• Member Since 4th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen June 21st



1000 years ago, Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and tried to make the night last forever.

Celestia, using the Elements of Harmony, tried to banish her sister to the moon but ended up killing her.

1000 years later, Celestia's student Twilight Sparkle advanced far enough in her studies to become a Princess. Or that's what every pony thought.

Celestia knew her student would make a good ruler of Equestria, and planned to flee on the 1000th day of the 1000th year. When this happened, she left the young Princess of Magic and Night to rule Equestria. But Twilight was not completely ready, and the truth of what happened 1000 years ago came out. The Fall began. The day lasted an entire month as Twilight and her guards struggled to keep Equestria alive.

Now, Twilight was trying to fix the mess the Fall had made, and was the sole ruler of Equestria. She did not know the other Elements of Harmony other than Rainbow Dash, who along with Shining Armor and a stallion called Mare Moon (who was the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon) are her bodyguards and knights.

This is the story of Twilight Sparkle and her guards Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, and Mare Moon (who is a reincarnation of Nightmare Moon). Twilight is about to discover who Mare Moon really is...

Chapters (1)

My name is Twilight Sparkle. I was just crowned Princess, but I'm not ready. I don't want to be Princess. I just want to be me. Just Twilight.

(Note: The non-Princess Twilight Sparkle tag symbolizes who she is in her mind.)
(Note #2: This story does not use any names until the last sentence.)

Chapters (1)

Everypony thinks the Elements of Harmony's daughters will be the new Elements of Harmony. Oops, maybe not! When they're found out to be the Elements of Disharmony... Discord is pleased.

Chapters (1)

The tickle monster is chasing Twily! What will she do?

Note- this takes place on Hearth's Warming, but that's not the main theme. Read it any time of year! Happy Hearth's Warming!

Chapters (1)

Cadence and Twily love to spend time together! And on Hearth's Warming Eve, they enjoy a nice, cozy bedtime story!

Chapters (1)

Cewestia is coming! Cewestia is coming! Woona is so excited! But what will happen when she doesn't show up?

Chapters (1)

Applejack tries Applejacks. How does she like them? Read to find out!

Chapters (1)

More poems! Even better!

1. Rainbow teaches Scootaloo how to fly.
2. A short poem about Twilight.
3. Applebloom wishes she was a Unicorn.
4. Twilight responds, and tells her she's great as she is.
5. Applebloom gets her cutiemark in art by writing a poem about bedtime.
6. A prologue to the last sweet storm poem.
7. Rarity teaches Sweetie Belle magic.
8. Applejack teaches Applebloom about being an Earth Pony.
9. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash tell their sisters how much they love them.

Sequel to My Little Poems. Read them in any order you like!

Chapters (1)