with Fast Change?" She released the changeling from her deadly press. "Why did you foalnap me?"

A third changeling leaned forward. "She just wanted to play a prank."

"It's the truth!"

"We swear!"

That sounded too much like Fast for Night to have many doubts and she shook her head. "Of course." She sat on her haunches. "Well, here I am. Did she leave instructions for what to do with me?" She raised a hoof to gesture around the warehouse they had found themselves in. "This place doesn't exactly scream 'innocent intentions', I feel obliged to point out."

"I told you it was a bad idea!"

"Shut up!"

The third of the changelings tapped at her chin. "Well we were supposed to... nevermind. It's pointless now. You can leave if you want."

Night frowned a little. "You went through all the trouble of dragging me here, you're stuck with me for now. Now what was that 'pointless' thing you had in mind?"

"There were talking about me." Silver entered from the front. "Are you alright, Night?"

Night tilted her head at her husband. "Silver Lining, what took you so long?"

Silver trot towards Night with a happy smile. "The crowd is intense out there, but nothing could keep me from y--"

Night threw Silver to the ground when he was close enough. "Enough games."

"How did she know?"

"Maybe she's magic?"

Silver flashed in a puff of green magic and flames, becoming a laughing Fast Change in all her ruddy-red unicorn glory. "Oh, you saw right through me. You haven't changed even a tiny bit." She rolled upright and stepped closer to Night. "How are you, Night?"

Night blinked softly with suspicion in her eyes. "Tell me something only you would know."

Fast leaned in close and spoke words only meant for Night. They brought a bright blush to her cheeks before Night hugged her tight, a gesture quickly returned.


"She's still kind of violent."

"Shut up or we'll be the next thing she vents on."

Fast nibbled through the fur of Night's cheek, working towards her neck. "I'm so glad to see you! I had to surprise Silver first. Were they any trouble?"

Night rolled her eyes. "No, no... As foalnapping agents go, they're a bit underqualified for the job."

Fast waved it off. "Don't hold it against them. This is hardly their usual job and they didn't mean anything bad by it." She put a hoof to her chest. "I accept full responsibility for them."

"You, accepting responsibility?" Night flashed a fanged smile. "Somepony has changed."

Fast squirmed a moment before the funk shattered and she leaned back in. "We grow up over time. I have a lot of ponies looking to me to guide them." She glanced away briefly. "Night?"


Fast's tail thumped the ground. "May I have one last kiss? I... know you two have moved on, and I'm happy you did, but one more?"

Night's smile was a gentle one, but it turned to a stern look as she whipped her head towards the three watching changelings. "Buzz off."

"Go have fun for Nightmare Night!" Fast waved them off, and they dispersed. Looking back at Night, she stuck out her tongue. "How did you know that changeling saying?"

"Lucky guess." Night leaned in for that parting kiss.

Nefertari perked an ear behind her and turned to see Silver and Samantha catching up. "Ah, there you are. Are we prepared to be 'frightened'?"

Silver huffed for breath as he looked around. "Is Night with you?"

Tumble snorted softly. "You don't need all your mares to keep you safe in a haunted house."

Nefertari nudged Tumble. "He speaks truth. Night will catch up with us when she is ready. I have little fear for her capabilities."

Samantha pointed to where many little ponies and some large ones ran screaming from the house, giggling the entire while. "What are they doing? That looks interesting. We should investigate!"

Silver quirked a smile at that. "The idea is to enjoy it, not take observations of it."

"What if observing it is enjoying it?" Samantha raised a brow. "You didn't think of that, did you?"

Nefer suddenly plucked up the scientific pony by the scruff. "We're going and that's final."

Tumble followed behind the two. "Come on, Silvs."

"Silvs?" Silver trotted along behind Tumble. "Think that's the first time that nickname's been used."

They proceeded inside, Nefer letting Samantha back to her hooves as they looked around at the various spooky furnishings. "False bones crafted from wood." Nefer's nose wrinkled. "Poorly illustrated visions of moderate dismay. The spirits are laughing at me for expecting much more from a pony vision of terror."

"Don't dare speak for us." A jackal with flowing black edges and deep black pits for eyes emerged from the right wall.

"You have no right," hissed another descending from above.

Nefer recoiled in surprise, but aborted the motion halfway through and went silent.

"Have you forgotten how to use your tongue in fear?" asked the first, sneering as he drew closer. "We thought you said you were an expert in the ways of spirits."

Silver looked between the hovering spectres and Nefertari back and forth. "Are they yours?"

"False spirits!" spat Nefertari, suddenly advancing on them. "What trickery is this?!"

The two withdrew into the wall and ceiling they had emerged from, offering no answers but distant laughter.

Samantha flashed a smile. "I think they got you."

"They did not!" Nefertari scowled at Samantha.

Tumble shook his head. "I saw it. You were scared for a moment there. They got you good."

Silver placed a hoof at her back. "It's alright. We came here to be startled."

Nefer's tension eased a little. "I suppose we did..." She let out a loud snort as she began stalking forward. "This attraction is not a complete waste."

The others were more willing to look scared and giggle at silly things, at least until Samantha jumped on Silver, knocking them both to the ground.

Silver fought his way back to his hooves. "What was that for?"

Samantha thrust a hoof into a darker corner. "I heard something and when I went to observe it, there was nothing there!"

Silver tilted his head at the frazzled mare. "They can..." It suddenly hit him. "Umbrum?"

A pixie's dark head poked free of the surface of the wall beside them. "Hello!" A dozen other heads peeked free a moment later, each sporting a big grin. "We were wondering how long it'd take you to notice."

Tumble blinked owlishly, looking at all the pixie heads poking from everywhere. "Is this part of the ride?"

Nefertari smirked. "No. I think our Ambassador has encountered an old friend."

Silver clopped his forehooves with joy. "Great to see you all. What are you doing here?"

One waved a little hoof. "It's a night of free meals. How could we say no? We visited a lot of towns."

"Not Ponyville," chimed a smaller one with a bow. Female, Silver assumed.

The spokespony nodded. "Not there. A local pony didn't like the idea of us 'musclin' in on her turf'."

Silver imagined an irate Applejack and giggled softly. "Well, you're welcome here. How's it working out?"



"Everyone's having fun and getting scared!"

The spokespony leaned to the left. "Oops, somepony's coming! Have fuuun!" They all vanished into the walls, faint giggling coming from where they were hiding. Without knowing who was doing the giggling, Silver could easily imagine even that added to the creepiness of the house.

He smiled softly and gently nudged his friends forward. "I'm glad they're doing well."

Tumble shook his head as they all emerged back onto the street. "What were those little things? They were all creepy lookin', but also kinda cute? I didn't get it."

"You dare call me cute!" A familiar young dark pixie flitted before Tumble. "Go on, say that again. I dare you!" Tumble looked dismissive for all of a moment before she exploded into a vision of skeletal horror, her teeth all-too-large and gnashing. "I will devour your soul!"

Tumble took off running and Under Rock became a pixie again, giggling madly.

Silver tapped her gently on the side. "There is a line between playfully scary and being mean."

"Don't be a party pooper." She stuck out her tongue at him before darting back into the 'haunted' house to rejoin her kin.

Samantha watched Under Rock go, shaking her head slowly. "You are familiar with this species? Can I get a report on them? They seem fascinating, if a little distracting."

Nefertari swatted Samantha across the back. "Have some respect. Ambassadors only give reports on those they negotiate with to a select few, and neither you nor I qualify."

Samantha wheeled on Nefertari. "I'm his mare, and he's my stallion. That makes me qualified... right?"

Nefertari scowled as it was made clear that things had moved forward just behind her back. "Have some respect for the ambassadorial position. Even family is not to be told in many cases."

Silver pointed where Tumble had fled. "We should make sure he's alright." He turned and began trotting after the frightened earth pony, the other two hurrying to catch up with him.

Author's Note:

Nightmare Night, what a fright, give me something sweet to bite!

Typos are sour, not sweet...

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